# I PROPOSED TO MY FIANCE WITH THIS GAME AND SHE SAID YES! - - - - # Overview: ouRPerlGame The Perl game all of my friends have been helping me create by giving their ideas. - - - - # Usage 1. Currently the sounds only work on osx because I'm utilizing /usr/bin/afplay in several spots. 1. You will need some modules. I like to use [cpanminus](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miyagawa/cpanminus/) 1. To install `cpanminus` on a Unix based system: `curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - App::cpanminus` 1. To install the required modules: `sudo cpanm Term::ANSIColor Term::ExtendedColor Term::ReadKey Switch Term::Screen` 1. To run the game, grant the execute permission: `chmod +x ouRPG.pl` 1. Finally, run the game: `./ouRPG.pl` ### Screenshots of the game in action Main menu ![Main Menu](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pgporada/ouRPerlGame/master/Screenshots/ourpg01.PNG "ouRPG01") Help and character sheet ![Help and character sheet](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pgporada/ouRPerlGame/master/Screenshots/ourpg02.PNG "ouRPG02") Battle system ![Battle system](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pgporada/ouRPerlGame/master/Screenshots/ourpg03.PNG "ouRPG03") Map and random battle ![Map and random battle](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pgporada/ouRPerlGame/master/Screenshots/ourpg04.PNG "ouRPG04") If you're curious about the Windows CMD shell in the pictures, it's called [Cmder](http://bliker.github.io/cmder/) Thanks for checking this out!