# Package version = "1.1.0" author = "planetis-m" description = "Packed ASTs for compact and efficient JSON representation, with JSON Pointer, JSON Patch support." license = "MIT" srcDir = "src" # Dependencies requires "nim >= 1.9.3" import os let projectUrl = "https://github.com/planetis-m/jsonpak" pkgDir = thisDir().quoteShell docsDir = "docs" task docs, "Generate documentation": # https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/docgen.html let filenames = [ "jsonpak", "jsonpak" / "builder", "jsonpak" / "dollar", "jsonpak" / "extra", "jsonpak" / "jsonptr", "jsonpak" / "mapper", "jsonpak" / "parser", "jsonpak" / "patch", "jsonpak" / "sorted" ] withDir(pkgDir): for file in filenames: let doc = docsDir / (file.extractFilename & ".html") # Generate the docs for {src} exec("nim doc --index:on --verbosity:0 --git.url:" & projectUrl & " --git.devel:main --git.commit:main --out:" & doc & " " & (srcDir / file)) exec("nim buildIndex --out:" & (docsDir / "index.html") & " " & docsDir)