#!/bin/bash # Setup required variables ######################################################################################## # ALARMIPS is an array of Alarm device IPs on your LAN, separated by spaces. Do not remove the () brackets ALARMIPS=( # ALARMMACS is an array of Alarm device MAC addresses, on your LAN, in quotes, separated by spaces. Do not remove the () brackets ALARMMACS=("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff") # ALARMNAMES is an array of Alarm device names, separated by spaces. Do not remove the () brackets ALARMNAMES=(SmartCom) # NOTE : The order of Alarm IP, MAC and Name should match in each array set. # LOGLOCATION is the location of your log files LOGLOCATION="/var/log/alarmmonitor" # LOGFILENAME is the name of your AlarmPing log LOGFILENAME=log # PINGINTERVAL is the period (in seconds) between each check # NOTE : Each listed device will be checked at each interval. # If the device does not respond to a ping, and you have multiple devices # You may encounter a situation where the pings take longer to complete than PINGINTERVAL # This may cause delays in monitoring # Allow up to 10 seconds for a ping to fail # PINGINTERVAL should be >= 10 x No. of your devices (i.e. 30 for 3 devices) PINGINTERVAL=30 ######################################################################################## # Do not edit below this section ######################################################################################## LOGFILE="$LOGLOCATION/$LOGFILENAME" ALARMIPCOUNT=${#ALARMIPS[@]} ALARMMACCOUNT=${#ALARMMACS[@]} ALARMNAMECOUNT=${#ALARMNAMES[@]} OKTOSTART=0 # Verify that we have the same number of IPs and MAC addresses if [ $ALARMIPCOUNT -ne $ALARMMACCOUNT ]; then echo "$ALARMTIME : No. of Alarm IPs does not match No. of Alarm MACs. Please resolve. Exiting" >> $LOGFILE exit 1; else OKTOSTART=1 fi # Verify that we have the same number of IPs and Names if [ $ALARMIPCOUNT -ne $ALARMNAMECOUNT ]; then echo "$ALARMTIME : No. of Alarm IPs does not match No. of Alarm Names. Please resolve. Exiting" >> $LOGFILE exit 1; else OKTOSTART=1 fi # Set the alarm count, ping check and start time ALARMCOUNT=${#ALARMIPS[@]} CORRECTPINGLINES=0 STARTTIME=`date` # Double check we are ok to start... if [ $OKTOSTART -eq 1 ]; then echo "$STARTTIME : Alarmping started successfully." >> $LOGFILE # Run permanently... while true; do # For each alarm... for ((i=1;i<=${#ALARMIPS[@]};i++)); do # Loop runs from 1, but array runs from zero, so set an array tracker... LoopVar=`expr $i - 1` # Ping the currently looped IP and check it's reachable... PINGCHECK=`ping -c 1 ${ALARMIPS[$LoopVar]} | grep -i unreachable | wc -l` # If it's not reachable... if [ $PINGCHECK != $CORRECTPINGLINES ]; then # Log the time the alarm was last seen ALARMTIME=`date` if [ -f $LOGLOCATION/lastseen$i ]; then LASTSEEN=`cat $LOGLOCATION/lastseen$i` else LASTSEEN="NOT SINCE ALARMPING STARTUP" fi echo "$ALARMTIME : ${ALARMNAMES[$LoopVar]} not connected. Last seen : $LASTSEEN" >> $LOGFILE echo "$ALARMTIME : Attempting to force ${ALARMNAMES[$LoopVar]} reconnection...." >> $LOGFILE # Call the alarm reconnection script /etc/alarmmonitor/reconnect_alarm.php ${ALARMMACS[$LoopVar]} # Forcibly delete the online marker, create/update the offline marker rm -f $LOGLOCATION/online$i touch $LOGLOCATION/offline$i else # Alarm IS reachable LASTSEEN=`date` ALARMTIME=$LASTSEEN # Check if Alarm was previously flagged offline... if [ -f $LOGLOCATION/offline$i ]; then # Remove offline marker and log re-detection rm -f $LOGLOCATION/offline$i echo "$ALARMTIME : ${ALARMNAMES[$LoopVar]} detected : $LASTSEEN" >> $LOGFILE fi # Update last seen and online markers echo $LASTSEEN > $LOGLOCATION/lastseen$i touch $LOGLOCATION/online$i fi done # Sleep for defined internal sleep $PINGINTERVAL done else # We really shouldn't see this... echo "$STARTTIME : Alarmping failed to start." >> $LOGFILE fi