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This demo should run on a windows 64-bit machine without any further editing. Just run pfnn.exe (or pfnn_hq.exe for a higher quality version with more expensive rendering). If you are on any other platform you will probably have to recompile (see below). You need to plug in an Xbox gamepad before you start the program, and the controls are given as follows.

Keyboard Number Keys   -> Change Map
Gamepad Left Stick     -> Move Character
Gamepad Right Stick    -> Move Camera
Gamepad Left Trigger   -> Strafe (Face Camera)
Gamepad Right Trigger  -> Jog / Run
Gamepad Left Shoulder  -> Zoom In
Gamepad Right Shoulder -> Zoom Out
Gamepad B              -> Toggle Crouch
Gamepad X              -> Toggle Debug Display
Gamepad Back           -> Toggle Extra Resonsiveness
Gamepad Start          -> Toggle IK

On some windows machines the controls may be messed up, in which case you may need to play with the gamepad enums at the top of pfnn.cpp and recompile.


All of the source code for the demo is contained in pfnn.cpp. It has the following dependancies which you will need to install before compiling:


With all these libraries installed you should be able to run the following to compile:


If you get any errors you may have to adjust the Makefile a bit. Once compiled sucessfully you can run the demo:


There is also a version with higher quality rendering which was used to produce the video. The rendering code is quite inefficient in this version so it requires a half decent graphics card to run properly.


There are various options at the top of the file you can play around with. The network weights are in the folder network/pfnn. These are the ones used in the video and trained using the process described in the paper. Various things including the skeleton structure are somewhat hard-coded so be careful if you are using your own data and own network weights and want to update this demo too.