querydsl-groovy-maven ===================== Sample using QueryDSL APT processing in a Groovy and Maven project. `Foo` is an `@Entity`. `QFoo` is a QueryDSL query object for `Foo` generated with APT (JSR-269). The annotation processor used is declared in `com.querydsl:querydsl-apt` in `META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor`. `QFoo` is also referenced by `FooRepository` to prove that it's generated and compiled on the fly and can be safely used in other classes, even within the same project and source directory. Also as an example `generatedSourcesDirectory` is changed in `groovy-eclipse-compiler` configuration to prove that plugin configuration is applied to the annotation processor as well. Tested with: ``` $ mvn -version Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T13:57:37+02:00) Java version: 1.8.0_60, vendor: Oracle Corporation ```