apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment # Kubernetes resource kind we are creating metadata: name: boardgame-deployment spec: selector: matchLabels: app: boardgame replicas: 2 # Number of replicas that will be created for this deployment template: metadata: labels: app: boardgame spec: containers: - name: boardgame image: renujankar/boardgame:latest # Image that will be used to containers in the cluster imagePullPolicy: Always ports: - containerPort: 8080 # The port that the container is running on in the cluster --- apiVersion: v1 # Kubernetes API version kind: Service # Kubernetes resource kind we are creating metadata: # Metadata of the resource kind we are creating name: boardgame-ssvc spec: selector: app: boardgame ports: - protocol: "TCP" port: 8080 # The port that the service is running on in the cluster targetPort: 8080 # The port exposed by the service type: LoadBalancer # type of the service.