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Philip Chimento Igalia, in partnership with Bloomberg
TC39 March 2022

Temporal update

  • Similar to what we asked for consensus on last time!
  • Asking for consensus on several minor normative changes:
    • Changes suggested by implementors ("adjustments")
    • Changes to make spec text accurately reflect the intentions of the champions ("bugs")
  • No big discussions this time, just fixes

Temporal update

  • Will continue turning implementor feedback into presentations like this as bandwidth allows
  • Number of normative PRs per plenary meeting seems to be decreasing 📉

IETF update

  • Open threads closed in IETF meeting last week
  • Syntax extensions finalized
    • Not yet reflected in proposal: expect a future normative change
  • Draft to be published in the coming weeks
  • Final question: how to deal with internally inconsistent timestamps
    • Doesn't affect syntax
    • May not affect Temporal at all
    • Still under discussion by champions


Mathematical values in Duration (PR #2094)

  • General principle: internal slots should store MVs
    • Avoid subtle bugs
    • Avoid "speccing IEEE arithmetic"
  • Implementor feedback:
    • The difference is observable because values of Temporal.Duration are unbounded integers
    • Storing 10 BigInts far less performant than 10 Numbers

Mathematical values in Duration (2)

  • Change Duration internal slots to store the intersection of:
    • mathematical integers
    • Number values
  • Specifically not NaN, ±∞, −0, non-integers, integers not exactly representable in a double
  • This was implicit before, and sloppily defined. Now it is explicit.

Mathematical values in Duration (3)

blank = new Temporal.Duration(0);, blank.negated().years)
  // Before: false (blank.negated().years is -0)
  // After: true

maxSafe = Temporal.Duration.from({ nanoseconds: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER });
minUnsafe = maxSafe.add({ nanoseconds: 1 });
moreUnsafe = maxSafe.add({ nanoseconds: 2 });
moreUnsafe.nanoseconds - minUnsafe.nanoseconds  // 0
  // Before: 1
  // After: 0

Consistent default options (PR #2028)

  • When Temporal invokes a calendar operation with the default options, it passes as the options argument:
    • Sometimes undefined
    • Sometimes Object.create(null)
  • This should be consistent, because it is observable in userland calendars

Consistent default options (2)

original = Temporal.Calendar.prototype.yearMonthFromFields;
Temporal.Calendar.prototype.yearMonthFromFields = function (fields, options) {
    return, fields, options);

ym = Temporal.PlainYearMonth.from("2022-03")
  // calls calendar.yearMonthFromFields() internally
  // Before: logs Object with null prototype
  // After: logs undefined

(this affects several places, not just PlainYearMonth.from)

Consistent expanded-year output (PR #2090)

  • Change output of toString() for years between 0 and 999
  • Previously, used expanded year format to avoid leading zeroes
  • Now, use four-digit format to be consistent with Date.toISOString()
  • Avoid pitfalls when porting code from legacy Date to Temporal
  • ISO 8601: representation of any year <1582 is "by agreement of the communicating parties"
Before: +000001-12-31
After: 0001-12-31 


Wrong sign in PYM.subtract (PR #2002)

  • Sign-flip error in the algorithm for PlainYearMonth.subtract when determining ISO reference point for subtraction
  • Would produce wrong results if implemented exactly as written
m = Temporal.PlainYearMonth.from({ year: 2022, month: 3 });
m.subtract({ days: 31 });
  // Correct answer: 2022-02
  // According to current spec text: 2022-01

Calendar mix-up in PYM arithmetic (PR #2003)

  • Faulty mixing of calendar domains in PlainYearMonth.add and subtract algorithms
  • Example below would incorrectly throw, but other examples might return wrong results
m = Temporal.PlainYearMonth.from({ year: 2021, month: 1, calendar: 'chinese' })
  // (internally results in ISO reference date 2021-02-12)
m.daysInMonth  // => 29
m.subtract({ months: 1 })
  // Correct answer: PlainYearMonth in Chinese calendar with ISO reference date 2021-01-13
  // According to current spec text: Throws

DST bug in Duration comparison (PR #2026)

  • Incorrect comparison with time zone offset shifts
  • Due to not calculating offset shift at start of day
// Note: 2020-11-01 is a 25-hour day in America/Vancouver time zone
relativeTo = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from('2019-11-01T00:00-07:00[America/Vancouver]');
d = Temporal.Duration.from({ years: 1, days: 1 }), { years: 1, hours: 25 }, { relativeTo })
  // Correct answer: 0
  // According to current spec text: -1

Remove non-roundtrippable serialization (#2035)

  • toString() on PlainYearMonth and PlainMonthDay with ISO calendar returned a string that wasn't valid as input to from()
  • When including the calendar, the ISO reference year / day should always be included as well
new Temporal.PlainYearMonth(2022, 3).toString({ calendarName: 'always' })
  // Intended: '2022-03-01[u-ca=iso8601]' (includes ISO reference day)
  // According to current spec text: '2022-03[u-ca=iso8601]'

PMD not handled in DTF.formatRange (PR #2043)

  • Omission such that Intl.DateTimeFormat.formatRange() didn't properly check the types of its arguments when one was a Temporal.PlainMonthDay
dtf = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', {calendar: 'iso8601'});
aMonthDay = new Temporal.PlainMonthDay(3, 28);
notAMonthDay = Temporal.Now.instant();
dtf.formatRange(aMonthDay, notAMonthDay)
  // Intended: throws TypeError
  // According to current spec text: some bogus result

Mistake in grammar of Etc/GMT±N time zone names (PR #2050)

  • Special Etc/GMT time zones not correctly parsed
// Intended: "Etc/GMT+7"
// Actual, according to current spec text: "-07:00"

Normative typo 😱 PR #2000

  • Missing "not" in an if-condition

Requesting consensus

On the normative changes just presented

Sneak peek for next plenary

Three major pieces of implementor feedback remaining to address:

  • Investigate optimizing the built-in calendar case (issue #1808)
  • Integrate Calendar and TimeZone into Intl.DTF options (#2005)
  • Investigate removing [[Calendar]] slot from PlainTime (#1588)


  • Implement conclusions of IETF string standardization (#1450)
  • Fix some other minor errors that you probably don't care about