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"Project";                      "Library Name";                                 "License type(s)";      "License text";                 "Source";                                                           "Comment";
"BouncyCastle";                 "bcpkix-jdk18on-171";                           "MIT";                  "LICENSE-BC";                   "";                                    "The cryptographic foundation of EJBCA.";
"BouncyCastle";                 "bcprov-jdk18on-171";                           "MIT";                  "LICENSE-BC";                   "";                                    "The cryptographic foundation of EJBCA.";
"BouncyCastle";                 "bctls-jdk18on-171";                            "MIT";                  "LICENSE-BC";                   "";                                    "The cryptographic foundation of EJBCA.";
"BouncyCastle";                 "bcutil-jdk18on-171";                           "MIT";                  "LICENSE-BC";                   "";                                    "The cryptographic foundation of EJBCA.";
"Cert-CVC";                     "cert-cvc-1.5.0";                               "LGPLv2.1";             "LICENSE-LGPL-2.1";             "";                 "A library for handling Card Verifiable Certificates, built from the sub project cert-cvc of EJBCA. Originally developed by Keijo Kurkinen, and contributed to EJBCA.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-beanutils-1.9.4";                      "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";             "Easy-to-use wrappers around the Java reflection and introspection APIs.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-cli-1.5.0";                            "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                   "Command Line arguments parser.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-codec-1.15";                           "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                 "General encoding/decoding algorithms.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-collections4-4.4";                     "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";           "Extends or augments the Java Collections Framework.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-configuration2-2.7";                   "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";         "Reading of configuration/preferences files in various formats.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-digester-2.1";                         "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";              "XML-to-Java-object mapping utility.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-el-1.0";                               "ALv1.1";               "LICENSE-APACHE-1.1";           "";                   "JSP 2.0 Expression Language Interpreter from Apache.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-fileupload-1.4";                       "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";            "File upload capability for servlets and web applications.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-io-2.8.0";                             "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                    "Collection of I/O utilities.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-lang-2.6";                             "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                  "Provides extra functionality for classes in java.lang.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-lang3-3.10";                           "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                  "The standard Java libraries fail to provide enough methods for manipulation of its core classes. Apache Commons Lang provides these extra methods.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-text-1.9";                             "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                  "Require commons-lang3. Apache Commons Text is a library focused on algorithms working on strings.";
"Apache Commons";               "commons-logging-1.2";                          "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";               "Wrapper around a variety of logging API implementations.";
"CSRF Guard";                   "csrfguard-4.1.4";                              "BSD";                  "LICENSE-BSD-CSRFGUARD";        ""; "CSRF protection for non-JSF (JSP) pages";
"CSRF Guard Extension Session"; "csrfguard-extension-session-4.1.4";            "BSD";                  "LICENSE-BSD-CSRFGUARD";        ""; "CSRF protection for non-JSF (JSP) pages";
"CSRF Guard JSP Tags";          "csrfguard-jsp-tags-4.0.0";                     "BSD";                  "LICENSE-BSD-CSRFGUARD";        ""; "CSRF protection for non-JSF (JSP) pages";
"DNSJava";                      "dnsjava-3.5.0";                                "BSD";                  "LICENSE-BSD-DNSJAVA";          "";                                              "Used to perform DNS lookups";
"Jitsi";                        "dnssecjava-2.0.0";                             "EPLv1.0";              "LICENSE-DNSSECJAVA";           "";                        "Used in addition to DNSJava to validate DNSSec.";
"JackNJI11";                    "jacknji11-1.2-pk2";                            "MIT";                  "LICENSE-MIT-SL4J";             "PrimeKey GitLab:/signserver/vendor/joelhockey/jacknji11";         "Alternative PKCS#11 provider/wrapper implementation. Forked from";
"JNA";							"jna-5.6.0.jar";								"ALv2";					"LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";			"";						"Dependency of JackNJI11";
"Apache HTTP Components";       "httpclient-4.5.13";                            "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                  "HTTP agent implementation based on HttpCore. Used for webtests (reports generation).";
"Apache HTTP Components";       "httpcore-4.4.13";                              "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                    "A set of low level HTTP transport components.";
"Apache HTTP Components";       "httpmime-4.5.13";                              "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                  "HttpClient MIME coded entities. Used for webtests (reports generation).";
"json-simple";                  "json-simple-1.1.1";                            "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                        "A simple Java toolkit for JSON.";
"json-smart";                   "json-smart-2.4.8";                             "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                         "JSON Small and Fast Parser.";
"OpenLDAP";                     "ldap.jar";                                     "OpenLDAP PL";          "LICENSE-JLDAP";                "";                                        "Used for publishing in LDAP directories.";
"Log4j";                        "log4j-";                               "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                            "Used for logging throughout EJBCA. Patched for CVE-2019-17571, CVE-2020-9488 and CVE-2021-44228";
"Nimbus Jose";                  "nimbus-jose-jwt-9.21";                         "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                  "User for JSON Web Tokens in the ACME protocol, Google CloudHSM and Ability to own new EJBCA installations";
"JCIP";                         "jcip-annotations-1.0-1.jar";                   "CC";                   "LICENSE-CREATIVE-COMMONS";     "";                                                 "Nimbus dependency";
"SnakeYAML";                    "snakeyaml-1.27";                               "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                           "Serialization of Java objects to/from YAML";
"Google's Guava";               "guava-28.0";                                   "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                                  "General purpose library, used in e.g. CAA, CT and WebTests.";
"JCraft";                       "jsch-0.1.54.jar";                              "BSD";                  "LICENSE-BSD-JSCH";             "";                                      "Used for SCP operations";
"ADSSDDL";                      "adsddl-1.9.jar";                               "ALv2";                 "LICENSE-APACHE-2.0";           "";                                 "Used for parsing SID/ACE entries in AD"
"Keyfactor Commons"	            "keyfactor-commons-cli-1.0.0.jar"               "LGPLv2.1";	            "LICENSE-LGPL-2.1";             "Internal"															"Library used for several EJBCA CLIs"