"""Peewee migrations -- 020_update_index_recordings.py. Some examples (model - class or model name):: > Model = migrator.orm['model_name'] # Return model in current state by name > migrator.sql(sql) # Run custom SQL > migrator.python(func, *args, **kwargs) # Run python code > migrator.create_model(Model) # Create a model (could be used as decorator) > migrator.remove_model(model, cascade=True) # Remove a model > migrator.add_fields(model, **fields) # Add fields to a model > migrator.change_fields(model, **fields) # Change fields > migrator.remove_fields(model, *field_names, cascade=True) > migrator.rename_field(model, old_field_name, new_field_name) > migrator.rename_table(model, new_table_name) > migrator.add_index(model, *col_names, unique=False) > migrator.drop_index(model, *col_names) > migrator.add_not_null(model, *field_names) > migrator.drop_not_null(model, *field_names) > migrator.add_default(model, field_name, default) """ import peewee as pw SQL = pw.SQL def migrate(migrator, database, fake=False, **kwargs): migrator.sql("DROP INDEX recordings_end_time_start_time") migrator.sql( 'CREATE INDEX "recordings_camera_start_time_end_time" ON "recordings" ("camera", "start_time" DESC, "end_time" DESC)' ) migrator.sql( 'CREATE INDEX "recordings_api_recordings_summary" ON "recordings" ("camera", "start_time" DESC, "duration", "motion", "objects")' ) migrator.sql('CREATE INDEX "recordings_start_time" ON "recordings" ("start_time")') def rollback(migrator, database, fake=False, **kwargs): pass