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A set of functions built into an R package for examining HLA diversity


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A R package for calculating HLA diversity using different metrics for class I alleles.



HLAdivR exists to enable the examination of HLA diversity in a simple and concise way consisting of three basic functions. HLA_AlignedSeqGet() to extract the amino acid sequence of individual HLA alleles, HLADiversityScore() to calculate the diversity score between pairs of HLA alleles using different metrics and GetDistScore() to use a predefined distance matrix between known HLA alleles to extract a score.



Using HLA_AllignedSeqGet() is simple and only requires the name of the HLA allele in the following format:


The output of HLA_AlignedSeqGet gives the sequence aligned to reference alleles where '-' indicate no change from the reference allele and '*' indicates the allele is truncated and '.' indicates an insertion appears in that location in alternate alleles.

The reference sequences are as follows:


Full sequences for any allele can be calculated using the full=TRUE option:

HLA_AlignedSeqGet('A*24:74:01', full = TRUE)


The diversity score between two alleles of the same class can be calculated as follows:


The default score system is Grantham (@grantham1974amino) with the calculation only taking place on exons 2 and 3. Other scoring symtems exist such as Sandberg (@sandberg2003quantifying), and the simple pdist that uses a binary score of 1 if the amino acids do not match. Phylogenetic methods such as Point Accepted Mutation (PAM) and JTT utilised in the Phylip package are also supported (@retief2000phylogenetic). Note that for this to work the program protdist has to be installed on your computer and a path to it must be supplied.

HLADiversityScore('A*24:74:01','A*01:178N',diversity.measure = 'sandberg')
HLADiversityScore('A*24:74:01','A*01:178N',diversity.measure = 'pdist')

# test.score1 <- HLADiversityScore('A*24:74:01','A*01:178N',diversity.measure = 'JTT',
#                  protdist.path = '~/Documents/Programs/phylip-3.695/exe/')
# test.score2

# test.score2 <- HLADiversityScore('A*24:74:01','A*01:178N',diversity.measure = 'PAM',
#                                protdist.path = '~/Documents/Programs/phylip-3.695/exe/')
# test.score2


GetDistScore() is a function designed to use a pre-calculated distance matrix between HLA alleles. It is a relatively simple process to create such a matrix using the Grantham distance as an example for 100 randomly chosen HLA-A alleles.


all.alleles <- aligned_HLA_seq$A$X1
all.alleles <- unique(sapply(strsplit(all.alleles,split = ":"),
                             FUN = function(x) paste(x[1],x[2],sep = ':')))

samp.size <- 100
all.alleles.samp <- sample(all.alleles,size = samp.size,replace = FALSE)

# Create distance matrix
grantham.dist <- matrix(0,samp.size,samp.size)
colnames(grantham.dist) <- all.alleles.samp
rownames(grantham.dist) <- all.alleles.samp
for(i in 1:(samp.size)){
    for(j in 1:(samp.size)){
        grantham.dist[i,j] <- HLADiversityScore(rownames(grantham.dist)[i],
                                               colnames(grantham.dist)[j],diversity.measure = 'grantham',
                                               exons23 = TRUE)

With the distance matrix created GetDistScore can now be used.

GetDistScore('A*02:703', 'A*02:365',dist.mat = grantham.dist)

An alternative distance matrix can be created based on the distances between the HLA-A alleles on an MDS plot based on these grantham scores

grantham.dist2 <- as.dist(grantham.dist)

fit <- cmdscale(grantham.dist2, eig = TRUE, k = 2)
x <- fit$points[,1]
y <- fit$points[,2]

MDS.df <- data.frame(MDS1 = x, MDS2 = y,
                     allele = rownames(fit$points))

MDS.df <- MDS.df %>%
    mutate( = substr(allele,1,4))

Here are the HLA alleles projected onto an MDS plot based on the Grantham distance between them:

ggplot(MDS.df, aes(MDS1, MDS2)) +
    geom_point(aes(colour = factor(
MDS.dist <- matrix(0,samp.size,samp.size)
colnames(MDS.dist) <- all.alleles.samp
rownames(MDS.dist) <- all.alleles.samp
for(i in 1:(samp.size)){
    for(j in 1:(samp.size)){
        MDS.dist[i,j] <- as.numeric(dist(MDS.df[c(which(MDS.df$allele == rownames(MDS.dist)[i]),
                                                  which(MDS.df$allele == colnames(MDS.dist)[j])), c(1,2)],
                                         method = 'euclidean'))

GetDistScore('A*02:703', 'A*02:365',dist.mat = MDS.dist)
GetDistScore('A*02:703', 'A*02:365',dist.mat = grantham.dist)
plot(MDS.dist, grantham.dist)
abline(0,1, col = 'red')

Example: Recreating scores in Chowell et al paper

The 2019 paper by Chowell et al. "Evolutionary divergence of HLA class I genotype impacts efficacy of cancer immunotherapy" (@chowell2019evolutionary) calculates HLA diversity using the Grantham method, they construct a score called the meanHED which is the average HLA diversity of HLA-A, B and C in exons 2 and 3. This score can be easily recreated using HLAdivR.


chowell.hla <- Chowell_2019_clinical$HLAI_Genotype %>%
chowell.hla.df <-Reduce(rbind, chowell.hla) %>% %>%
    rename(A1 = V1, A2 =V2, B1 = V3, B2 = V4, C1=V5, C2=V6)
row.names(chowell.hla.df) <- NULL

# Change names
allele.change <- function(x){
    return(paste0(substr(x,1,1),'*', substr(x,2,3),':',substr(x,4,5)))}

chowell.hla.df <- chowell.hla.df %>%

HLADiversityScore_v <- Vectorize(HLADiversityScore)

# Calculate A, B and C grantham distance
chowell.hla.df.upd2 <- chowell.hla.df %>%
    mutate(A.grantham = HLADiversityScore_v(A1,A2, exons23 = TRUE)) %>%
    mutate(B.grantham = HLADiversityScore_v(B1,B2, exons23 = TRUE)) %>%
    mutate(C.grantham = HLADiversityScore_v(C1,C2, exons23 = TRUE)) %>%
    mutate(meanHED = (A.grantham + B.grantham + C.grantham)/3) %>%
    mutate(any.homozygous = ifelse(A.grantham == 0, TRUE,
                                   ifelse(B.grantham == 0, TRUE,
                                          ifelse(C.grantham == 0, TRUE,
plot(Chowell_2019_clinical$Mean_HED, chowell.hla.df.upd2$meanHED,
     xlab = 'Chowell calculated HED', ylab = 'HLAdivR calculated HED')
abline(0,1, col = 'red')


A set of functions built into an R package for examining HLA diversity







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