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A Fortran RSF file input/output module independent from Madagascar


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A Fortran RSF file input/output module independent from Madagascar


make install


your_fortran_compiler -o main.e main.f90 -I/path/to/include -L/path/to/lib -lrsfio

Quick reference

use rsfio_mod, only: rsf_t, axis_t, rsf_input, rsf_output
type(rsf_t):: sf, so
type(axis_t):: at, ax
real,allocatable:: arr(:,:)
integer:: n1,n2, itr

! open: read
sf = rsf_input("input.rsf")

! access axis information
at = sf%axes(1)
ax = sf%axes(2)
n1 = sf%n(1)
n2 = sf%n(2)

! access (read/write) header infomation
print*, sf%in, sf%esize, sf%data_format

! read data
call sf%read(arr)

! read data trace by trace
do itr=1,sf%ntr()
    call sf%read(arr(:,itr))

! open: write
so = rsf_output("output.rsf",in="output.rsf@", &
                 data_format="native_float", &

! write data
call so%write(arr)

! write data trace by trace
do itr=1,so%ntr()
    call so%write(arr(:,itr))

call sf%close()
call so%close()

RSF file format

Please read the Guide to RSF file format.

rsfio module

Supported formats

  • native
  • ascii

Supported types

  • int (fortran integer)
  • float (fortran real, single precision)
  • complex (fortran complex, single precision)

Unsupported features

  • XDR file format
  • Datapath: The module writes data and its header in a same directory unless we specify the data path.
  • Header + data in one file

rsfio_mod module

rsfio_mod supports upto 9-dimensional data. Two derived data types are used for input/output.

axis_t type

axis_t represents an axis. It contains information of one axis.

type axis_t
    integer:: n=0
    real:: o=0.0, d=0.0
    character(len=:),allocatable:: label,unit
end type

rsf_t type

rsf_t is a rsf file handle.

use rsfio_mod, only: rsf_t,axis_t,rsf_input,rsf_output
type(rsf_t):: sf
type(axis_t):: at

API: Input

We can parse rsf file header as

type(rsf_t):: sf
  • filename is optional. If we omit filename, the module reads the header from standard input.

sf contains header information only and we use sf%read(array) to read data.

call sf%read(array)
  • RSF data is single precision; however, we can use double precision array to read/write data. There is an internal conversion process between single and double precision. The array can be

    • integer:: array(n1), array(n1,n2), array(n1,n2,n3)
    • real(kind=4):: array(n1), array(n1,n2), array(n1,n2,n3)
    • real(kind=8):: array(n1), array(n1,n2), array(n1,n2,n3)
    • complex(kind=4):: array(n1), array(n1,n2), array(n1,n2,n3)
    • complex(kind=8):: array(n1), array(n1,n2), array(n1,n2,n3)
  • If we use 1d array for n-dimensional data, we are accessing the data trace by trace.

There are two methods to read the axis information.

!! method 1: use axis_t type
! sf%axes(1:9): axis_t array contains axis information
! the array index indicates the axis number
! We can use this method to write the axis information

!! method 2: for convenience, only for read

Here is an example.

use rsfio_mod, only: rsf_t,axis_t,rsf_input
type(rsf_t):: sf
type(axis_t):: ax1,ax2
real,allocatable:: v(:,:)
integer itr

!! input rsf file: sf contains header information. It does not contain the data itself. Use "read" to read data as shown below.

! we can access axis infomation using arrays: n, o, d, label, and unit with a corresponding dimension number
write(*,*) "Axis 1 info"
write(*,*) sf%n(1), sf%o(1), sf%d(1), sf%label(1), sf%unit(1)

! we can also get the axis information using axis_t type

! number of traces = (total number of elements)/n1
write(*,*) "Number of traces:", sf%ntr()

!! read data

! We can read/write whole data at once for 1d, 2d, and 3d data for convenience
! Although rsf data is single precision, we can use double precision real/complex array to read/write data.
! The module takes care of the conversion
call sf%read(v)

! Or we can read the data trace by trace
do itr=1,sf%n(2)
	call sf%read(v(:,itr))

! finalize
call sf%close()

API: Output

We can generate a rsf file handle as

type(rsf_t):: sf

All arguments are optional.

  • If we omit filename, the module writes the header to standard output. The module writes the header at the first time we call sf%write to write data.
  • in specifies the data path. If we omit in, the output data name will be "filename"//"@". The function requires at least one of "filename" and "in".
  • data_format is the rsf data format. Supported data formats are
    • native_int
    • native_float
    • native_complex
    • ascii_int
    • ascii_float
    • ascii_complex
  • ax1 to ax9 are axes information: type(axis_t) explained above. We can change the axes information after calling rsf_output and before calling rsf%write.
  • abspath is a logical value (default=.true.). The module writes in="/absolute/data/path" in the header unless abspath is false. If it is false, the module uses relative data path.

We use call sf%write to write header and data. And close the file after writing is done.

call sf%write(array)
call sf%close()

Supported array types are same as those of sf%read. Here is an example.

use rsfio_mod, only: rsf_t,axis_t,rsf_output
type(rsf_t):: sf
type(axis_t):: ax1,ax2
integer,parameter:: n1=300, n2=100
real:: sm(n1,n2)
real:: dt=0.001,h=0.01
itneger:: itr

! set sm array
sm(:,:) = ...

! set axis information

! rsf file handle

! write data. If the header is not written yet, write the header file, too.
call sf%write(sm)

! Or we can write the data trace by trace, too.
do itr=1,sf%n(2)
    call sf%write(sm(:,itr))

! finalization
call sf%close()


A Fortran RSF file input/output module independent from Madagascar







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