Hobby is a command-line tool designed to simplify deploying and managing hobby projects on remote servers. It automates server setup, deployment, and updates using Docker Compose and Caddy as a rev…
A detailed summary of Clean Architecture by Robert C Martin (Uncle Bob)
Companion code to my O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development", second edition.
Converts a polygon into a set of geohashes with arbitrary precision.
AWS API Gateway management tool for creating on the fly HTTP pass-through proxies for unique IP rotation
1 Line of code data quality profiling & exploratory data analysis for Pandas and Spark DataFrames. is a powerful open source geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets.
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
JavaScript UI component for interacting with audio waveforms
☘ A vue3 component of progress bar the custom colors are supported 一款 vue3 进度条组件 支持自定义喜欢的颜色
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js