# Plugins ```python plugins_controller = client.plugins ``` ## Class Name `PluginsController` ## Methods * [Disable Plugin](../../doc/controllers/plugins.md#disable-plugin) * [Enable Plugin](../../doc/controllers/plugins.md#enable-plugin) * [Get Plugin Configuration](../../doc/controllers/plugins.md#get-plugin-configuration) * [Get Plugin Image](../../doc/controllers/plugins.md#get-plugin-image) * [Get Plugin Manifest](../../doc/controllers/plugins.md#get-plugin-manifest) * [Get Plugins](../../doc/controllers/plugins.md#get-plugins) * [Uninstall Plugin](../../doc/controllers/plugins.md#uninstall-plugin) * [Uninstall Plugin by Version](../../doc/controllers/plugins.md#uninstall-plugin-by-version) * [Update Plugin Configuration](../../doc/controllers/plugins.md#update-plugin-configuration) # Disable Plugin Disable a plugin. ```python def disable_plugin(self, plugin_id, version) ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Tags | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `plugin_id` | `uuid\|string` | Template, Required | Plugin id. | | `version` | `string` | Template, Required | Plugin version. | ## Response Type `void` ## Example Usage ```python plugin_id = '00000c42-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' version = 'version4' result = plugins_controller.disable_plugin(plugin_id, version) ``` ## Errors | HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class | | --- | --- | --- | | 401 | Unauthorized | `APIException` | | 403 | Forbidden | `APIException` | | 404 | Plugin not found. | [`ProblemDetailsException`](../../doc/models/problem-details-exception.md) | # Enable Plugin Enables a disabled plugin. ```python def enable_plugin(self, plugin_id, version) ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Tags | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `plugin_id` | `uuid\|string` | Template, Required | Plugin id. | | `version` | `string` | Template, Required | Plugin version. | ## Response Type `void` ## Example Usage ```python plugin_id = '00000c42-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' version = 'version4' result = plugins_controller.enable_plugin(plugin_id, version) ``` ## Errors | HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class | | --- | --- | --- | | 401 | Unauthorized | `APIException` | | 403 | Forbidden | `APIException` | | 404 | Plugin not found. | [`ProblemDetailsException`](../../doc/models/problem-details-exception.md) | # Get Plugin Configuration Gets plugin configuration. ```python def get_plugin_configuration(self, plugin_id) ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Tags | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `plugin_id` | `uuid\|string` | Template, Required | Plugin id. | ## Response Type `object` ## Example Usage ```python plugin_id = '00000c42-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' result = plugins_controller.get_plugin_configuration(plugin_id) ``` ## Errors | HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class | | --- | --- | --- | | 401 | Unauthorized | `APIException` | | 403 | Forbidden | `APIException` | | 404 | Plugin not found or plugin configuration not found. | [`ProblemDetailsException`](../../doc/models/problem-details-exception.md) | # Get Plugin Image Gets a plugin's image. ```python def get_plugin_image(self, plugin_id, version) ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Tags | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `plugin_id` | `uuid\|string` | Template, Required | Plugin id. | | `version` | `string` | Template, Required | Plugin version. | ## Response Type `mixed` ## Example Usage ```python plugin_id = '00000c42-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' version = 'version4' result = plugins_controller.get_plugin_image(plugin_id, version) ``` ## Errors | HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class | | --- | --- | --- | | 401 | Unauthorized | `APIException` | | 403 | Forbidden | `APIException` | | 404 | Not Found | [`ProblemDetailsException`](../../doc/models/problem-details-exception.md) | # Get Plugin Manifest Gets a plugin's manifest. ```python def get_plugin_manifest(self, plugin_id) ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Tags | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `plugin_id` | `uuid\|string` | Template, Required | Plugin id. | ## Response Type `void` ## Example Usage ```python plugin_id = '00000c42-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' result = plugins_controller.get_plugin_manifest(plugin_id) ``` ## Errors | HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class | | --- | --- | --- | | 401 | Unauthorized | `APIException` | | 403 | Forbidden | `APIException` | | 404 | Plugin not found. | [`ProblemDetailsException`](../../doc/models/problem-details-exception.md) | # Get Plugins Gets a list of currently installed plugins. ```python def get_plugins(self) ``` ## Response Type [`List of PluginInfo`](../../doc/models/plugin-info.md) ## Example Usage ```python result = plugins_controller.get_plugins() ``` ## Errors | HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class | | --- | --- | --- | | 401 | Unauthorized | `APIException` | | 403 | Forbidden | `APIException` | # Uninstall Plugin **This endpoint is deprecated.** Uninstalls a plugin. ```python def uninstall_plugin(self, plugin_id) ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Tags | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `plugin_id` | `uuid\|string` | Template, Required | Plugin id. | ## Response Type `void` ## Example Usage ```python plugin_id = '00000c42-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' result = plugins_controller.uninstall_plugin(plugin_id) ``` ## Errors | HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class | | --- | --- | --- | | 401 | Unauthorized | `APIException` | | 403 | Forbidden | `APIException` | | 404 | Plugin not found. | [`ProblemDetailsException`](../../doc/models/problem-details-exception.md) | # Uninstall Plugin by Version Uninstalls a plugin by version. ```python def uninstall_plugin_by_version(self, plugin_id, version) ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Tags | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `plugin_id` | `uuid\|string` | Template, Required | Plugin id. | | `version` | `string` | Template, Required | Plugin version. | ## Response Type `void` ## Example Usage ```python plugin_id = '00000c42-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' version = 'version4' result = plugins_controller.uninstall_plugin_by_version(plugin_id, version) ``` ## Errors | HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class | | --- | --- | --- | | 401 | Unauthorized | `APIException` | | 403 | Forbidden | `APIException` | | 404 | Plugin not found. | [`ProblemDetailsException`](../../doc/models/problem-details-exception.md) | # Update Plugin Configuration Accepts plugin configuration as JSON body. ```python def update_plugin_configuration(self, plugin_id) ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Tags | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `plugin_id` | `uuid\|string` | Template, Required | Plugin id. | ## Response Type `void` ## Example Usage ```python plugin_id = '00000c42-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' result = plugins_controller.update_plugin_configuration(plugin_id) ``` ## Errors | HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class | | --- | --- | --- | | 401 | Unauthorized | `APIException` | | 403 | Forbidden | `APIException` | | 404 | Plugin not found or plugin does not have configuration. | [`ProblemDetailsException`](../../doc/models/problem-details-exception.md) |