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Folders and files

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New Issue Format

Labels: GWOC21, Competitive Programming, Documentation/Audio/Video

Format: Documentation/Video/Audio

Language: C/C++/Python/Java/...

Topic: Array/Searching & Sorting/String/...

Description: Describe what you are contributing

Pull Request Format

Labels: GWOC21, Competitive Programming, Documentation/Audio/Video

Fixes: Link Issue Here

Format: Documentation/Video/Audio

Language: C/C++/Python/Java/...

Topic: Array/Searching & Sorting/String/...

Description: Describe what you are contributing

Folder Structure:

Programming Language (C/C++/Python/Java/...)

  • Array
    • Kadanes_algorithm
    • ...
  • Searching & Sorting
    • bubble_sort
    • binary_search
    • ...
  • String
  • Matrix
  • Recursion & Backtracking
  • Greedy
  • DP
  • Stacks & Queues
  • Linked List
  • Generic Trees
  • Binary Trees
  • Binary Search Trees
  • Graphs
  • Bit Manipulation
  • Maths & Number Theory
  • Geometry
  • Trie
  • Range Queries
  • Union Find
  • Network Flow

Additional Notes

  • Commit all files in respective folders only. Create one if it doesn't exit.
  • Don't create duplicate issues
  • You can work on the issue if and only if it is assigned to you
  • Please follow the specified format only