![colima-logo](colima.png) ## Colima - container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup. [![Go](https://github.com/abiosoft/colima/actions/workflows/go.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/abiosoft/colima/actions/workflows/go.yml) [![Integration](https://github.com/abiosoft/colima/actions/workflows/integration.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/abiosoft/colima/actions/workflows/integration.yml) ![Demonstration](colima.gif) ## Features - Intel and M1 Macs support - Simple CLI interface - Docker and Containerd support - Port Forwarding - Volume mounts - Kubernetes - Multiple instances ## Getting Started ### Installation Colima is available on Homebrew, MacPorts, and Nix. Check [here](docs/INSTALL.md) for other installation options. ``` # Homebrew brew install colima # MacPorts sudo port install colima # Nix nix-env -iA nixpkgs.colima ``` Or stay on the bleeding edge (only Homebrew) ``` brew install --HEAD colima ``` ### Upgrading If upgrading from v0.4.6 or lower, it is required to start afresh by deleting existing instance. ```sh colima delete # delete existing instance colima start ``` ## Usage Start Colima with defaults ``` colima start ``` For more usage options ``` colima --help colima start --help ``` Or use a config file ``` colima start --edit ``` ## Runtimes On initial startup, Colima initiates with a user specified runtime that defaults to Docker. ### Docker Docker client is required for Docker runtime. Installable with brew `brew install docker`. You can use the `docker` client on macOS after `colima start` with no additional setup. ### Containerd `colima start --runtime containerd` starts and setup Containerd. You can use `colima nerdctl` to interact with Containerd using [nerdctl](https://github.com/containerd/nerdctl). It is recommended to run `colima nerdctl install` to install `nerdctl` alias script in $PATH. ### Kubernetes kubectl is required for Kubernetes. Installable with `brew install kubectl`. To enable Kubernetes, start Colima with `--kubernetes` flag. ``` colima start --kubernetes ``` #### Interacting with Image Registry For Docker runtime, images built or pulled with Docker are accessible to Kubernetes. For Containerd runtime, images built or pulled in the `k8s.io` namespace are accessible to Kubernetes. ### Customizing the VM The default VM created by Colima has 2 CPUs, 2GiB memory and 60GiB storage. The VM can be customized either by passing additional flags to `colima start`. e.g. `--cpu`, `--memory`, `--disk`, `--runtime`. Or by editing the config file with `colima start --edit`. **NOTE**: ~~disk size cannot be changed after the VM is created.~~ From v0.5.3, disk size can be increased #### Customization Examples - create VM with 1CPU, 2GiB memory and 10GiB storage. ``` colima start --cpu 1 --memory 2 --disk 10 ``` - modify an existing VM to 4CPUs and 8GiB memory. ``` colima stop colima start --cpu 4 --memory 8 ``` - create VM with Rosetta 2 emulation (for MacOS Ventura). Requires v0.5.3 ``` colima start --arch aarch64 --vm-type=vz --vz-rosetta ``` ## Project Goal To provide container runtimes on macOS with minimal setup. ## What is with the name? Colima means Containers in [Lima](https://github.com/lima-vm/lima). Since Lima is aka Linux on Mac. By transitivity, Colima can also mean Containers on Linux on Mac. ## Troubleshooting and FAQs Check [here](docs/FAQ.md) for Frequently Asked Questions. ## Help Wanted - Documentation (wiki pages) ## License MIT ## Sponsoring the Project If you (or your company) are benefiting from the project and would like to support the contributors, kindly support the project. Buy Me A Coffee [](https://macstadium.com)