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These are scripts that explain basic usage of PyMuPDF using jupyter notebook features. Just click on one of the .ipynb files to see its fully rendered session!

Over time this script collection will be extended. Your contribution is very welcome!

Example Files

  • 1page.pdf - 1-pager PDF used as a test file by several notebooks
  • blacked.pdf - 1-pager PDF with three words covered by black rectangles. Used by detect-hidden.ipynb which demonstrates how badly done "redactions" can be detected - detects hidden text.
  • partial_ocr.pdf- 1-pager PDF containing normal text and two images that overlap each other.


  • dehyphenate-flag.ipynb - shows the effect of flag TEXT_DEHYPHENATE on text search and extraction.
  • detect-hidden.ipynb - shows how to detect text which is hidden by objects "drawn above" it.
  • journalling1.ipynb - introduction to PDF Journalling
  • journalling2.ipynb - chapter 2 of PDF Journalling
  • journalling3.ipynb - chapter 3 of PDF Journalling
  • new-circle-annot.ipynb - simple example for adding an annotation with desired properties
  • ocr-illegible.ipynb - OCR: how to dynamically make unrecognized characters readable
  • partial-ocr.ipynb - OCRs a page in full and in partial mode and explain the difference. Requires PyMuPDF v1.19.1.
  • testpage-performance.ipynb - compare performance of text extraction and search methods, with and without a separately prepared TextPage object.
  • object-algebra.ipynb - explains details on how points, rectangles quads can be added and multiplied as if they were ordinary numbers. This is an extension to the respective chapter of the documentation.