]> &systemEntity; */ function HandleXmlError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline){ if ($errno==E_WARNING && (substr_count($errstr,"DOMDocument::loadXML()")>0)){ throw new DOMException($errstr); }else{ return false; }//end if }// end function HandleXmlError try { switch ($_SESSION["security-level"]){ case "0": // This code is insecure $lEnableHTMLControls = FALSE; //$lFormMethod = "GET"; $lEnableJavaScriptValidation = FALSE; $lEnableXMLValidation = FALSE; $lEnableXMLEncoding = FALSE; $lProtectAgainstMethodTampering = FALSE; libxml_disable_entity_loader(FALSE); break; case "1": // This code is insecure $lEnableHTMLControls = TRUE; //$lFormMethod = "GET"; $lEnableJavaScriptValidation = TRUE; $lEnableXMLValidation = FALSE; $lEnableXMLEncoding = FALSE; $lProtectAgainstMethodTampering = FALSE; libxml_disable_entity_loader(FALSE); break; case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": // This code is fairly secure $lEnableHTMLControls = TRUE; //$lFormMethod = "POST"; $lEnableJavaScriptValidation = TRUE; $lEnableXMLValidation = TRUE; $lEnableXMLEncoding = TRUE; $lProtectAgainstMethodTampering = TRUE; libxml_disable_entity_loader(TRUE); break; }//end switch if ($lEnableHTMLControls) { $lHTMLControlAttributes='required="required"'; }else{ $lHTMLControlAttributes=""; }// end if $lFormSubmitted = FALSE; if (isset($_POST["xml-validator-php-submit-button"]) || isset($_REQUEST["xml-validator-php-submit-button"])) { $lFormSubmitted = TRUE; }// end if if ($lFormSubmitted){ if ($lProtectAgainstMethodTampering) { $lXMLValidatorSubmitButton = $_POST["xml-validator-php-submit-button"]; $lXML = $_POST["xml"]; }else{ $lXMLValidatorSubmitButton = $_REQUEST["xml-validator-php-submit-button"]; $lXML = $_REQUEST["xml"]; }// end if $lProtectAgainstMethodTampering try { if ($lEnableXMLEncoding){ $lXMLToLog = $Encoder->encodeForXML($lXML); }else{ $lXMLToLog = $lXML; }; $LogHandler->writeToLog("Recieved request to validate XML for: " . $lXMLToLog); } catch (Exception $e) { //do nothing }// end try }// end if $lFormSubmitted } catch (Exception $e) { echo $CustomErrorHandler->FormatError($e, $lQueryString); }// end try; ?> getHint("ReflectedXSSExecutionPoint"); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $CustomErrorHandler->FormatError($e, "Error attempting to execute query to fetch bubble hints."); }// end try ?>
XML Validator
Please Enter XML to Validate
Example: <somexml><message>Hello World</message></somexml>
0){ try{ if(!($lEnableXMLValidation && (preg_match(XML_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_REGEX_PATTERNS, $lXML) || !preg_match(VALID_XML_CHARACTERS, $lXML)))){ echo "
"; echo "XML Submitted"; echo "
" . $Encoder->encodeForXML($lXML) . "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; try { set_error_handler('HandleXmlError'); $lDOMDocument = new DOMDocument(); $lDOMDocument->resolveExternals = true; $lDOMDocument->substituteEntities = true; $lDOMDocument->preserveWhiteSpace=true; $lDOMDocument->loadXML($lXML); echo "
"; echo "Text Content Parsed From XML"; echo "
" . $lDOMDocument->textContent . "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; restore_error_handler(); } catch(Exception $e) { echo $CustomErrorHandler->FormatError($e, "Could not parse XML because the input is mal-formed or could not be interpreted."); }//end try }else{ echo "
"; echo "
Possible XML external entity injection attack detected.
Support has been notified.
"; }//end if } catch (Exception $e) { echo $CustomErrorHandler->FormatError($e, $lQueryString); }// end try; }// end if (isset($_POST)) ?>