#### You only need to run this part ONCE # clone the template git clone https://github.com/rearc-data/adx-product-rearc-data-platform-template.git # remove extra files / folders cd temple_folder rm *.md rm -rf .git rm pre-processing/pre-processing-code/source_data.py cd .. ##### Now run the following commands FOR EACH PRODUCT # Step 1: # Go to the cloudformation console, find the stack for the product you want to migrate, copy the parameters section, delete the stack # Step 2: once the stack is deleted: git clone https://github.com/rearc-data/fred-privately-owned-housing.git cd fred-privately-owned-housing git checkout -b rdp cp -a ../adx-product-rearc-data-platform-template/. ./ # in run.sh # Step 3: Using the parameters you have copied from the cloudformation stack, # and your AWS profile name, update the variable names in run.sh # Step 4: in sorce.py # replace: os.getenv('S3_BUCKET') => os.getenv('ASSET_BUCKET') # replace: os.environ['DATA_SET_NAME'] => os.environ['DATASET_NAME'] # Step 5: make sure variabke names are correct in run.sh, then run it chmod a+x run.sh ./run.sh