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⚡️ Ready-to-go backend development starter for RAGE multiplayer. Based on Node, built with Sequelize.

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RAGE Multiplayer backend development boilerplate

Start your next project within seconds! This boilerplate accelerates the work you need to put to start developing server. Just clone repo, install packages, setup database with two commands and thats it! You have working environment ready! 👏

🚗 Included example vehicle model with manager, loader, migration and seeder!

dependencies dev-dependencies js-standard-style

Quick start

  1. Clone or download repository.
  2. Extract files to your RAGE Multiplayer server-files directory.
  3. Open bash/command prompt, switch into server directory:
    • Type yarn if you are using Yarn or npm install if you are using NPM.
    • Look at .env.example file and create your environment file, fill it with database credentials.
    • Setup database using Sequelize CLI - ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:create.
    • Run migration for example table 'Vehicles' - ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate.
    • Type yarn watch - that's it! You are ready to develop. Any changes in files in client_packages or packages directory gonna automatically restart server! ✨

What's inside?

  • ESLint with JavaScript standard style config, prepared for ES6.
  • dotenv zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.
  • nodemon monitor any changes in server/client files and automatically restart the server!
  • sequelize promise-based ORM for Node.js including CLI to easily operate on database (see commands below).
  • mysql2 fast mysql driver.
  • lodash utility library thats deliver modularity, performance, & extras.
  • log4js logging library for Node.js based on original Log4js framework.


Client-side features

  • Disabled vehicle rewards,
  • Disabled wanted stars and cash hud,
  • Three new functions for managing chat. States of two last functions are "saved" to globals:
    • clearGameChat() - clear game chat.
    • toggleChat(boolean) - toggles chat visibility.
    • disableChat(boolean) - enables or disables chat.

Client-side helpers

  • hideHudElements(array) - hide hud elements from array.
  • disableControlActions(array) - disable controls from array.
  • sendHelpMessage(string) - sends help message in the top left corner.

Server-side features

  • Loads server gamemode async with help of loaders,
  • Logger based on log4js package, with following configuration:
    • Logs inside /logs/ directory and printed in console,
    • Easy wrapper function around logger - logger(moduleName, message, type), for example:
      • logger('vehicle', 'Created vehicle Sabre on world.', 'info');
    • Available log types; trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal.
  • Sequelize as promise-based ORM with following things:
    • Ability to loading models dynamically from models directory,
    • One example model Vehicle,
    • Migration for model Vehicle,
    • Seeder for model Vehicle.
  • Three loaders, following:
    • "Bootstrap" loader - responsible for booting all the database models data for the script (ex: characters, vehicles, doors, etc).
    • Commands loader - responsible for sync all commands files from directory and put them on server.
    • Database loader - responsible for load database and models from main database file.
  • Example vehicles manager, with following functions:
    • create(player, model) - creates entry as vehicle in database with given model and random colors.
    • spawn(vehicle) - creates vehicle (entity) from database ingame.
    • configureCreated(createdVehicle, vehicleData) - configures created vehicle with given data, setting and assigns example informations from database to entity.
    • loadAll() - loads all vehicles from database and spawns them ingame.
  • Example command (/vehicle) to create vehicle to show how its working with "manager".

Server-side helpers

  • randomInt(min, max) - returns random int from min to max.

Scripts inside

  • watch starts server and monitor all changes in files under client_packages and packages directory.
  • watch-server starts server and watch all changes in files under packages directory.
  • watch-client starts server and watch all changes in files under client_packages directory.

What if...

I don't want MySQL. What about PostgreSQL/SQLite?

  • Change dialect to the right one (sqlite, postgres), remove package mysql2, and switch to one of the following:
    • For PostgreSQL: yarn add pg pg-hstore or npm install --save pg pg-hstore
    • For SQLite yarn add sqlite3 or npm install --save sqlite3

I don't like semicolons! (eslint)

  • Edit line semi under rules with following code: "semi": ["error", "never"]

I want identation with tabs, not spaces! (eslint)

  • No worries. Add rule indent with following code: ["error", "tab"]

I want double quotes! (eslint)

  • Add rule quotes with following code: ["error", "double"]

Need more help?

Sequelize CLI useful commands

If you want use 'sequelize' globally, just install CLI globally with:

  • Yarn: yarn global add sequelize-cli
  • NPM: npm install -g sequelize-cli
  db:migrate                        Run pending migrations.
  db:migrate:status                 List the status of all migrations.
  db:migrate:undo --name migration-file.js Reverts a  specific migration.
  db:migrate:undo:all               Revert all migrations ran.
  db:seed                           Run specified seeder.
  db:seed:undo                      Deletes data from the database.
  db:seed:all                       Run every seeder.
  db:seed:undo:all                  Deletes data from the database.
  db:create                         Create database specified by configuration.
  db:drop                           Drop database specified by configuration.
  migration:generate                Generates a new migration file.
  model:generate                    Generates a model and its migration.
  seed:generate                     Generates a new seed file.


If you want to help community grow or just expand this example, before pushing pull request please make sure your code is formatted along with JavaScript Standard Style (or just don't change anything in this eslint config).


⚡️ Ready-to-go backend development starter for RAGE multiplayer. Based on Node, built with Sequelize.



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