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Android Development with Kotlin


  1. Learn Version Control System - Git, GitHub, Why, What, How

  2. Learn Kotlin

    • Datatypes
    • Collection
    • Control Flow
    • OOPS concept
    • Functions
    • Coroutines
  3. Install Android Studio – process explained

  4. Android Studio IDE Overview

    • Project Structure – Kotlin, XML, .Gradle files
  5. Android Component -

    • Activity - Activity Lifecycle
    • Tasks & Back Stack Service
    • Broadcast Receiver
    • Content Provider

    • Buttons
    • ImageView
    • TextView
    • EditText
  7. View Groups

    • LinearLayout
    • Relative Layout
    • Frame Layout
    • Constraint Layout
  8. Intents

    • Types
    • Intent Filter
  9. Dynamic User Interface

    • Recycler View
    • ViewPager
    • Spinner
    • WebView
    • ScrollView
    • NestedScrollView
    • Drawer Layout
    • Navigation Drawer
    • Bottom Navigation Drawer
    • Tab Layout
    • Bottom Sheet
    • Card View
  10. Custom Views

    • Canvas
    • Bitmap
    • Paint
  11. UI Resources

    • Drawable
    • String
    • Styles
  12. Fragments

    • Fragment Lifecycle
    • Fragment Manager
    • Navigation Lifecycle Component
  13. Support User Interface

    • Progress Bar
    • Dialogs
    • Toast & Snackbar
  14. Storage

    • Shared Preference
    • File System
    • Database Room Database
    • Realm DB
  15. Build

    • Gradle
    • Debug / Release Configuration
  16. Threading

    • Thread
    • Handler / Looper
  17. Debugging

    • Exception
    • Error Handling
    • Memory Profiling
    • Logging
    • Systrace
  18. Memory Leaks

    • Detecting and Fixing Memory Leaks
    • Context
  19. Architecture

    • MVVM
    • MVP
    • MVI
    • Clean
    • MVC
  20. 3rd Party Libraries

    1. Image Loading

      • Glide
      • Picasso
    2. Dependency Injection

      • Dagger
      • Hilt Dependency injection framework
      • Koin
    3. Networking

      • Fast Android Networking Library
      • Retrofit
      • Volley
    4. MultiThreading

      • RxJava
      • Coroutines
    5. Data Format

      • JSON/GSON
      • Flat Buffer
      • Protocol Buffer
      • Android MP Chart
  21. Android Jetpack

    1. Foundation Components
      • AppCompat
      • Android KTX
      • Multidex
      • Jetpack Compose
    2. Architecture Components
      • LiveData
      • ViewModel
      • DataBinding
      • Paging
      • Work Manager/Alarm Manager, Job Scheduler
      • Navigation
    3. Behaviour Components
      • Download Manager
      • Media Playback
      • Notification
      • Permissions
      • Preference
      • Sharing
      • Slice
    4. UI Component
      • Animation & Transition
      • Android Auto
      • Emoji
      • Palette
      • Android TV
      • Android Wear
  22. Production / App Release

    • .keystore file
    • App Bundle
    • Playstore
  23. Firebase

    • Firestore DB
    • Firebase Auth
    • RealtimeDb
    • Firecloud Storage
    • FCM
    • Crashlytics
    • Analytics
    • Remote Config
    • App Indexing
    • Dynamic Link
  24. Unit Testing

    • Junit
    • Local Unit Testing
    • Instrumentation Testing
    • Spek
    • Mockito
    • Espresso
    • Roboectrics
  25. Security

    • Encrypt / Decrypt
    • Proguard
    • R8
  • Additional
    • Google Services API

Resources :-

Project guide :-

  • After 8th topic we can begin with building a calculator app or a tip calculator app or we can also go with converter kind of app like a currency converter app.

  • Uptil 19th topic, we will be good for working on something like a word shuffler or even a music maker.

  • And after 21st topic, we can advance onto making a GitHub profile checker & movie recommendation app. We can even work on making clones to have some idea about professional world apps like clone of Zomato.Lastly, it would be great if we also start with APIs

  • Then after 23rd topic, we can proceed with any Backend app to get a hang of how everything works in the backend.

  • Finally after 25th topic, we should try for most app with wider range of devices.