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NFT Marketplace DApp

A decentralized NFT marketplace application built on the Ethereum blockchain using Solidity, React, Web3.js, and Bootstrap. This DApp allows users to mint, buy, and sell NFTs in a transparent and secure manner.

NFT Marketplace DApp Screenshot


  • Mint new NFTs.
  • Display NFTs in a marketplace.
  • Allow users to buy and sell NFTs.
  • Transparent and secure transactions using blockchain technology.


  • Node.js (v14.x or later)
  • npm (v6.x or later)
  • Truffle (v5.x or later)
  • Ganache (v6.x or later)
  • MetaMask browser extension


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd nft-marketplace-dapp
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Navigate to the client directory and install its dependencies:

    cd client
    npm install

Setting Up the Development Environment

  1. Start Ganache:

  2. Compile and deploy the smart contracts:

    cd ..
    truffle compile
    truffle migrate
  3. Configure MetaMask:

    • Open MetaMask and create a new custom network.
    • Set the network name to "Ganache" (or any desired name).
    • Set the RPC URL to http:
    • Set the Chain ID to 1337 (or the ID displayed in Ganache).
    • Import one of the Ganache accounts into MetaMask using its private key.
  4. Update the NFT.json and NFTMarketplace.json files in the client/src/contracts directory:

    • Copy the contract ABIs from the build/contracts/NFT.json and build/contracts/NFTMarketplace.json files.
    • Paste the ABIs into the respective files in the client/src/contracts directory.
    • Update the contract addresses in the respective files with the deployed contract addresses from Ganache.

Running the Application

  1. Start the React development server:

    cd client
    npm start
  2. Open your browser and navigate to http:https://localhost:3000 to access the NFT Marketplace DApp.


  • Mint NFTs: Enter the token URI and price in ETH, then click "Mint NFT".
  • Buy NFTs: View available NFTs and click the "Buy" button next to an NFT to purchase it.

Smart Contracts

The NFT.sol and NFTMarketplace.sol smart contracts are located in the contracts directory. They define the following functions:


  • createNFT(string memory tokenURI): Mints a new NFT with the given token URI.
  • tokenCounter(): Returns the total number of NFTs minted.


  • mintNFT(string memory tokenURI, uint price): Mints a new NFT and lists it for sale.
  • listNFTForSale(uint tokenId, uint price): Lists an existing NFT for sale.
  • buyNFT(uint tokenId): Buys an NFT listed for sale.

Contract Logic & Limitations

This NFT marketplace system has the following rules and limitations:

  • Each user can mint new NFTs by providing a token URI and setting a price.
  • Users can buy NFTs listed in the marketplace by paying the specified price.
  • Transparency and security are ensured by recording all transactions on the blockchain.
  • Users must have MetaMask installed and connected to the appropriate network to interact with the DApp.

Project Structure

  • contracts/: Contains the Solidity smart contracts.
  • migrations/: Contains migration scripts for deploying the smart contracts.
  • client/src/components/: Contains the React components.
  • client/src/contracts/: Contains the ABIs and contract addresses for interacting with the smart contracts.
  • client/src/Marketplace.css: Contains the CSS for styling the Marketplace component.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.