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import createGif from '@site/static/img/guides-and-concepts/hooks/useModalForm/create.gif'; import editGif from '@site/static/img/guides-and-concepts/hooks/useModalForm/edit.gif';

useModalForm hook allows you manage a form within a modal. It returns Ant Design Form and Modal components props.

const { modalProps, formProps } = useModalForm<IPost>();

All we have to do is to pass the modalProps to <Modal> and formProps to <Form> components.


We'll do two examples, one for creating a post and one for editing a post. Let's see how useModalForm is used in both.

Create Modal

For example, let's look at an example of creating a record with useModalForm.

import { useModalForm, Modal, Form, Create, Radio } from "@pankod/refine";
import { IPost } from "interfaces";

export const PostList: React.FC () => {

    const {
    } = useModalForm<IPost>({
        action: "create",

    return (
                    onClick: () => {
            <Modal {...modalProps}>
                <Create saveButtonProps={saveButtonProps}>
                    <Form {...formProps} layout="vertical">
                        <Form.Item label="Title" name="title">
                            <Input />
                        <Form.Item label="Status" name="status">
                                <Radio value="draft">Draft</Radio>
                                <Radio value="published">Published</Radio>
                                <Radio value="rejected">Rejected</Radio>
export interface IPost {
    id: string;
    title: string;
    status: "published" | "draft" | "rejected";

createButtonProps allows creating and managing a button above the table.

        onClick: () => {

This code block makes <Modal> appear when you click the button.

saveButtonProps allows us to manage save button in the modal.

Edit Modal

Let's learn how to add editing capability to records that will be opening form in Modal with using action prop.

import { useModalForm, Modal, Form, Create, Radio } from "@pankod/refine";
import { IPost } from "interfaces";

export const PostList () => {
    const {
    } = useModalForm<IPost>({
        action: "edit",

    return (
                        render={(_value, record) => (
                            <EditButton onClick={() => show(} />
            <Modal {...modalProps}>
                    <Form {...formProps} layout="vertical">
                        <Form.Item label="Title" name="title">
                            <Input />
                        <Form.Item label="Status" name="status">
                                <Radio value="draft">Draft</Radio>
                                <Radio value="published">Published</Radio>
                                <Radio value="rejected">Rejected</Radio>

The saveButtonProps and deleteButtonProps can provides functionality to save and delete buttons in the modal.

:::important refine doesn't automatically add a edit button by default to the each record in <PostList> which opens edit form in <Modal> when clicking.

So, we put the edit buttons on our list. In that way, <Edit> form in <Modal> can fetch data by record id.

    render={(_value, record) => <EditButton onClick={() => show(} />}


:::caution Don't forget to pass the record id to show to fetch the record data. This is necessary for both edit and clone forms. :::

Refer to codesandbox example for detailed usage. &#8594

API Reference


Key Description Type Default
Type of form mode "edit" | "create" "create"
autoSubmitClose Close modal after submit boolean
form Ant Design form instance FormInstance<TVariables>
mutationMode Determines when mutations are executed. If not explicitly configured, it is read from the mutation mode config of the resource in current route "pessimistic" | "optimistic" | "undoable"
onMutationError Called when mutation encounters an error (error: TError, variables: TVariables, context: any) => void
onMutationSuccess Called when mutation is successful (data: TData, variables: TVariables, context: any) => void
redirect Page to redirect after succesfull mutation "show | "edit | "list"**
submit Submit the form (values?: TVariables) => Promise<TData>
submitOnEnter Listen Enter key press to submit form boolean false
undoableTimeout Duration to wait before executing mutations when mutationMode = "undoable" number 5000*
warnWhenUnsavedChanges Shows notification when unsaved changes exist boolean false*

*: These props have default values in AdminContext and can also be set on <Admin> component. useModalForm will use what is passed to <Admin> as default and can override locally.

**: If not explicitly configured, default value of redirect depends which action used. If action is create, redirects default value is edit (created resources edit page). Otherwise if action is edit, redirects default value is list.

Return Value

Key Description Type
show A function that can open the modal (id?: string) => void
formProps Ant Design form props FormProps
modalProps Props for managed modal ModalProps
saveButtonProps Props for a submit button { disabled: boolean; onClick: () => void; loading: boolean; }
deleteButtonProps Adds props for delete button DeleteButtonProps
formLoading Loading status of form boolean
submit Submit method, the parameter is the value of the form fields () => void
visible Whether the modal dialog is visible or not boolean
close Specify a function that can close the modal () => void
defaultFormValuesLoading DefaultFormValues loading status of form boolean
form Ant Design form instance FormInstance<TVariables>
editId Record id for edit action string
setEditId editId setter Dispatch<SetStateAction< string | undefined>>
queryResult Result of the query of a record QueryObserverResult<{ data: TData }>
mutationResult Result of the mutation triggered by submitting the form UseMutationResult<
{ data: TData },
{ resource: string; values: TVariables; },
setCloneId cloneId setter Dispatch<SetStateAction< string | undefined>>
cloneId Record id for clone action string

Live Codesandbox Example

<iframe src="" style={{width: "100%", height:"80vh", border: "0px", borderRadius: "8px", overflow:"hidden"}} title="refine-use-modal-form-example" allow="accelerometer; ambient-light-sensor; camera; encrypted-media; geolocation; gyroscope; hid; microphone; midi; payment; usb; vr; xr-spatial-tracking" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-popups allow-presentation allow-same-origin allow-scripts" ></iframe>