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202 lines (169 loc) · 9.24 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (169 loc) · 9.24 KB


Release date: 2020-06-28

  • removed exception throwing in AbstractApplication::getProp() and hasProp()


Release date: 2020-02-22

  • added method getConfigFile() to Config\Exception\FileNotFoundException and Config\Exception\FileNotReadableException
  • added method getPath() to Config\Exception\CachePathNotFoundException and Config\Exception\CachePathNotWritableException
  • added Blueprint\ConfigException and updated all Config exceptions accordingly
  • changed Backpack\Bedrock\AppRoutesMappers to sort alphabetically the routes by path name


Release date: 2020-02-08

  • added Http\Exception\JsonBodyParserException and updated Http\Middleware\JsonBodyParserMiddleware to use it


Release date: 2020-02-06

  • fixed bug in Collection\DotNotationCollection with methods get() and has() when the path end with string instead array key name
  • fixed Backpack\Bedrock\AppRoutesMapper to ignore route group (Http\Request\PreRoute)
  • added the stack mapping to Backpack\Bedrock\AppRoutesMapper


Release date: 2020-01-09

  • removed hard dependencies of symfony/console, symfony/process and symfony/yaml in composer.json and moved them to suggest section


Release date: 2020-01-06

  • improved exceptions for Collection\Structure
  • refactored function getShortClassName() from Common\helpers.php
  • Http\Request\Route will now also pass route arguments to PSR-7 request attributes


Release date: 2019-10-28

  • improved exceptions for Collection\Structure
  • updated Kernel::VERSION number


Release date: 2019-09-12

  • added group feature for pre-routing in to Bedrock\Http\Application
  • added Bedrock\Http\GroupManager and Http\Request\PreRoute
  • added methods getMatches() and pregMatch() to Http\Request\Route
  • removed deprecated methods Http\Request\RouteServerRequest getParam() and hasParam() in favor of getArg() and hasArg()
  • removed deprecated $param property for Request in favor of $args property
  • implemented interfaces ArrayAccess and Peak\Blueprint\Common\Arrayable in Http\Request\RouteArgs
  • deprecated method raw() of Http\Request\RouteArgs in favor of method toArray()


Release date: 2019-08-13

  • renamed class Http\Request\RouteParameter to RouteArgs.
  • request arguments are now stored in the Request object under property $args. $param property from route request is still usable but will be remove in version 4.1.0 in favor of $args.
  • methods Http\Request\RouteServerRequest getParam() and hasParam() renamed to getArg() and hasArg(). methods getParam() and hasParam() still can be used but will throw a user notice and will be remove in version 4.1.0 in favor of getArg() and hasArg()


Release date: 2019-06-24

  • added View\Exception\VarNotFoundException
  • added Bedrock\Cli\Exception\InvalidCommandException
  • renamed method bind() to bindSingleton() in Di\Container for consistency and clarity
  • added methods bindSingletons(), bindPrototypes() and bindFactories() to Di\Container
  • moved Peak\View component outside the framework
  • moved Peak\Pipeline component outside the framework


Release date: 2019-05-24

  • added Http\Middleware\JsonBodyParserMiddleware and Http\Exception\BodyParserException
  • allow empty argument in Collection\Structure\AbstractStructure::create()
  • added Blueprint\Collection\Structure
  • added method getKeys() and static keys() to Collection\Structure\AbstractStructure
  • fixed edge case where singleton binding as string were not used properly in Di\Container and Di\Binding\Singleton
  • allow the usage of binding when autoWiring is on in Di\Container
  • allow resolution of interfaces dependencies via bindings in Di\InterfaceResolver
  • prevent infinite recursive string resolution in Di\Binding\Singleton, Di\Binding\Prototype and Di\ArrayDefinition
  • added Di\Exception\InfiniteLoopResolutionException
  • moved Di\AbstractBinding and Di\BindingInterface under Di\Binding folder
  • renamed method getKeys() to getStructureKeys() in Collection\Structure\AbstractStructure to be consistent
  • added method getHandlers() to Blueprint\Http\Stack and update Http\Stack and Http\Request\Route
  • removed deprecated components in Common: Reflection, Pagination, ClassFinder, TextUtils and TimeExpression
  • removed deprecated Backpack\BlackMagic
  • added Blueprint\View\Presentation
  • added Backpack\AppRoutesMapper
  • renamed method setClassName() to setAppClass() in Backpack\AppBuilder to be consistent
  • renamed Backpack\AppBuilder to Backpack\Bedrock\HttpAppBuilder. Kept Backpack\AppBuilder as class alias for backward compatibility
  • renamed Backpack\ConfigLoader to Backpack\Config\HttpConfigLoader. Kept Backpack\ConfigLoader as class alias for backward compatibility
  • added method addVars() and setViewClass() to Backpack\View\ViewBuilder


Release date: 2019-03-30

  • Http\Request\Exception\InvalidHandlerException return a more meaningful error message
  • updated namespace for functions
  • Backpack\View\ViewBuilder will throw an exception if Presentation is missing when building the view
  • renamed addMacro to setMacro in Common\Traits\Macro for consistency
  • updated project to phpunit 8.x
  • moved Backpack\View\Helper\BaseUrl to View\Helper\BaseUrl
  • fixed bug where MethodNotFoundException was not created correctly in Di\ClassInspector
  • renamed method, fixed methods visibilities and refined the word detection in Common\Traits\UpdateToCamelCase
  • fixed nested array settings key name in Common\PhpIni
  • fixed wrong implementation of JsonSerializable in Collection\PropertiesBag and Collection\Collection
  • fixed setting empty key behavior in Common\DotNotationCollection
  • fixed unreachable call_user_func() in Collection\Collection:__call
  • added Config\Exception\ProcessorTypeException and Config\Processor\ConfigProcessor
  • removed Config\Stream\ConfigStream
  • fixed wrong condition order in Config\ConfigResolver
  • updated Config\Processor\YamlProcessor to handle edge case where yaml parse return a string
  • added $needle parameter for Di\ExplicitResolver closure
  • removed useless verification since $definition is typed in constructor in Di\Binding\Factory
  • removed useless verification since $object is in method typed in Di\Container::set()
  • fixed wrong condition order in Di\ArrayDefinition
  • added method getDefinitions() to Di\Container
  • prevent duplicate interfaces in Di\Container::addInterface()
  • remove unused Di\Exception\NotFoundException class
  • removed an always true condition in Http\Stack::process()


Release date: 2019-02-20

  • added method returnResponse() to Http\Stack to allow re-handling the stack multiple times
  • Backpack\AppBuilder::setProps() will create a DotNotationCollection instead of PropertiesBag if array submitted.
  • fixed bug with trailing slashes for route "/"
  • added method bootstrap() to Blueprint\Application


Release date: 2019-02-14

  • added Http\Request\RouteExpression and updated Http\Request\Route to use it
  • added default param to Http\Request\RouteServerRequest::getParam()
  • refactored Blueprint\Bedrock\Application into 3 new interfaces: Blueprint\Bedrock\Application, Blueprint\Bedrock\HttpApplication and Blueprint\Bedrock\CliApplication
  • removed deprecated Bedrock\Application\Config
  • moved Bedrock\Application\Application to Bedrock\Http\Application
  • moved Bedrock\Application\AbstractBootstrapper to Bedrock\AbstractBootstrapper
  • added Bedrock\Cli\Application
  • added symfony/console and symfony/process to composer.json
  • added Bedrock\AbstractApplication to reduce repetitive code in Bedrock\Http\Application and Bedrock\Cli\Application


Release date: 2019-02-12

  • removed trailing slash on request path in Http\Request\Route
  • adding support of curly braces syntax for route parameters in Http\Request\Route
  • added Http\Request\RouteParameter and updated Http\Request\Route to use it
  • added Http\Request\RouteServerRequest
  • added Common\Trait\MicroTime
  • refactored Common\Chrono
  • removed deprecated Common\ServiceLocator


Release date: 2019-02-05

  • raised minimum php version to 7.2
  • removed deprecated packages Validation and Rbac
  • removed package DebugBar
  • refactored exceptions in Di
  • added addToContainerAfterBuild() to Backpack\AppBuilder
  • added multiple set type methods in Collection\Structure\DataType
  • setProps() of Backpack\AppBuilder now accept an array or an instance of Blueprint\Collection\Dictionary
  • added Dictionary Blueprint to class Collection\DotNotationCollection
  • added method stackIfTrue() for conditional stacking in Bedrock\Application\Application
  • removed render() return type, since the method could return a string or false in Blueprint\View\View
  • added method createStack() in Bedrock\Application\Application
  • removed deprecated Backpack\Application
  • renamed nullable() to null() for consistency in Collection\Structure\DataType


Release date: 2019-01-24

  • first draft of v4