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Stripe Integration

A demo of integrate stripe payment with remix, it handles stripe function purely on the server side( getting sessions, redirect etc) and no stripe client needed on the client.

Relevant files:

├── routes/
│   └── api.stripe-web-hook.tsx // api route to get stripe webhook postback
│   ├── buy.tsx // buy button and redirect to stripe payment
│   ├── payment.cancelled.tsx // stripe will redirect to this page if payment failed
│   └── payment.success.tsx // string will redirect to this page if payment successful
└── utils
│   └── stripe.server.tsx // server side function to init a stripe session
└── root.tsx

steps to setup

  • create a stripe account
    • get the publishable_key and secret key from stripe dashboard
    • create a product, get the price id
    • setup the webhook to get the post back from stripe, get the signing secrets
  • copy the .env.sample to .env, populate the env credentials


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