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File metadata and controls

42 lines (34 loc) · 2.54 KB

PCS Development Setup

Please follow the steps below to set up PCS in your dev environment

  1. Clone the PCS repo from
  2. You will need the following keys to run PCS:
  3. In the top level of the directory, create your config.json file
    • The file should contain the following entries, filling in your values
       var config = {};
       config.requestAB = ['', '']; // OpenData Authorization bearers array
       config.requestAT = ['','']; // OpenData Authorization tokens array, order matches requestAB
       config.PCRToken = '';
       config.KeenIOID = '';
       config.KeenIOWriteKey = '';
       config.IFTTTKey = '';
       module.exports = config;
    • Alternatively, set the corresponding environment variables (see "index.js"
  4. npm install the packages listed in "package.json"
  5. Create a top-level directory called "Data" and subdirectories with the name of the term for course data and review data, respectively
    • Naming convention: course data in directory "2019A" (Spring, 2019) and review data in "2017CRev" (review data that was published in the fall of 2017)
  6. In the files "index.js", "DB/DBManage.js", and "public/js/PCSangular.js", find the lines that define currentTerm and currentRev. Replace the strings as necessary with the same strings from the previous step.
  7. In "DB/DBManage.js", find the line var opendata = require('../opendata.js')(N); N is the number of requests to make per minute while caching OpenData information. Change N to be less than 100 (I usually set it to 95).
  8. From the DB directory, run the following command to begin caching course data: node DBManage.js registrar 0
    • Change 0 to be a dept (e.g. MEAM) to cache a specific department
    • Append a second number to stop at a certain department index (e.g. node DBManage.js registrar 0 20)
  9. Run the same command with review instead of registrar
    • It is recommended to run this command in chunks so as not to overload the PCR API
  10. IF YOU ARE SETTING UP PRODUCTION make sure that the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to 'production'

This should be all you need to set up the environment. Run node index.js to start the server on port 3000