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Dockerized App Using ECS, ECR, and Fargate

This example, inspired by the Docker Getting Started Tutorial, builds, deploys, and runs a simple containerized application to a private container registry, and scales out five load balanced replicas, all in just a handful of lines of Node.js code, and leveraging modern and best-in-class AWS features.

To do this, we use Pulumi infrastructure as code to provision an Elastic Container Service (ECS) cluster, build our Dockerfile and deploy the resulting image to a private Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository, and then create a scaled-out Fargate service behind an Elastic Application Load Balancer that allows traffic from the Internet on port 80. Because this example using AWS services directly, you can mix in other resources, like S3 buckets, RDS databases, and so on.


Running the Example

After cloning this repo, cd into it and run these commands:

  1. Create a new stack, which is an isolated deployment target for this example:

    $ pulumi stack init dev
  2. Set your desired AWS region:

    $ pulumi config set aws:region us-east-1 # any valid AWS region will work
  3. Deploy everything with a single pulumi up command. This will show you a preview of changes first, which includes all of the required AWS resources (clusters, services, and the like). Don't worry if it's more than you expected -- this is one of the benefits of Pulumi, it configures everything so that so you don't need to!

    $ pulumi up

    After being prompted and selecting "yes", your deployment will begin. It'll complete in a few minutes:

    Updating (dev):
         Type                                                        Name                        Status
     +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                                         aws-ts-hello-fargate-dev    created
     +   ├─ awsx:x:ecs:Cluster                                       cluster                     created
     +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:SecurityGroup                              cluster                     created
     +   │  │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:EgressSecurityGroupRule                 cluster-egress              created
     +   │  │  │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule                       cluster-egress              created
     +   │  │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:IngressSecurityGroupRule                cluster-ssh                 created
     +   │  │  │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule                       cluster-ssh                 created
     +   │  │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:IngressSecurityGroupRule                cluster-containers          created
     +   │  │  │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule                       cluster-containers          created
     +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup                              cluster                     created
     +   │  └─ aws:ecs:Cluster                                       cluster                     created
     +   ├─ awsx:x:elasticloadbalancingv2:ApplicationLoadBalancer    net-lb                      created
     +   │  ├─ awsx:x:elasticloadbalancingv2:ApplicationTargetGroup  web                         created
     +   │  │  └─ aws:elasticloadbalancingv2:TargetGroup             ca84d134                    created
     +   │  ├─ awsx:x:elasticloadbalancingv2:ApplicationListener     web                         created
     +   │  │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:IngressSecurityGroupRule                web-external-0-ingress      created
     +   │  │  │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule                       web-external-0-ingress      created
     +   │  │  └─ aws:elasticloadbalancingv2:Listener                web                         created
     +   │  └─ aws:elasticloadbalancingv2:LoadBalancer               218ffe37                    created
     +   ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Vpc                                           default-vpc                 created
     +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet                                     default-vpc-public-0        created
     +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet                                     default-vpc-public-1        created
     >   │  ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet                                        default-vpc-public-0        read
     >   │  └─ aws:ec2:Subnet                                        default-vpc-public-1        read
     +   ├─ awsx:x:ecs:FargateTaskDefinition                         app-svc                     created
     +   │  ├─ aws:ecr:Repository                                    app-img                     created
     +   │  ├─ aws:cloudwatch:LogGroup                               app-svc                     created
     +   │  ├─ aws:iam:Role                                          app-svc-task                created
     +   │  ├─ aws:iam:Role                                          app-svc-execution           created
     +   │  ├─ aws:ecr:LifecyclePolicy                               app-img                     created
     +   │  ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment                          app-svc-task-32be53a2       created
     +   │  ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment                          app-svc-task-fd1a00e5       created
     +   │  ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment                          app-svc-execution-9a42f520  created
     +   │  └─ aws:ecs:TaskDefinition                                app-svc                     created
     +   ├─ awsx:x:ecs:FargateService                                app-svc                     created
     +   │  └─ aws:ecs:Service                                       app-svc                     created
     >   └─ aws:ec2:Vpc                                              default-vpc                 read
        url: ""
        + 34 created
    Duration: 3m30s
  4. At this point, your app is running! The URL was published so it's easy to interact with:

    $ curl https://$(pulumi stack output url)
    <h3>Hello World!</h3>
    <b>Hostname:</b> ip-172-31-39-18.ec2.internal<br/>
    <b>Visits:</b> <i>cannot connect to Redis, counter disabled</i>

    For more details on how to enable Redis or advanced options, please see the instructions in the Docker Getting Started guide.

  5. Once you are done, you can destroy all of the resources, and the stack:

    $ pulumi destroy
    $ pulumi stack rm