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AI Service of Wren AI


Please read the documentation here to understand the concepts of Wren AI Service.

Setup for Local Development

Environment Setup

  • Python 3.12.*, recommended to use pyenv to manage the Python versions
  • install poetry with version 1.8.3: curl -sSL | python3 - --version 1.8.3
  • execute poetry install to install the dependencies
  • copy file to and fill in the environment variables
  • [for development] execute poetry run pre-commit install to install the pre-commit hooks and poetry run pre-commit run --all-files to run the pre-commit checks at the first time to check if everything is set up correctly
  • [for development] to run the tests, execute make test

Start the service for development

The following commands can quickly start the service for development:

  • make dev-up to start needed containers
  • make start to start the service
    • go to https://WREN_AI_SERVICE_HOST:WREN_AI_SERVICE_PORT(default is https://localhost:5556) to see the API documentation and try them.
    • go to https://WREN_UI_HOST:WREN_UI_PORT(default is https://localhost:3000) to interact interact from the UI
  • make dev-down to stop the needed containers


Pipeline Evaluation(Deprecated, will introduce new way to evaluate the speed in the future)

  • install psql
  • fill in environment variables: in the src folder and in the src/eval/wren-engine/etc folder
  • start the docker service
  • evaluation
    • make eval pipeline=ask args="--help"
    • make eval pipeline=ask_details args="--help"
  • make eval_visualzation to compare between the evaluation results
  • to run individual pipeline: poetry run python -m src.pipelines.ask.[pipeline_name] (e.g. poetry run python -m src.pipelines.ask.retrieval_pipeline)

Speed Evaluation(Deprecated, will introduce new way to evaluate the speed in the future)

  • to evaluate the speed of the pipeline, you can enable the timer
    • add environment variables ENABLE_TIMER=1 in
    • restart wren ai service
    • check the logs in the terminal
  • to run the load test
    • setup DATASET_NAME in
    • adjust test config if needed
      • adjust test config in pyproject.toml tool.locust section
      • adjust user count in tests/locust/config_users.json
    • in wren-ai-service folder, run make dev-up to start the docker containers
    • in wren-ai-service folder, run make start to start the ai service
    • run make load-test
    • check reports in /outputs/locust folder, there are 3 files with filename locust_report_{test_timestamp}:
      • .json: test report in json format, including info like llm provider, version
      • .html: test report in html format, showing tables and charts
      • .log: test log


  • go to the demo folder and run poetry install to install the dependencies
  • in the wren-ai-service folder, open three terminals
    • in the first terminal, run make dev-up to start the docker container
    • in the second terminal, run make start to start the wren-ai service
    • in the third terminal, run make demo to start the demo service
  • ports of the services:
    • wren-engine: ports should be 8080
    • wren-ai-service: port should be 5556
    • wren-ui: port should be 3000
    • qdrant: ports should be 6333, 6334

Adding your preferred LLM, Embedder or Document Store

Please read the documentation here to check out how you can add your preferred LLM, Embedder or Document Store.

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