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Merge the Tools

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Merge The Tools

Consider the following:
A string, s, of length n.
An integer, k, where k is a factor of n. We can split s into n/k subsegments where each subsegment, t(i), consists of a contiguous block of k characters in s. Then, use each t(i) to create string u(i) such that: The characters in u(i) are a subsequence of the characters in t(i). Any repeat occurrence of a character is removed from the string such that each character in u(i) occurs exactly once. In other words, if the character at some index j in t(i) occurs at a previous index < j in t(i), then do not include the character in string u(i). Given s and k, print n/k lines where each line i denotes string u(i). Input Format The first line contains a single string denoting s. The second line contains an integer, k, denoting the length of each subsegment. Output Format Print n/k lines where each line i contains string u(i). Sample Input AABCAAADA 3
Sample Output AB CA AD