module Grisu export print_shortest export @grisu_ccall, NEG, DIGITS, BUFLEN, LEN, POINT import, Base.print, Base.showcompact const NEG = Array(Bool,1) const DIGITS = Array(Uint8,309+17) const BUFLEN = int32(length(DIGITS)+1) const LEN = Array(Int32,1) const POINT = Array(Int32,1) macro grisu_ccall(value, mode, ndigits) quote ccall((:grisu, :libgrisu), Void, (Float64, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Uint8}, Int32, Ptr{Bool}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Int32}), $(esc(value)), $(esc(mode)), $(esc(ndigits)), DIGITS, BUFLEN, NEG, LEN, POINT) end end const SHORTEST = int32(0) # shortest exact representation for doubles const SHORTEST_SINGLE = int32(1) # shortest exact representation for singles const FIXED = int32(2) # fixed number of trailing decimal points const PRECISION = int32(3) # fixed precision regardless of magnitude # wrapper for the core grisu function, primarily for debugging function grisu(x::Float64, mode::Integer, ndigits::Integer) if !isfinite(x); error("non-finite value: $x"); end if ndigits < 0; error("negative digits requested"); end @grisu_ccall x mode ndigits NEG[1], DIGITS[1:LEN[1]], int(POINT[1]) end grisu(x::Float64) = grisu(x, SHORTEST, int32(0)) grisu(x::Float32) = grisu(float64(x), SHORTEST_SINGLE, int32(0)) grisu(x::Real) = grisu(float(x)) function grisu_fix(x::Real, n::Integer) if n > 17; n = 17; end grisu(float64(x), FIXED, int32(n)) end function grisu_sig(x::Real, n::Integer) if n > 309; n = 309; end grisu(float64(x), PRECISION, int32(n)) end _show(io::IO, x::FloatingPoint, mode::Int32, n::Int, t) = _show(io, x, mode, n, t, "NaN", "Inf") _show(io::IO, x::Float32, mode::Int32, n::Int, t) = _show(io, x, mode, n, t, "NaN32", "Inf32") _show(io::IO, x::Float16, mode::Int32, n::Int, t) = _show(io, x, mode, n, t, "NaN16", "Inf16") function _show(io::IO, x::FloatingPoint, mode::Int32, n::Int, typed, nanstr, infstr) if isnan(x) return write(io, typed ? nanstr : "NaN"); end if isinf(x) if x < 0 write(io,'-') end write(io, typed ? infstr : "Inf") return end if typed && isa(x,Float16) write(io, "float16("); end @grisu_ccall x mode n pdigits = pointer(DIGITS) neg = NEG[1] len = int(LEN[1]) pt = int(POINT[1]) if mode == PRECISION while len > 1 && DIGITS[len] == '0' len -= 1 end end if neg write(io,'-') end if pt <= -4 || pt > 6 # .00001 to 100000. # => #.#######e### write(io, pdigits, 1) write(io, '.') if len > 1 write(io, pdigits+1, len-1) else write(io, '0') end write(io, typed && isa(x,Float32) ? 'f' : 'e') write(io, dec(pt-1)) if typed && isa(x,Float16) write(io, ")"); end return elseif pt <= 0 # => 0.00######## write(io, "0.") while pt < 0 write(io, '0') pt += 1 end write(io, pdigits, len) elseif pt >= len # => ########00.0 write(io, pdigits, len) while pt > len write(io, '0') len += 1 end write(io, ".0") else # => ####.#### write(io, pdigits, pt) write(io, '.') write(io, pdigits+pt, len-pt) end if typed && isa(x,Float32) write(io, "f0") end if typed && isa(x,Float16) write(io, ")"); end nothing end show(io::IO, x::Float64) = _show(io, x, SHORTEST, 0, true) show(io::IO, x::Float32) = _show(io, x, SHORTEST_SINGLE, 0, true) show(io::IO, x::Float16) = _show(io, x, PRECISION, 4, true) print(io::IO, x::Float32) = _show(io, x, SHORTEST_SINGLE, 0, false) print(io::IO, x::Float16) = _show(io, x, PRECISION, 4, false) showcompact(io::IO, x::FloatingPoint) = _show(io, x, PRECISION, 6, false) showcompact(io::IO, x::Float16) = _show(io, x, PRECISION, 4, false) # normal: # 0 < pt < len ####.#### len+1 # pt <= 0 .000######## len-pt+1 # len <= pt (dot) ########000. pt+1 # len <= pt (no dot) ########000 pt # exponential: # pt <= 0 ########e-### len+k+2 # 0 < pt ########e### len+k+1 function _print_shortest(io::IO, x::FloatingPoint, dot::Bool, mode::Int32, n::Int) if isnan(x); return write(io, "NaN"); end if x < 0 write(io,'-') end if isinf(x); return write(io, "Inf"); end @grisu_ccall x mode n pdigits = pointer(DIGITS) len = int(LEN[1]) pt = int(POINT[1]) e = pt-len k = -9<=e<=9 ? 1 : 2 if -pt > k+1 || e+dot > k+1 # => ########e### write(io, pdigits+0, len) write(io, 'e') write(io, dec(e)) return elseif pt <= 0 # => .000######## write(io, '.') while pt < 0 write(io, '0') pt += 1 end write(io, pdigits+0, len) elseif e >= dot # => ########000. write(io, pdigits+0, len) while e > 0 write(io, '0') e -= 1 end if dot write(io, '.') end else # => ####.#### write(io, pdigits+0, pt) write(io, '.') write(io, pdigits+pt, len-pt) end nothing end print_shortest(io::IO, x::Float64, dot::Bool) = _print_shortest(io, x, dot, SHORTEST, 0) print_shortest(io::IO, x::Float32, dot::Bool) = _print_shortest(io, x, dot, SHORTEST_SINGLE, 0) print_shortest(io::IO, x::Float16, dot::Bool=false) = _print_shortest(io, x, dot, PRECISION, 4) print_shortest(io::IO, x::Union(FloatingPoint,Integer)) = print_shortest(io, float(x), false) end # module