import std/[times, strutils, strformat, stats] import std/json except `%*` import jsonpak, jsonpak/[extra, patch, parser, jsonptr, mapper, builder, sorted] const JsonData = readFile("test.json") NumIters = 10_000 proc printStats(name: string, stats: RunningStat, dur: float) = echo &"""{name}: Collected {stats.n} samples in {dur:>4.4f} s Average time: {stats.mean * 1000:>4.4f} ms Stddev time: {stats.standardDeviationS * 1000:>4.4f} ms Min time: {stats.min * 1000:>4.4f} ms Max time: {stats.max * 1000:>4.4f} ms""" template bench(name, tree, code: untyped) = var stats = RunningStat() let globalStart = cpuTime() for i in 1..NumIters: var t {.inject.} = copy(tree) let start = cpuTime() code let duration = cpuTime() - start stats.push duration let globalDuration = cpuTime() - globalStart printStats(name, stats, globalDuration) import std/tables proc sort(n: JsonNode) = ## Sort a JSON node case n.kind of JArray: for e in mitems(n.elems): sort(e) of JObject: sort(n.fields, proc (x, y: (string, JsonNode)): int = cmp[string](x[0], y[0])) for k, v in mpairs(n.fields): sort(v) else: discard type UserRecord = object id: int name, email: string age: int city: string balance: int active: bool proc main() = var stdTree = json.parseJson(JsonData) tree = parser.parseJson(JsonData) bench "extract", newEmptyTree(): t = extract(tree, JsonPtr"") bench "parse", newEmptyTree(): t = parser.parseJson(JsonData) bench "toString", tree: discard $t bench "fromJson", tree: discard fromJson(t, JsonPtr"/records/500", UserRecord) bench "toJson", newEmptyTree(): t = toJson(UserRecord(id:1,name:"User1",email:"",age:65,city:"Sydney",balance:37341,active:false)) bench "test", tree: discard test(t, JsonPtr"/records/500/age", %*30) bench "replace", tree: replace(t, JsonPtr"/records/500/age", %*31) bench "remove", tree: remove(t, JsonPtr"/records/500/city") bench "add", tree: add(t, JsonPtr"/records/500/email", %*"") bench "copy", tree: copy(t, JsonPtr"/records/500/age", JsonPtr"/records/0/newAge") bench "move", tree: move(t, JsonPtr"/records/500/city", JsonPtr"/records/0/location") bench "sort", newEmptyTree().SortedJsonTree: t = sorted(tree) tree = sorted(tree).JsonTree bench "hash", tree: discard hash(t.SortedJsonTree) # Benchmarks for std/json module bench "stdlib - extract", JsonNode(): t = stdTree.copy() bench "stdlib - parse", JsonNode(): t = json.parseJson(JsonData) bench "stdlib - toString", stdTree: discard $t bench "stdlib - hash", stdTree: discard hash(t) bench "stdlib - fromJson", stdTree: discard t["records"][500].to(UserRecord) bench "stdlib - toJson", JsonNode(): t = %UserRecord(id:1,name:"User1",email:"",age:65,city:"Sydney",balance:37341,active:false) bench "stdlib - test", stdTree: discard t["records"][500]["age"] == %30 bench "stdlib - replace", stdTree: t["records"][500]["age"] = %31 bench "stdlib - remove", stdTree: t["records"][500].delete("city") bench "stdlib - add", stdTree: t["records"][500]["email"] = %"" bench "stdlib - copy", stdTree: t["records"][500]["newAge"] = t["records"][0]["age"] bench "stdlib - move", stdTree: t["records"][500]["location"] = t["records"][0]["city"] t["records"][0].delete("city") bench "stdlib - sort", stdTree: t.sort echo "used Mem: ", formatSize getOccupiedMem() main()