## multi.jl - multiprocessing ## ## julia starts with one process, and processors can be added using: ## addprocs(n) using exec ## addprocs({"host1","host2",...}) using remote execution ## ## remotecall(w, func, args...) - ## tell a worker to call a function on the given arguments. ## returns a RemoteRef to the result. ## ## remote_do(w, f, args...) - remote function call with no result ## ## wait(rr) - wait for a RemoteRef to be finished computing ## ## fetch(rr) - wait for and get the value of a RemoteRef ## ## remotecall_fetch(w, func, args...) - faster fetch(remotecall(...)) ## ## pmap(func, lst) - ## call a function on each element of lst (some 1-d thing), in ## parallel. ## ## RemoteRef() - create an uninitialized RemoteRef on the local processor ## ## RemoteRef(p) - ...or on a particular processor ## ## put!(r, val) - store a value to an uninitialized RemoteRef ## ## @spawn expr - ## evaluate expr somewhere. returns a RemoteRef. all variables in expr ## are copied to the remote processor. ## ## @spawnat p expr - @spawn specifying where to run ## ## @async expr - ## run expr as an asynchronous task on the local processor ## ## @parallel (r) for i=1:n ... end - ## parallel loop. the results from each iteration are reduced using (r). ## ## @everywhere expr - run expr everywhere. # todo: # * fetch/wait latency seems to be excessive # * message aggregation # * timer events # - send pings at some interval to detect failed/hung machines # * integrate event loop with other kinds of i/o (non-messages) # * serializing closures # * recover from i/o errors # * handle remote execution errors # * all-to-all communication # * distributed GC # * call&wait and call&fetch combined messages # * aggregate GC messages # * dynamically adding nodes (then always start with 1 and grow) ## workers and message i/o ## function send_msg_unknown(s::IO, kind, args) error("attempt to send to unknown socket") end function send_msg(s::IO, kind, args...) id = worker_id_from_socket(s) if id > -1 return send_msg(worker_from_id(id), kind, args...) end send_msg_unknown(s, kind, args) end function send_msg_now(s::IO, kind, args...) id = worker_id_from_socket(s) if id > -1 return send_msg_now(worker_from_id(id), kind, args...) end send_msg_unknown(s, kind, args) end abstract ClusterManager type Worker host::ByteString port::UInt16 socket::TCPSocket sendbuf::IOBuffer del_msgs::Array{Any,1} add_msgs::Array{Any,1} id::Int gcflag::Bool bind_addr::IPAddr manager::ClusterManager config::Dict Worker(host::AbstractString, port::Integer, sock::TCPSocket, id::Int) = new(bytestring(host), uint16(port), sock, IOBuffer(), [], [], id, false) end Worker(host::AbstractString, port::Integer, sock::TCPSocket) = Worker(host, port, sock, 0) function Worker(host::AbstractString, port::Integer) # Connect to the loopback port if requested host has the same ipaddress as self. if host == string(LPROC.bind_addr) w = Worker(host, port, connect("", uint16(port))) else w = Worker(host, port, connect(host, uint16(port))) end # Avoid calling getaddrinfo if possible - involves a DNS lookup # host may be a stringified ipv4 / ipv6 address or a dns name if host == "localhost" w.bind_addr = parseip("") else try w.bind_addr = parseip(host) catch w.bind_addr = getaddrinfo(host) end end w end function Worker(host::AbstractString, bind_addr::AbstractString, port::Integer, tunnel_user::AbstractString, sshflags) w = Worker(host, port, connect("localhost", ssh_tunnel(tunnel_user, host, bind_addr, uint16(port), sshflags))) w.bind_addr = parseip(bind_addr) w end function send_msg_now(w::Worker, kind, args...) send_msg_(w, kind, args, true) end function send_msg(w::Worker, kind, args...) send_msg_(w, kind, args, false) end function flush_gc_msgs(w::Worker) w.gcflag = false msgs = copy(w.add_msgs) if !isempty(msgs) empty!(w.add_msgs) remote_do(w, add_clients, msgs...) end msgs = copy(w.del_msgs) if !isempty(msgs) empty!(w.del_msgs) #print("sending delete of $msgs\n") remote_do(w, del_clients, msgs...) end end #TODO: Move to different Thread function enq_send_req(sock::TCPSocket, buf, now::Bool) arr=takebuf_array(buf) write(sock,arr) #TODO implement "now" end function send_msg_(w::Worker, kind, args, now::Bool) #println("Sending msg $kind") buf = w.sendbuf serialize(buf, kind) for arg in args serialize(buf, arg) end if !now && w.gcflag flush_gc_msgs(w) else enq_send_req(w.socket,buf,now) end end function flush_gc_msgs() for w in (PGRP::ProcessGroup).workers if isa(w,Worker) k = w::Worker if k.gcflag flush_gc_msgs(k) end end end end ## process group creation ## type LocalProcess id::Int bind_addr::IPAddr bind_port::UInt16 LocalProcess() = new(1) end const LPROC = LocalProcess() const map_pid_wrkr = Dict{Int, Union(Worker, LocalProcess)}() const map_sock_wrkr = ObjectIdDict() const map_del_wrkr = Set{Int}() let next_pid = 2 # 1 is reserved for the client (always) global get_next_pid function get_next_pid() retval = next_pid next_pid += 1 retval end end type ProcessGroup name::AbstractString workers::Array{Any,1} # global references refs::Dict ProcessGroup(w::Array{Any,1}) = new("pg-default", w, Dict()) end const PGRP = ProcessGroup([]) get_bind_addr(pid::Integer) = get_bind_addr(worker_from_id(pid)) function get_bind_addr(w::Union(Worker, LocalProcess)) if !isdefined(w, :bind_addr) if w.id != myid() w.bind_addr = remotecall_fetch(w.id, get_bind_addr, w.id) else error("LPROC.bind_addr not defined") # Should never happend since LPROC.bind_addr # is defined early on during process init. end end w.bind_addr end function add_worker(pg::ProcessGroup, w) # NOTE: currently only node 1 can add new nodes, since nobody else # has the full list of address:port assert(LPROC.id == 1) rr_join = RemoteRef() w.id = get_next_pid() register_worker(w) create_message_handler_loop(w.socket; ntfy_join_complete=rr_join) all_locs = map(x -> isa(x, Worker) ? (string(x.bind_addr), x.port, x.id, isa(x.manager, LocalManager)) : ("", 0, x.id, true), pg.workers) send_msg_now(w, :join_pgrp, w.id, all_locs, isa(w.manager, LocalManager)) @schedule manage(w.manager, w.id, w.config, :register) (w.id, rr_join) end myid() = LPROC.id nprocs() = length(PGRP.workers) function nworkers() n = nprocs() n == 1 ? 1 : n-1 end procs() = Int[x.id for x in PGRP.workers] function procs(pid::Integer) if myid() == 1 if (pid == 1) || isa(map_pid_wrkr[pid].manager, LocalManager) Int[x.id for x in filter(w -> (w.id==1) || isa(w.manager, LocalManager), PGRP.workers)] else ipatpid = get_bind_addr(pid) Int[x.id for x in filter(w -> get_bind_addr(w) == ipatpid, PGRP.workers)] end else remotecall_fetch(1, procs, pid) end end function workers() allp = procs() if nprocs() == 1 allp else filter(x -> x != 1, allp) end end rmprocset = Set() function rmprocs(args...; waitfor = 0.0) # Only pid 1 can add and remove processes if myid() != 1 error("only process 1 can add and remove processes") end global rmprocset empty!(rmprocset) for i in [args...] if i == 1 warn("rmprocs: process 1 not removed") else if haskey(map_pid_wrkr, i) push!(rmprocset, i) remote_do(i, exit) end end end start = time() while (time() - start) < waitfor if length(rmprocset) == 0 break; else sleep(0.1) end end ((waitfor > 0) && (length(rmprocset) > 0)) ? :timed_out : :ok end type ProcessExitedException <: Exception end worker_from_id(i) = worker_from_id(PGRP, i) function worker_from_id(pg::ProcessGroup, i) # Processes with pids > ours, have to connect to us. May not have happened. Wait for some time. if in(i, map_del_wrkr) throw(ProcessExitedException()) end if myid()==1 && !haskey(map_pid_wrkr,i) error("no process with id $i exists") end start = time() while (!haskey(map_pid_wrkr, i) && ((time() - start) < 60.0)) sleep(0.1) yield() end map_pid_wrkr[i] end function worker_id_from_socket(s) w = get(map_sock_wrkr, s, nothing) if isa(w,Worker) if is(s, w.socket) || is(s, w.sendbuf) return w.id end end if isa(s,IOStream) && fd(s)==-1 # serializing to a local buffer return myid() end return -1 end register_worker(w) = register_worker(PGRP, w) function register_worker(pg, w) push!(pg.workers, w) map_pid_wrkr[w.id] = w if isa(w, Worker) map_sock_wrkr[w.socket] = w map_sock_wrkr[w.sendbuf] = w end end deregister_worker(pid) = deregister_worker(PGRP, pid) function deregister_worker(pg, pid) pg.workers = filter(x -> !(x.id == pid), pg.workers) w = pop!(map_pid_wrkr, pid, nothing) if isa(w, Worker) pop!(map_sock_wrkr, w.socket) pop!(map_sock_wrkr, w.sendbuf) # Notify the cluster manager of this workers death if myid() == 1 manage(w.manager, w.id, w.config, :deregister) end end push!(map_del_wrkr, pid) # delete this worker from our RemoteRef client sets ids = [] tonotify = [] for (id,rv) in pg.refs if in(pid,rv.clientset) push!(ids, id) end if rv.waitingfor == pid push!(tonotify, (id,rv)) end end for id in ids del_client(pg, id, pid) end # throw exception to tasks waiting for this pid for (id,rv) in tonotify notify_error(rv.full, ProcessExitedException()) delete!(pg.refs, id) end end ## remote refs ## const client_refs = WeakKeyDict() type RemoteRef where::Int whence::Int id::Int # TODO: cache value if it's fetched, but don't serialize the cached value function RemoteRef(w, wh, id) r = new(w,wh,id) found = getkey(client_refs, r, false) if !is(found,false) return found end client_refs[r] = true finalizer(r, send_del_client) r end REQ_ID::Int = 0 function RemoteRef(pid::Integer) rr = RemoteRef(pid, myid(), REQ_ID) REQ_ID += 1 if mod(REQ_ID,200) == 0 # force gc after making a lot of refs since they take up # space on the machine where they're stored, yet the client # is responsible for freeing them. gc() end rr end RemoteRef(w::LocalProcess) = RemoteRef(w.id) RemoteRef(w::Worker) = RemoteRef(w.id) RemoteRef() = RemoteRef(myid()) global next_id next_id() = (id=(myid(),REQ_ID); REQ_ID+=1; id) end hash(r::RemoteRef, h::UInt) = hash(r.whence, hash(r.id, h)) ==(r::RemoteRef, s::RemoteRef) = (r.whence==s.whence && r.id==s.id) rr2id(r::RemoteRef) = (r.whence, r.id) lookup_ref(id) = lookup_ref(PGRP, id) function lookup_ref(pg, id) rv = get(pg.refs, id, false) if rv === false # first we've heard of this ref rv = RemoteValue() pg.refs[id] = rv push!(rv.clientset, id[1]) end rv end function isready(rr::RemoteRef) rid = rr2id(rr) if rr.where == myid() lookup_ref(rid).done else remotecall_fetch(rr.where, id->lookup_ref(id).done, rid) end end del_client(id, client) = del_client(PGRP, id, client) function del_client(pg, id, client) rv = lookup_ref(id) delete!(rv.clientset, client) if isempty(rv.clientset) delete!(pg.refs, id) #print("$(myid()) collected $id\n") end nothing end function del_clients(pairs::(Any,Any)...) for p in pairs del_client(p[1], p[2]) end end any_gc_flag = Condition() function start_gc_msgs_task() @schedule while true wait(any_gc_flag) flush_gc_msgs() end end function send_del_client(rr::RemoteRef) if rr.where == myid() del_client(rr2id(rr), myid()) else if in(rr.where, map_del_wrkr) # for a removed worker, don't bother return end w = worker_from_id(rr.where) push!(w.del_msgs, (rr2id(rr), myid())) w.gcflag = true notify(any_gc_flag) end end function add_client(id, client) #println("$(myid()) adding client $client to $id") rv = lookup_ref(id) push!(rv.clientset, client) nothing end function add_clients(pairs::(Any,Any)...) for p in pairs add_client(p[1], p[2]) end end function send_add_client(rr::RemoteRef, i) if rr.where == myid() add_client(rr2id(rr), i) elseif i != rr.where # don't need to send add_client if the message is already going # to the processor that owns the remote ref. it will add_client # itself inside deserialize(). w = worker_from_id(rr.where) #println("$(myid()) adding $((rr2id(rr), i)) for $(rr.where)") push!(w.add_msgs, (rr2id(rr), i)) w.gcflag = true notify(any_gc_flag) end end function serialize(s, rr::RemoteRef) i = worker_id_from_socket(s) #println("$(myid()) serializing $rr to $i") if i != -1 #println("send add $rr to $i") send_add_client(rr, i) end invoke(serialize, (Any, Any), s, rr) end function deserialize(s, t::Type{RemoteRef}) rr = invoke(deserialize, (Any, DataType), s, t) where = rr.where if where == myid() add_client(rr2id(rr), myid()) end # call ctor to make sure this rr gets added to the client_refs table RemoteRef(where, rr.whence, rr.id) end # data stored by the owner of a RemoteRef type RemoteValue done::Bool result full::Condition # waiting for a value empty::Condition # waiting for value to be removed clientset::IntSet waitingfor::Int # processor we need to hear from to fill this, or 0 RemoteValue() = new(false, nothing, Condition(), Condition(), IntSet(), 0) end function work_result(rv::RemoteValue) v = rv.result if isa(v,WeakRef) v = v.value end v end function wait_full(rv::RemoteValue) while !rv.done wait(rv.full) end return work_result(rv) end function wait_empty(rv::RemoteValue) while rv.done wait(rv.empty) end return nothing end ## core messages: do, call, fetch, wait, ref, put! ## function run_work_thunk(thunk) local result try result = thunk() catch err print(STDERR, "exception on ", myid(), ": ") display_error(err,catch_backtrace()) result = err end result end function run_work_thunk(rv::RemoteValue, thunk) put!(rv, run_work_thunk(thunk)) nothing end function schedule_call(rid, thunk) rv = RemoteValue() (PGRP::ProcessGroup).refs[rid] = rv push!(rv.clientset, rid[1]) schedule(@task(run_work_thunk(rv,thunk))) rv end #localize_ref(b::Box) = Box(localize_ref(b.contents)) #function localize_ref(r::RemoteRef) # if r.where == myid() # fetch(r) # else # r # end #end #localize_ref(x) = x # make a thunk to call f on args in a way that simulates what would happen if # the function were sent elsewhere function local_remotecall_thunk(f, args) if isempty(args) return f end return ()->f(args...) # TODO: this seems to be capable of causing deadlocks by waiting on # Refs buried inside the closure that we don't want to wait on yet. # linfo = ccall(:jl_closure_linfo, Any, (Any,), f) # if isa(linfo,LambdaStaticData) # env = ccall(:jl_closure_env, Any, (Any,), f) # buf = memio() # serialize(buf, env) # seek(buf, 0) # env = deserialize(buf) # f = ccall(:jl_new_closure, Any, (Ptr{Void}, Any, Any), # C_NULL, env, linfo)::Function # end # f(map(localize_ref,args)...) end function remotecall(w::LocalProcess, f, args...) rr = RemoteRef(w) schedule_call(rr2id(rr), local_remotecall_thunk(f,args)) rr end function remotecall(w::Worker, f, args...) rr = RemoteRef(w) #println("$(myid()) asking for $rr") send_msg(w, :call, rr2id(rr), f, args) rr end remotecall(id::Integer, f, args...) = remotecall(worker_from_id(id), f, args...) # faster version of fetch(remotecall(...)) function remotecall_fetch(w::LocalProcess, f, args...) run_work_thunk(local_remotecall_thunk(f,args)) end function remotecall_fetch(w::Worker, f, args...) # can be weak, because the program will have no way to refer to the Ref # itself, it only gets the result. oid = next_id() rv = lookup_ref(oid) rv.waitingfor = w.id send_msg(w, :call_fetch, oid, f, args) v = wait_full(rv) delete!(PGRP.refs, oid) v end remotecall_fetch(id::Integer, f, args...) = remotecall_fetch(worker_from_id(id), f, args...) # faster version of wait(remotecall(...)) remotecall_wait(w::LocalProcess, f, args...) = wait(remotecall(w,f,args...)) function remotecall_wait(w::Worker, f, args...) prid = next_id() rv = lookup_ref(prid) rv.waitingfor = w.id rr = RemoteRef(w) send_msg(w, :call_wait, rr2id(rr), prid, f, args) wait_full(rv) delete!(PGRP.refs, prid) rr end remotecall_wait(id::Integer, f, args...) = remotecall_wait(worker_from_id(id), f, args...) function remote_do(w::LocalProcess, f, args...) # the LocalProcess version just performs in local memory what a worker # does when it gets a :do message. # same for other messages on LocalProcess. thk = local_remotecall_thunk(f, args) schedule(Task(thk)) nothing end function remote_do(w::Worker, f, args...) send_msg(w, :do, f, args) nothing end remote_do(id::Integer, f, args...) = remote_do(worker_from_id(id), f, args...) # have the owner of rr call f on it function call_on_owner(f, rr::RemoteRef, args...) rid = rr2id(rr) if rr.where == myid() f(rid, args...) else remotecall_fetch(rr.where, f, rid, args...) end end wait_ref(rid) = (wait_full(lookup_ref(rid)); nothing) wait(r::RemoteRef) = (call_on_owner(wait_ref, r); r) fetch_ref(rid) = wait_full(lookup_ref(rid)) fetch(r::RemoteRef) = call_on_owner(fetch_ref, r) fetch(x::ANY) = x # storing a value to a Ref function put!(rv::RemoteValue, val::ANY) wait_empty(rv) rv.result = val rv.done = true notify_full(rv) rv end put_ref(rid, v) = put!(lookup_ref(rid), v) put!(rr::RemoteRef, val::ANY) = (call_on_owner(put_ref, rr, val); rr) function take!(rv::RemoteValue) wait_full(rv) val = rv.result rv.done = false rv.result = nothing notify_empty(rv) val end take_ref(rid) = take!(lookup_ref(rid)) take!(rr::RemoteRef) = call_on_owner(take_ref, rr) function deliver_result(sock::IO, msg, oid, value) #print("$(myid()) sending result $oid\n") if is(msg,:call_fetch) val = value else val = oid end try send_msg_now(sock, :result, oid, val) catch e # terminate connection in case of serialization error # otherwise the reading end would hang print(STDERR, "fatal error on ", myid(), ": ") display_error(e, catch_backtrace()) wid = worker_id_from_socket(sock) close(sock) if myid()==1 rmprocs(wid) elseif wid == 1 exit(1) else remote_do(1, rmprocs, wid) end end end # notify waiters that a certain job has finished or Ref has been emptied notify_full (rv::RemoteValue) = notify(rv.full, work_result(rv)) notify_empty(rv::RemoteValue) = notify(rv.empty) ## message event handlers ## # activity on accept fd function accept_handler(server::TCPServer, status::Int32) if status == -1 error("an error occured during the creation of the server") end client = accept_nonblock(server) create_message_handler_loop(client) end function create_message_handler_loop(sock::AsyncStream; ntfy_join_complete=nothing) #returns immediately @schedule begin global PGRP #println("message_handler_loop") disable_nagle(sock) start_reading(sock) wait_connected(sock) try while true msg = deserialize(sock) # println("got msg: ",msg) # handle message if is(msg, :call) id = deserialize(sock) #print("$(myid()) got id $id\n") f0 = deserialize(sock) #print("$(myid()) got call $f0\n") args0 = deserialize(sock) #print("$(myid()) got args $args0\n") let f=f0, args=args0 schedule_call(id, ()->f(args...)) end elseif is(msg, :call_fetch) id = deserialize(sock) f = deserialize(sock) args = deserialize(sock) let f=f, args=args, id=id, msg=msg @schedule begin v = run_work_thunk(()->f(args...)) deliver_result(sock, msg, id, v) v end end elseif is(msg, :call_wait) id = deserialize(sock) notify_id = deserialize(sock) f = deserialize(sock) args = deserialize(sock) let f=f, args=args, id=id, msg=msg, notify_id=notify_id @schedule begin rv = schedule_call(id, ()->f(args...)) deliver_result(sock, msg, notify_id, wait_full(rv)) end end elseif is(msg, :do) f = deserialize(sock) args = deserialize(sock) #print("got args: $args\n") let f=f, args=args @schedule begin run_work_thunk(RemoteValue(), ()->f(args...)) end end elseif is(msg, :result) # used to deliver result of wait or fetch oid = deserialize(sock) #print("$(myid()) got $msg $oid\n") val = deserialize(sock) put!(lookup_ref(oid), val) elseif is(msg, :identify_socket) otherid = deserialize(sock) register_worker(Worker("", 0, sock, otherid)) elseif is(msg, :join_pgrp) # first connection; get process group info from client self_pid = LPROC.id = deserialize(sock) locs = deserialize(sock) self_is_local = deserialize(sock) #print("\nLocation: ",locs,"\nId:",myid(),"\n") # joining existing process group controller = Worker("", 0, sock, 1) register_worker(controller) register_worker(LPROC) for (rhost, rport, rpid, r_is_local) in locs if (rpid < self_pid) && (!(rpid == 1)) # Connect to them if self_is_local && r_is_local # If on localhost, use the loopback address - this addresses # the special case of system suspend wherein the local ip # may be changed upon system awake. w = Worker("", rport) else w = Worker(rhost, rport) end w.id = rpid register_worker(w) create_message_handler_loop(w.socket) send_msg_now(w, :identify_socket, self_pid) else # Others will connect to us. Don't do anything just yet continue end end send_msg_now(controller, :join_complete) elseif is(msg, :join_complete) put!(ntfy_join_complete, :join_complete) ntfy_join_complete = nothing # so that it gets gc'ed end end # end of while catch e iderr = worker_id_from_socket(sock) # If error occured talking to pid 1, commit harakiri if iderr == 1 if isopen(sock) print(STDERR, "fatal error on ", myid(), ": ") display_error(e, catch_backtrace()) end exit(1) end # Will treat any exception as death of node and cleanup # since currently we do not have a mechanism for workers to reconnect # to each other on unhandled errors deregister_worker(iderr) if isopen(sock) close(sock) end if (myid() == 1) global rmprocset if in(iderr, rmprocset) delete!(rmprocset, iderr) else println("Worker $iderr terminated.") rethrow(e) end end return nothing end end end function disable_threaded_libs() blas_set_num_threads(1) end ## worker creation and setup ## # the entry point for julia worker processes. does not return. # argument is descriptor to write listening port # to. start_worker() = start_worker(STDOUT) function start_worker(out::IO) # we only explicitly monitor worker STDOUT on the console, so redirect # stderr to stdout so we can see the output. # at some point we might want some or all worker output to go to log # files instead. # Currently disabled since this caused processes to spin instead of # exit when process 1 shut down. Don't yet know why. #redirect_stderr(STDOUT) if LPROC.bind_port == 0 (actual_port,sock) = listenany(uint16(9009)) LPROC.bind_port = actual_port else sock = listen(LPROC.bind_port) end sock.ccb = accept_handler print(out, "julia_worker:") # print header print(out, "$(dec(LPROC.bind_port))#") # print port print(out, LPROC.bind_addr) print(out, '\n') flush(out) # close STDIN; workers will not use it #close(STDIN) disable_threaded_libs() disable_nagle(sock) try check_master_connect(60.0) while true; wait(); end catch err print(STDERR, "unhandled exception on $(myid()): $(err)\nexiting.\n") end close(sock) exit(0) end function read_cb_response(io::IO, config::Dict) (host, port) = read_worker_host_port(io) return (io, host, port, host, config) end function read_cb_response(io::IO, host::AbstractString, config::Dict) (bind_addr, port) = read_worker_host_port(io) return (io, bind_addr, port, host, config) end read_cb_response(io::IO, host::AbstractString, port::Integer, config::Dict) = (io, host, port, host, config) read_cb_response(host::AbstractString, port::Integer, config::Dict) = (nothing, host, port, host, config) function start_cluster_workers(np::Integer, config::Dict, manager::ClusterManager, resp_arr::Array, launched_ntfy::Condition) # Get the cluster manager to launch the instance instance_sets = [] instances_ntfy = Condition() t = @schedule launch(manager, np, config, instance_sets, instances_ntfy) while true if (length(instance_sets) == 0) istaskdone(t) && break @schedule (sleep(1); notify(instances_ntfy)) wait(instances_ntfy) end if length(instance_sets) > 0 instances = shift!(instance_sets) for inst in instances (io, bind_addr, port, pubhost, wconfig) = read_cb_response(inst...) push!(resp_arr, create_worker(bind_addr, port, pubhost, io, wconfig, manager)) notify(launched_ntfy) end end end notify(launched_ntfy) end function read_worker_host_port(io::IO) io.line_buffered = true while true conninfo = readline(io) bind_addr, port = parse_connection_info(conninfo) if bind_addr != "" return bind_addr, port end end end function create_worker(bind_addr, port, pubhost, stream, config, manager) tunnel = config[:tunnel] s = split(pubhost,'@') user = "" if length(s) > 1 user = s[1] pubhost = s[2] else if haskey(ENV, "USER") user = ENV["USER"] elseif tunnel error("USER must be specified either in the environment or as part of the hostname when tunnel option is used") end end if tunnel sshflags = config[:sshflags] w = Worker(pubhost, bind_addr, port, user, sshflags) else w = Worker(bind_addr, port) end w.config = config w.manager = manager if isa(stream, AsyncStream) let wrker = w # redirect console output from workers to the client's stdout: @async begin while !eof(stream) line = readline(stream) print("\tFrom worker $(wrker.id):\t$line") end end end end # install a finalizer to perform cleanup if necessary finalizer(w, (w)->if myid() == 1 manage(w.manager, w.id, w.config, :finalize) end) w end function parse_connection_info(str) m = match(r"^julia_worker:(\d+)#(.*)", str) if m != nothing (m.captures[2], parseint(Int16, m.captures[1])) else ("", int16(-1)) end end tunnel_port = 9201 # establish an SSH tunnel to a remote worker # returns P such that localhost:P connects to host:port function ssh_tunnel(user, host, bind_addr, port, sshflags) global tunnel_port localp = tunnel_port::Int while !success(detach(`ssh -T -a -x -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -f $sshflags $(user)@$host -L $localp:$bind_addr:$(int(port)) sleep 60`)) && localp < 10000 localp += 1 end if localp >= 10000 error("unable to assign a local tunnel port between 9201 and 10000") end tunnel_port = localp+1 localp end immutable LocalManager <: ClusterManager end show(io::IO, manager::LocalManager) = println("LocalManager()") function launch(manager::LocalManager, np::Integer, config::Dict, resp_arr::Array, c::Condition) dir = config[:dir] exename = config[:exename] exeflags = config[:exeflags] io_objs = cell(np) configs = cell(np) # start the processes first... for i in 1:np io, pobj = open(detach(`$(dir)/$(exename) $exeflags --bind-to $(LPROC.bind_addr)`), "r") io_objs[i] = io configs[i] = merge(config, AnyDict(:process => pobj)) end # ...and then read the host:port info. This optimizes overall start times. push!(resp_arr, collect(zip(io_objs, configs))) notify(c) end function manage(manager::LocalManager, id::Integer, config::Dict, op::Symbol) if op == :interrupt kill(config[:process], 2) end end immutable SSHManager <: ClusterManager machines::Dict function SSHManager(; machines=[]) mhist = Dict() for m in machines cnt = get(mhist, m, 0) mhist[m] = cnt + 1 end new(mhist) end end show(io::IO, manager::SSHManager) = println("SSHManager(machines=", manager.machines, ")") function launch(manager::SSHManager, np::Integer, config::Dict, resp_arr::Array, machines_launch_ntfy::Condition) # Launch on each unique host in parallel. # Wait for all launches to complete. plaunch_ntfy = Condition() launch_tasks = cell(length(manager.machines)) for (i,(machine, cnt)) in enumerate(manager.machines) launch_tasks[i] = @schedule launch_on_machine(manager, config, resp_arr, machines_launch_ntfy, machine, cnt, plaunch_ntfy) end while length(launch_tasks) > 0 if istaskdone(launch_tasks[1]) shift!(launch_tasks) else wait(plaunch_ntfy) end end notify(machines_launch_ntfy) end function launch_on_machine(manager::SSHManager, config::Dict, resp_arr::Array, machines_launch_ntfy::Condition, machine::AbstractString, cnt::Integer, plaunch_ntfy::Condition) dir = config[:dir] exename = config[:exename] exeflags_base = config[:exeflags] thisconfig = copy(config) # config for this worker # machine could be of the format [user@]host[:port] bind_addr[:bind_port] machine_bind = split(machine) if length(machine_bind) > 1 exeflags = `--bind-to $(machine_bind[2]) $exeflags_base` else exeflags = exeflags_base end machine_def = machine_bind[1] machine_def = split(machine_def, ':') portopt = length(machine_def) == 2 ? ` -p $(machine_def[2]) ` : `` sshflags = `$(config[:sshflags]) $portopt` thisconfig[:sshflags] = sshflags host = machine_def[1] # Build up the ssh command cmd = `cd $dir && $exename $exeflags` # launch julia cmd = `sh -l -c $(shell_escape(cmd))` # shell to launch under cmd = `ssh -T -a -x -o ClearAllForwardings=yes -n $sshflags $host $(shell_escape(cmd))` # use ssh to remote launch thisconfig[:machine] = host # start the processes first... maxp = config[:max_parallel] if config[:tunnel] maxp = div(maxp,2) + 1 # Since the tunnel will also take up one ssh connection end ios_to_check = [] t_check=time() while cnt > 0 ios_to_check2 = [] for io in ios_to_check if nb_available(io) == 0 push!(ios_to_check2, io) end end ios_to_check=ios_to_check2 maxp_in_loop = maxp - length(ios_to_check) if maxp_in_loop == 0 # wait for sometime and check again sleep(0.1) if (time() - t_check) > 50 error("Timed out waiting for launched worker") end continue end lc = cnt > maxp_in_loop ? maxp_in_loop : cnt io_objs = cell(lc) configs = cell(lc) for i in 1:lc io, pobj = open(detach(cmd), "r") io_objs[i] = io push!(ios_to_check, io) end cnt = cnt - lc # ...and then read the host:port info. This optimizes overall start times. # For ssh, the tunnel connection, if any, has to be with the specified machine name. # but the port needs to be forwarded to the bound hostname/ip-address push!(resp_arr, collect(zip(io_objs, fill(host, lc), fill(thisconfig, lc)))) notify(machines_launch_ntfy) t_check=time() end notify(plaunch_ntfy) end function manage(manager::SSHManager, id::Integer, config::Dict, op::Symbol) if op == :interrupt if haskey(config, :ospid) machine = config[:machine] if !success(`ssh -T -a -x -o ClearAllForwardings=yes -n $(config[:sshflags]) $machine "kill -2 $(config[:ospid])"`) println("Error sending a Ctrl-C to julia worker $id on $machine") end else # This state can happen immediately after an addprocs println("Worker $id cannot be presently interrupted.") end elseif op == :register config[:ospid] = remotecall_fetch(id, getpid) end end # start and connect to processes via SSH. # optionally through an SSH tunnel. # the tunnel is only used from the head (process 1); the nodes are assumed # to be mutually reachable without a tunnel, as is often the case in a cluster. # Default value of kw arg max_parallel is the default value of MaxStartups in sshd_config function addprocs_internal(np::Integer; tunnel=false, dir=JULIA_HOME, exename=(ccall(:jl_is_debugbuild,Cint,())==0?"./julia":"./julia-debug"), sshflags::Cmd=``, manager=LocalManager(), exeflags=``, max_parallel=10) config = AnyDict(:dir=>dir, :exename=>exename, :exeflags=>`$exeflags --worker`, :tunnel=>tunnel, :sshflags=>sshflags, :max_parallel=>max_parallel) disable_threaded_libs() ret = Array(Int, 0) rr_join = Array(RemoteRef, 0) resp_arr = [] c = Condition() t = @schedule start_cluster_workers(np, config, manager, resp_arr, c) while true if length(resp_arr) == 0 istaskdone(t) && break @schedule (sleep(1); notify(c)) wait(c) end if length(resp_arr) > 0 w = shift!(resp_arr) id, rr = add_worker(PGRP, w) push!(ret, id) push!(rr_join, rr) end end for rr in rr_join wait(rr) end assert(length(ret) == np) ret end addprocs(np::Integer; kwargs...) = addprocs_internal(np; kwargs...) function addprocs(machines::AbstractVector; kwargs...) manager_defined = any(x -> begin k,v = x; k==:manager end, kwargs) if manager_defined error("custom cluster managers unsupported on the ssh interface") else addprocs_internal(length(machines); manager=SSHManager(machines=machines), kwargs...) end end ## higher-level functions: spawn, pmap, pfor, etc. ## let nextidx = 0 global chooseproc function chooseproc(thunk::Function) p = -1 env = thunk.env if isa(env,Tuple) for v in env if isa(v,Box) v = v.contents end if isa(v,RemoteRef) p = v.where; break end end end if p == -1 p = workers()[(nextidx % nworkers()) + 1] nextidx += 1 end p end end spawnat(p, thunk) = sync_add(remotecall(p, thunk)) spawn_somewhere(thunk) = spawnat(chooseproc(thunk),thunk) macro spawn(expr) expr = localize_vars(:(()->($expr)), false) :(spawn_somewhere($(esc(expr)))) end macro spawnat(p, expr) expr = localize_vars(:(()->($expr)), false) :(spawnat($(esc(p)), $(esc(expr)))) end macro fetch(expr) expr = localize_vars(:(()->($expr)), false) quote thunk = $(esc(expr)) remotecall_fetch(chooseproc(thunk), thunk) end end macro fetchfrom(p, expr) expr = localize_vars(:(()->($expr)), false) :(remotecall_fetch($(esc(p)), $(esc(expr)))) end function at_each(f, args...) for w in PGRP.workers sync_add(remotecall(w.id, f, args...)) end end macro everywhere(ex) quote @sync begin at_each(()->eval(Main,$(Expr(:quote,ex)))) end end end function pmap_static(f, lsts...) np = nprocs() n = length(lsts[1]) Any[ remotecall(PGRP.workers[(i-1)%np+1].id, f, map(L->L[i], lsts)...) for i = 1:n ] end pmap(f) = f() # dynamic scheduling by creating a local task to feed work to each processor # as it finishes. # example unbalanced workload: # rsym(n) = (a=rand(n,n);a*a') # L = {rsym(200),rsym(1000),rsym(200),rsym(1000),rsym(200),rsym(1000),rsym(200),rsym(1000)}; # pmap(eig, L); function pmap(f, lsts...; err_retry=true, err_stop=false) len = length(lsts) results = Dict{Int,Any}() retryqueue = [] task_in_err = false is_task_in_error() = task_in_err set_task_in_error() = (task_in_err = true) nextidx = 0 getnextidx() = (nextidx += 1) states = [start(lsts[idx]) for idx in 1:len] function getnext_tasklet() if is_task_in_error() && err_stop return nothing elseif !any(idx->done(lsts[idx],states[idx]), 1:len) nxts = [next(lsts[idx],states[idx]) for idx in 1:len] for idx in 1:len; states[idx] = nxts[idx][2]; end nxtvals = [x[1] for x in nxts] return (getnextidx(), nxtvals) elseif !isempty(retryqueue) return shift!(retryqueue) else return nothing end end @sync begin for wpid in workers() @async begin tasklet = getnext_tasklet() while (tasklet != nothing) (idx, fvals) = tasklet try result = remotecall_fetch(wpid, f, fvals...) if isa(result, Exception) ((wpid == myid()) ? rethrow(result) : throw(result)) else results[idx] = result end catch ex if err_retry push!(retryqueue, (idx,fvals, ex)) else results[idx] = ex end set_task_in_error() break # remove this worker from accepting any more tasks end tasklet = getnext_tasklet() end end end end for failure in retryqueue results[failure[1]] = failure[3] end [results[x] for x in 1:nextidx] end # Statically split range [1,N] into equal sized chunks for np processors function splitrange(N::Int, np::Int) each = div(N,np) extras = rem(N,np) nchunks = each > 0 ? np : extras chunks = Array(UnitRange{Int}, nchunks) lo = 1 for i in 1:nchunks hi = lo + each - 1 if extras > 0 hi += 1 extras -= 1 end chunks[i] = lo:hi lo = hi+1 end return chunks end function preduce(reducer, f, N::Int) chunks = splitrange(N, nworkers()) results = cell(length(chunks)) for i in 1:length(chunks) results[i] = @spawn f(first(chunks[i]), last(chunks[i])) end mapreduce(fetch, reducer, results) end function pfor(f, N::Int) for c in splitrange(N, nworkers()) @spawn f(first(c), last(c)) end nothing end function make_preduce_body(reducer, var, body, ran) localize_vars( quote function (lo::Int, hi::Int) R = $(esc(ran)) $(esc(var)) = R[lo] ac = $(esc(body)) if lo != hi for $(esc(var)) in R[(lo+1):hi] ac = ($(esc(reducer)))(ac, $(esc(body))) end end ac end end ) end function make_pfor_body(var, body, ran) localize_vars( quote function (lo::Int, hi::Int) for $(esc(var)) in ($(esc(ran)))[lo:hi] $(esc(body)) end end end ) end macro parallel(args...) na = length(args) if na==1 loop = args[1] if isa(loop,Expr) && loop.head === :comprehension ex = loop.args[1] loop.args[1] = esc(ex) nd = length(loop.args)-1 ranges = map(e->esc(e.args[2]), loop.args[2:end]) for i=1:nd var = loop.args[1+i].args[1] loop.args[1+i] = :( $(esc(var)) = ($(ranges[i]))[I[$i]] ) end return :( DArray((I::(UnitRange{Int}...))->($loop), tuple($(map(r->:(length($r)),ranges)...))) ) end elseif na==2 reducer = args[1] loop = args[2] else throw(ArgumentError("wrong number of arguments to @parallel")) end if !isa(loop,Expr) || !is(loop.head,:for) error("malformed @parallel loop") end var = loop.args[1].args[1] r = loop.args[1].args[2] body = loop.args[2] if na==1 quote pfor($(make_pfor_body(var, body, r)), length($(esc(r)))) end else quote preduce($(esc(reducer)), $(make_preduce_body(reducer, var, body, r)), length($(esc(r)))) end end end function check_master_connect(timeout) # If we do not have at least process 1 connect to us within timeout # we log an error and exit @schedule begin start = time() while !haskey(map_pid_wrkr, 1) && (time() - start) < timeout sleep(1.0) end if !haskey(map_pid_wrkr, 1) print(STDERR, "Master process (id 1) could not connect within $timeout seconds.\nexiting.\n") exit(1) end end end function timedwait(testcb::Function, secs::Float64; pollint::Float64=0.1) start = time() done = RemoteRef() timercb(aw) = begin try if testcb() put!(done, :ok) elseif (time() - start) > secs put!(done, :timed_out) end catch e put!(done, :error) finally isready(done) && stop_timer(aw) end end if !testcb() t = Timer(timercb) start_timer(t, pollint, pollint) ret = fetch(done) stop_timer(t) else ret = :ok end ret end function interrupt(pid::Integer) assert(myid() == 1) w = map_pid_wrkr[pid] if isa(w, Worker) manage(w.manager, w.id, w.config, :interrupt) end end interrupt(pids::Integer...) = interrupt([pids...]) function interrupt(pids::AbstractVector=workers()) assert(myid() == 1) @sync begin for pid in pids @async interrupt(pid) end end end function disable_nagle(sock) # disable nagle on all OSes ccall(:uv_tcp_nodelay, Cint, (Ptr{Void}, Cint), sock.handle, 1) @linux_only begin # tcp_quickack is a linux only option if ccall(:jl_tcp_quickack, Cint, (Ptr{Void}, Cint), sock.handle, 1) < 0 warn_once("Parallel networking unoptimized ( Error enabling TCP_QUICKACK : ", strerror(errno()), " )") end end end function check_same_host(pids) if myid() != 1 return remotecall_fetch(1, check_same_host, pids) else # We checkfirst if all test pids have been started using the local manager, # else we check for the same bind_to addr. This handles the special case # where the local ip address may change - as during a system sleep/awake if all(p -> (p==1) || isa(map_pid_wrkr[p].manager, LocalManager), pids) return true else first_bind_addr = map_pid_wrkr[pids[1]].bind_addr return all(p -> (p != 1) && (map_pid_wrkr[p].bind_addr == first_bind_addr), pids[2:end]) end end end function terminate_all_workers() if myid() != 1 return end if nprocs() > 1 ret = rmprocs(workers(); waitfor=0.5) if ret != :ok warn("Forcibly interrupting busy workers") # Might be computation bound, interrupt them and try again interrupt(workers()) ret = rmprocs(workers(); waitfor=0.5) if ret != :ok warn("Unable to terminate all workers") end end end end