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This package contains types definitions for RAGE:MP server-side module.

📥 Installation


🔥 Use github:ragempcommunity/ragemp-types#types-server to latest build

# With npm
npm i --save-dev @ragempcommunity/types-server

# With yarn
yarn add -D @ragempcommunity/types-server

# With pnpm
pnpm add -D @ragempcommunity/types-server

🤓 Usage

To make these types detectable, you need to add the types property below to tsconfig.json on each side of your project.

// e.g server-side
	"compilerOptions": {
		"types": ["{RELATIVE_PATH_TO_NODE_MODULES}/@ragempcommunity/types-server"]

Full type-safe and auto-complete

To extend a Mp object, there are 2 ways:

  1. By extending the prototype of the object:
mp.Player.prototype.myMethod = function myMethod() {
	// my method logic

// Usage'playerReady', (player) => {
	player.myProperty = 1;

// @types/index.d.ts
declare global {
	interface PlayerMp {
		myProperty: number;

		myMethod(): void;

export {};
  1. By extending the object itself:'playerReady', (player) => {
	player.myProperty = 1;

	player.myMethod = function myMethod() {
		// my method logic
// @types/index.d.ts
declare global {
	interface PlayerMp {
		myProperty: number;

		myMethod(): void;

export {};

See: RAGEMP Typescript Boilerplate

👨‍💻 Contributing

To contribute to this repository, feel free to create a new fork of the repository and submit a pull request.

  1. Fork / Clone and select the main branch.
  2. Create a new branch in your fork.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Commit your changes and push them.
  5. Submit a Pull Request here!

🎉 Thanks

📋 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License — see the LICENSE file for details.