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Hugo Bootstrap Theme

This theme is a clean, responsive and feature-rich blog theme for Hugo.

Table of Contents


  • Built on top of Bootstrap 5.
  • Configurable.
  • Responsive.
  • Various Palettes: blue, blue-gray, brown, cyan, gray, green, indigo, orange, pink, purple, red, teal, yellow.
  • Dark Mode Switcher.
  • Multilingual(I18N).
  • Search.
  • Breadcrumb.
  • Archive.
  • Table of Contents.
  • Comments: supports Disqus and Utterances.
  • Hooks: provides ability to add custom code in page, such as head, body, sidebar etc.
  • Social Links.
  • Various Shortcodes.


$ hugo new site myblog
$ cd myblog
$ git init
$ git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-bootstrap
$ cp -a themes/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/* .
$ hugo server


As the example site shown, the configuration are separated into multiple files, this is much clearer than a single configuration file, especially in a multilingual website.

Name Type Default Description
title String - Site title.
baseURL String - Site base URL.
copyright String - Site copyright. The {year} placeholder will be replaced with this year.
defaultContentLanguage String en
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir Boolean false
paginate Integer 10
paginatePath String page
enableRobotsTXT Boolean true
disqusShortname String - Disqus shortname.
googleAnalytics String - Google Analytics.
social Map - A set of social links that mapping from platform to user identifier.


Global Parameters

Name Type Default Description
mainSections Array ["posts"] Main sections
titleSeparator String - Title separator
comment Boolean true Whether to enable comments
utterances Map - Utterances comments
dateFormat String Jan 2, 2006 Date format. Checkout the Hugo Date and Time Templating Reference for details.
poweredBy Boolean true Whether to show powered by.
math Boolean false Whether to enable math globally.
brand String - Brand text.
description String - Site description.
palette String - Default palette.
featuredPostCount Integer 5 The number of featured posts shown in sidebar.
recentPostCount Integer 5 The number of recent posts shown in sidebar.
relatedPostCount Integer 5 The number of related posts.
categoryCount Integer 10 The number of categories shown in sidebar.
tagCount Integer 10 The number of tags shown in sidebar.
fullWidth Boolean false Full width.
archivePaginate Integer 100 Archive pagination.
Webmaster Site Verification
googleSiteVerification String - Google Webmaster Tool.
bingSiteVerification String - Bing Webmaster Tool.
baiduSiteVerification String - Baidu Webmaster Tool.
googleAnalytics String - Google Analytics.
baiduAnalytics String - Bing Analytics.
googleAdsense String - Google Adsense.
customCSS Array - Custom CSS.
customJS Array - Custom JS.
utterances Map - Utterances configuration.

Except the Google webmaster tool, the other webmaster tools cannot work with hugo-minify, because they cannot recognize the minified meta tag.

Page Parameters

Name Type Default Description
comment Boolean true Whether to enable comments. It won't work if comment has been disabled globally.
math Boolean false Whether to enable math.



disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname"

disqusShortname is a site's configuration, not a parameter. Place it under the params won't work.

Checkout the Disqus website for details.


Utterances is a lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues.

  repo = "user/repo"
  #issueTerm = "pathname" # pathname, url, title, og:title.
  #label = "comment" # Optional.
  #theme = "github-light" # github-light, github-dark, preferred-color-scheme, github-dark-orange, icy-dark, dark-blue, photon-dark.

Unlike Disqus, Utterances is a parameter. You should put it under the params.


Hooks are used for adding code on pages.

Hook Description
head-end Before the <head> end
body-end Before the <body> end
sidebar-begin At very top of the sidebar
sidebar-end Before the sidebar end
content-begin Above of the post content
content-end Follow the post content
comments-begin Above of the comments
comments-end Follow the comments

For using a hook, you need to create an HTML file named with the hook name in the directory layouts/partials/hooks.

For example:

$ echo "SIDEBAR BEGIN" > layouts/partials/hooks/sidebar-begin.html


Shortcode Description Usage
alert Alter message {{< alert "message" [type] >}}, [type] can be one of info, success, warning and danger
jsfiddle JSFiddle {{< jsfiddle "user/id" >}}
codepen CodePen {{< codepen "id" >}}
jsrun JSRUN {{< jsrun "id" >}}
bilibili Bilibili video player {{< bilibili "video ID" >}}
youku Youku video player {{< youku "video ID" >}}
iqiyi iQiyi video player {{< iqiyi "vid" "tvid" >}}
tencentvideo Tencent video player {{< tencentvideo "video ID" >}}
cloudmusic Cloud music player {{< cloudmusic "song ID" >}}

Social Links

The social is a set of key value pairs of social links that mapping from platform to user identifier.

Enable social links by creating a file config/_default/social.toml with the following content:

email = "[email protected]"
github = "githubusername"
# ...
Platform User Identifier
email Email address
facebook Facebook username
github GitHub username
gitlab GitLab username
instagram Instagram username
linkedin LinkedIn username
quora Quora username
stackoverflow Stack Overflow user ID
tumblr Tumblr username
twitter Twitter username
weibo Weibo username
zhihu Zhihu username


Any contributions are welcome.

  • ⭐ if you are interested in this theme.
  • File an issue
    • Ask questions.
    • Report bugs.
    • Request features.
  • Create a PR:
    • Fix issues and bugs.
    • Add new features.
    • Improve documentations.


This theme relies on npm and webpack for development. The source of js and scss are placed in src directory.

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Rebuild assets

$ npm run build

npm run watch rebuild assets on change.


$ cd exampleSite
$ hugo server --themesDir=../../