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CAProfiler - a C++ tool for scan of installed smartcard applets

Latest release Build status

The applications installed on smartcard are identified by its unique Application ID (AID). The list of installed applications can be directly retrieved via GlobalPlatform API using a suitable tool, e.g., amazing GlobalPlatformPro tool by Martin Paljak. However, the command requires successful authentication against so-called CardManager (CM) application using cryptographic keys. While the required keys are set to well-known values for developer cards, production cards are usually locked with keys known only to given card issuer. As a result, a list of installed applications cannot be readily retrieved.

The CAProfiler tool iterates over a large number of known AIDs from standards (e.g., EMV or OpenPGP application), try to SELECT the application for use and detects response status. The successful SELECT command signalize installed application.

Important notes

The codebase for this project was developed already around 2007, is written in C++ and uses Microsoft proprietary extensions (MFC). I do plan to rewrite utility to Java (for better portability) and a separate list of known AIDs together with human-readable names into the separate configuration file (for easier addition of new AIDs).


If run without command line parameters, interactive menu selection is displayed.


Example output:

Available readers:
1. Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 0


Available operations:
1. Test installed applets (/oper:"1")
2. Get EMV ACC challenge (/oper:"2")
3. Get SIM challenge (/oper:"3")

Select index of target operation: 1

Scan for installed smarcard applications

CAProfiler.exe /OPER:"1"

Example output:

Available readers:
1. Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 0

Select index of target reader: 1

INFO: You may use /reader:"reader_name" to provide this value
OpenSession(Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 0) finish with 0 SUCCESS

Testing installed applets...

-> 00 a4 04 00 05  a0 00 00 00 03   00
   APPLET_AID_VISA_PREFIX applet found
<- 6f 10 84 08 a0 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 a5 04 9f 65 01 ff  90 00


-> 00 a4 04 00 08  a0 00 00 00 03 00 00 00   00
   APPLET_AID_JCOP_CM applet found
<- 6f 10 84 08 a0 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 a5 04 9f 65 01 ff  90 00

The following applets were detected:
APPLET_AID_JCOP_CM             : a0 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
APPLET_AID_VISA_PREFIX         : a0 00 00 00 03

Obtain EMV ACC challenge

CAProfiler.exe /OPER:"2" /APPLET_AID:"a0000000043060" /PIN:"1234" /CHALLENGE:"11223344"

Obtain GSM SIM session key

CAProfiler.exe /OPER:"3" /CHALLENGE:"0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10" /PIN:"1234"