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paseto API Documentation

PASETO: Platform-Agnostic SEcurity TOkens for Node.js with no dependencies.

Table of Contents


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V4 (PASETO Protocol Version v4)

const { V4 } = require('paseto')
// {
//   sign: [AsyncFunction: v4Sign],
//   verify: [AsyncFunction: v4Verify],
//   generateKey: [AsyncFunction: generateKey],
//   bytesToKeyObject: [Function: bytesToKeyObject],
//   keyObjectToBytes: [Function: keyObjectToBytes]
// }

V4.sign(payload, key[, options])

Serializes and signs the payload as a PASETO using the provided private key.

  • payload: <Object> PASETO Payload claims
  • key: <KeyObject> The key to sign with. Alternatively a 'k4.secret.[data]' PASERK string, any input that works for crypto.createPrivateKey(), or V4.bytesToKeyObject().
  • options: <Object>
    • assertion: <string> | <Buffer> PASETO Implicit Assertion
    • audience: <string> PASETO Audience, "aud" claim value, if provided it will replace "aud" found in the payload
    • expiresIn: <string> PASETO Expiration Time, "exp" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Expiration Time found in the payload
    • footer: <Object> | <string> | <Buffer> PASETO footer
    • iat: <Boolean> When true it pushes the "iat" to the PASETO payload. Default: 'true'
    • issuer: <string> PASETO Issuer, "iss" claim value, if provided it will replace "iss" found in the payload
    • jti: <string> Token ID, "jti" claim value, if provided it will replace "jti" found in the payload
    • kid: <string> Key ID, "kid" claim value, if provided it will replace "kid" found in the payload
    • notBefore: <string> PASETO Not Before, "nbf" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Not Before found in the payload
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> PASETO subject, "sub" claim value, if provided it will replace "sub" found in the payload
  • Returns: Promise<string>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createPrivateKey } = require('crypto')
const { V4 } = require('paseto')

const key = createPrivateKey(privateKey)

const payload = {
  'urn:example:claim': 'foo'

(async () => {
  const token = await V4.sign(payload, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    expiresIn: '2 hours'
  // v4.public.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6ImZvbyIsImlhdCI6IjIwMjEtMDctMTlUMTA6MTM6MjIuOTM3WiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMjEtMDctMTlUMTI6MTM6MjIuOTM3WiIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpleGFtcGxlOmNsaWVudCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb3AuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20ifYZrfK1eH8d7Scp218_DPEX8H3ElIfzWWMu9UQVZYjyV585BEBV0wTRk-vZgtXq0y5z0euOE48a2Yd6TLKfA5Qs

V4.verify(token, key[, options])

Verifies the claims and signature of a PASETO

  • token: <String> PASETO to verify
  • key: <KeyObject> The key to verify with. Alternatively a 'k4.public.[data]' PASERK string, any input that works for crypto.createPublicKey() or V4.bytesToKeyObject().
  • options: <Object>
    • assertion: <string> | <Buffer> PASETO Implicit Assertion
    • audience: <string> Expected audience value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • clockTolerance: <string> Clock Tolerance for comparing timestamps, provided as timespan string e.g. 120s, 2 minutes, etc. Default: no clock tolerance
    • complete: <Boolean> When false only the parsed payload is returned, otherwise an object with a parsed payload and footer (as a Buffer) will be returned. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreExp: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "exp" claim value to be in the future from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreIat: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "iat" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreNbf: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "nbf" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • issuer: <string> Expected issuer value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • maxTokenAge: <string> When provided the payload is checked to have the "iat" claim and its value is validated not to be older than the provided timespan string e.g. 30m, 24 hours.
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> Expected subject value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
  • Returns: Promise<Object>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createPublicKey } = require('crypto')
const { V4 } = require('paseto')

const key = createPrivateKey(publicKey)

const token = 'v4.public.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6ImZvbyIsImlhdCI6IjIwMjEtMDctMTlUMTA6MTM6MjIuOTM3WiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMjEtMDctMTlUMTI6MTM6MjIuOTM3WiIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpleGFtcGxlOmNsaWVudCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb3AuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20ifYZrfK1eH8d7Scp218_DPEX8H3ElIfzWWMu9UQVZYjyV585BEBV0wTRk-vZgtXq0y5z0euOE48a2Yd6TLKfA5Qs'

(async () => {
  await V4.verify(token, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    clockTolerance: '1 min'
  // {
  //   'urn:example:claim': 'foo',
  //   iat: '2019-07-02T13:36:12.380Z',
  //   exp: '2019-07-02T15:36:12.380Z',
  //   aud: 'urn:example:client',
  //   iss: ''
  // }

V4.generateKey(purpose[, options])

Generates a new secret or private key for a given purpose.

  • purpose: <string> PASETO purpose, only 'public' is supported.
  • options: <Object>
    • format: 'keyobject' (default) | 'paserk'.
  • Returns: Promise<KeyObject> (when format is 'keyobject')
  • Returns: Promise<{ publicKey: string, secretKey: string }> (when format is 'paserk')


This function aids in conversion between raw keying material used by the PASETO specification, which is inspired by Libsodium, and the native Node.js KeyObject class used to represent keys.

Imports a sequence of bytes as a KeyObject for use with the V4.sign and V4.verify functions. bytes must be of either 32 bytes (public key) or 64 bytes (private key) in the format used by Libsodium (NaCl).

The result will be either "private", or "public" KeyObject depending on the "bytes" argument.

  • bytes: <Buffer>
  • Returns: <KeyObject>


This function aids in conversion between the native Node.js KeyObject class used to represent keys and the raw keying material used by the PASETO specification, which is inspired by Libsodium.

Exports a sequence of bytes from a KeyObject for use with other PASETO implementations.

When keyObject.type is "private" the resulting Buffer will be the private key. When keyObject.type is "public" the resulting Buffer will be the public key. Use crypto.createPublicKey(keyObject) to turn a private KeyObject to a public one.

  • keyObject: <KeyObject>
  • Returns: <Buffer>

V3 (PASETO Protocol Version v3)

const { V3 } = require('paseto')
// {
//   sign: [AsyncFunction: v3Sign],
//   verify: [AsyncFunction: v3Verify],
//   encrypt: [AsyncFunction: v3Encrypt],
//   decrypt: [AsyncFunction: v3Decrypt],
//   generateKey: [AsyncFunction: generateKey],
//   bytesToKeyObject: [Function: bytesToKeyObject],
//   keyObjectToBytes: [Function: keyObjectToBytes]
// }

V3.sign(payload, key[, options])

Serializes and signs the payload as a PASETO using the provided private key.

  • payload: <Object> PASETO Payload claims
  • key: <KeyObject> The key to sign with. Alternatively a 'k3.secret.[data]' PASERK string, any input that works for crypto.createPrivateKey(), or V3.bytesToKeyObject().
  • options: <Object>
    • assertion: <string> | <Buffer> PASETO Implicit Assertion
    • audience: <string> PASETO Audience, "aud" claim value, if provided it will replace "aud" found in the payload
    • expiresIn: <string> PASETO Expiration Time, "exp" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Expiration Time found in the payload
    • footer: <Object> | <string> | <Buffer> PASETO footer
    • iat: <Boolean> When true it pushes the "iat" to the PASETO payload. Default: 'true'
    • issuer: <string> PASETO Issuer, "iss" claim value, if provided it will replace "iss" found in the payload
    • jti: <string> Token ID, "jti" claim value, if provided it will replace "jti" found in the payload
    • kid: <string> Key ID, "kid" claim value, if provided it will replace "kid" found in the payload
    • notBefore: <string> PASETO Not Before, "nbf" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Not Before found in the payload
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> PASETO subject, "sub" claim value, if provided it will replace "sub" found in the payload
  • Returns: Promise<string>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createPrivateKey } = require('crypto')
const { V3 } = require('paseto')

const key = createPrivateKey(privateKey)

const payload = {
  'urn:example:claim': 'foo'

(async () => {
  const token = await V3.sign(payload, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    expiresIn: '2 hours'
  // v3.public.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6ImZvbyIsImlhdCI6IjIwMjEtMDctMTlUMTA6MTY6MTIuNzgxWiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMjEtMDctMTlUMTI6MTY6MTIuNzgxWiIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpleGFtcGxlOmNsaWVudCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb3AuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20ifZ4uLDV9BLaDTBqH88cjLkbNiCjz-Q9bTWBwFcsNT9jGQr2eVr36J0x8osSB3ErvqWvAoaVyN-h-TLzlh_bQKc4dicQIVRikMsSo9A31--KstKef5NFEMAK5j6Q6ZXNSMQ

V3.verify(token, key[, options])

Verifies the claims and signature of a PASETO

  • token: <String> PASETO to verify
  • key: <KeyObject> The key to verify with. Alternatively a 'k3.public.[data]' PASERK string, any input that works for crypto.createPublicKey() or V3.bytesToKeyObject().
  • options: <Object>
    • assertion: <string> | <Buffer> PASETO Implicit Assertion
    • audience: <string> Expected audience value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • clockTolerance: <string> Clock Tolerance for comparing timestamps, provided as timespan string e.g. 120s, 2 minutes, etc. Default: no clock tolerance
    • complete: <Boolean> When false only the parsed payload is returned, otherwise an object with a parsed payload and footer (as a Buffer) will be returned. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreExp: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "exp" claim value to be in the future from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreIat: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "iat" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreNbf: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "nbf" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • issuer: <string> Expected issuer value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • maxTokenAge: <string> When provided the payload is checked to have the "iat" claim and its value is validated not to be older than the provided timespan string e.g. 30m, 24 hours.
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> Expected subject value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
  • Returns: Promise<Object>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createPublicKey } = require('crypto')
const { V3 } = require('paseto')

const key = createPrivateKey(publicKey)

const token = 'v3.public.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6ImZvbyIsImlhdCI6IjIwMjEtMDctMTlUMTA6MTY6MTIuNzgxWiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMjEtMDctMTlUMTI6MTY6MTIuNzgxWiIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpleGFtcGxlOmNsaWVudCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb3AuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20ifZ4uLDV9BLaDTBqH88cjLkbNiCjz-Q9bTWBwFcsNT9jGQr2eVr36J0x8osSB3ErvqWvAoaVyN-h-TLzlh_bQKc4dicQIVRikMsSo9A31--KstKef5NFEMAK5j6Q6ZXNSMQ'

(async () => {
  await V3.verify(token, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    clockTolerance: '1 min'
  // {
  //   'urn:example:claim': 'foo',
  //   iat: '2019-07-02T14:02:22.489Z',
  //   exp: '2019-07-02T16:02:22.489Z',
  //   aud: 'urn:example:client',
  //   iss: ''
  // }

V3.encrypt(payload, key[, options])

Serializes and encrypts the payload as a PASETO using the provided secret key.

  • payload: <Object> PASETO Payload claims
  • key: <KeyObject> The secret key to encrypt with. Alternatively a 'k3.local.[data]' PASERK string or any input that works for crypto.createSecretKey().
  • options: <Object>
    • assertion: <string> | <Buffer> PASETO Implicit Assertion
    • audience: <string> PASETO Audience, "aud" claim value, if provided it will replace "aud" found in the payload
    • expiresIn: <string> PASETO Expiration Time, "exp" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Expiration Time found in the payload
    • footer: <Object> | <string> | <Buffer> PASETO footer
    • iat: <Boolean> When true it pushes the "iat" to the PASETO payload. Default: 'true'
    • issuer: <string> PASETO Issuer, "iss" claim value, if provided it will replace "iss" found in the payload
    • jti: <string> Token ID, "jti" claim value, if provided it will replace "jti" found in the payload
    • kid: <string> Key ID, "kid" claim value, if provided it will replace "kid" found in the payload
    • notBefore: <string> PASETO Not Before, "nbf" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Not Before found in the payload
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> PASETO subject, "sub" claim value, if provided it will replace "sub" found in the payload
  • Returns: Promise<string>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createSecretKey } = require('crypto')
const { V3 } = require('paseto')

const key = createSecretKey(secret)

const payload = {
  'urn:example:claim': 'foo'

(async () => {
  const token = await V3.encrypt(payload, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    expiresIn: '2 hours'
  // v3.local.aY9txiwDEjnQpCUe2muaPlFSEHH7OTYcjv4GTEyiFvecI7Y4-0_msLxpyq-_iYb3JGwgnlxCRYc1vhuRsrERE6TZxPj6dgXUzAASZQ48SqyTtqT2ntQ3l0kO1fw5neCQvHTEkIT7wENLrDBjeGWjBye0Eyh-Tj9-fZbn75TnQJ09uE5-5hbj5DXAp9IMMy-rCWM9Zecnn8_TN31IZiIMFu5EyHj304UKdgHNq2HHHSsVH24QjQjX-8K-0WYvpR7zNem8YWnOaCdDkb3dvvhJH0L8BWDQxKtvZiagxI1-Iw1GNXxK9LQe

V3.decrypt(token, key[, options])

Decrypts and validates the claims of a PASETO

  • token: <String> PASETO to decrypt and validate
  • key: <KeyObject> The secret key to decrypt with. Alternatively a 'k3.local.[data]' PASERK string or any input that works for crypto.createSecretKey().
  • options: <Object>
    • assertion: <string> | <Buffer> PASETO Implicit Assertion
    • audience: <string> Expected audience value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • clockTolerance: <string> Clock Tolerance for comparing timestamps, provided as timespan string e.g. 120s, 2 minutes, etc. Default: no clock tolerance
    • complete: <Boolean> When false only the parsed payload is returned, otherwise an object with a parsed payload and footer (as a Buffer) will be returned. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreExp: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "exp" claim value to be in the future from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreIat: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "iat" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreNbf: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "nbf" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • issuer: <string> Expected issuer value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • maxTokenAge: <string> When provided the payload is checked to have the "iat" claim and its value is validated not to be older than the provided timespan string e.g. 30m, 24 hours.
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> Expected subject value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
  • Returns: Promise<Object>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createSecretKey } = require('crypto')
const { V3 } = require('paseto')

const key = createSecretKey(secret)

const token = 'v3.local.aY9txiwDEjnQpCUe2muaPlFSEHH7OTYcjv4GTEyiFvecI7Y4-0_msLxpyq-_iYb3JGwgnlxCRYc1vhuRsrERE6TZxPj6dgXUzAASZQ48SqyTtqT2ntQ3l0kO1fw5neCQvHTEkIT7wENLrDBjeGWjBye0Eyh-Tj9-fZbn75TnQJ09uE5-5hbj5DXAp9IMMy-rCWM9Zecnn8_TN31IZiIMFu5EyHj304UKdgHNq2HHHSsVH24QjQjX-8K-0WYvpR7zNem8YWnOaCdDkb3dvvhJH0L8BWDQxKtvZiagxI1-Iw1GNXxK9LQe'

(async () => {
  await V3.decrypt(token, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    clockTolerance: '1 min'
  // {
  //   'urn:example:claim': 'foo',
  //   iat: '2019-07-02T14:03:39.631Z',
  //   exp: '2019-07-02T16:03:39.631Z',
  //   aud: 'urn:example:client',
  //   iss: ''
  // }

V3.generateKey(purpose[, options])

Generates a new secret or private key for a given purpose.

  • purpose: <string> PASETO purpose, either 'local' or 'public'
  • options: <Object>
    • format: 'keyobject' (default) | 'paserk'.
  • Returns: Promise<KeyObject> (when format is 'keyobject')
  • Returns: Promise<{ publicKey: string, secretKey: string }> (when format is 'paserk' and purpose is 'public')
  • Returns: Promise<string> (when format is 'paserk' and purpose is 'local')


This function aids in conversion between raw keying material used by the PASETO specification, which is inspired by Libsodium, and the native Node.js KeyObject class used to represent keys.

Imports a sequence of bytes as a KeyObject for use with the V3.sign and V3.verify functions. bytes must be of either 48 bytes (private key), 49 bytes (compressed public key coordinates), or 97 bytes (uncompressed public key coordinates).

The result will be either "private", or "public" KeyObject depending on the "bytes" argument.

  • bytes: <Buffer>
  • Returns: <KeyObject>


This function aids in conversion between the native Node.js KeyObject class used to represent keys and the raw keying material used by the PASETO specification, which is inspired by Libsodium.

Exports a sequence of bytes from a KeyObject for use with other PASETO implementations.

When keyObject.type is "private" the resulting Buffer will be the private key. When keyObject.type is "public" the resulting Buffer will be the compressed public key coordinates. Use crypto.createPublicKey(keyObject) to turn a private KeyObject to a public one.

  • keyObject: <KeyObject>
  • Returns: <Buffer>

V2 (PASETO Protocol Version v2)

const { V2 } = require('paseto')
// {
//   sign: [AsyncFunction: v2Sign],
//   verify: [AsyncFunction: v2Verify],
//   generateKey: [AsyncFunction: generateKey],
//   bytesToKeyObject: [Function: bytesToKeyObject],
//   keyObjectToBytes: [Function: keyObjectToBytes]
// }

V2.sign(payload, key[, options])

Serializes and signs the payload as a PASETO using the provided private key.

  • payload: <Object> PASETO Payload claims
  • key: <KeyObject> The key to sign with. Alternatively a 'k2.secret.[data]' PASERK string, any input that works for crypto.createPrivateKey(), or V2.bytesToKeyObject().
  • options: <Object>
    • audience: <string> PASETO Audience, "aud" claim value, if provided it will replace "aud" found in the payload
    • expiresIn: <string> PASETO Expiration Time, "exp" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Expiration Time found in the payload
    • footer: <Object> | <string> | <Buffer> PASETO footer
    • iat: <Boolean> When true it pushes the "iat" to the PASETO payload. Default: 'true'
    • issuer: <string> PASETO Issuer, "iss" claim value, if provided it will replace "iss" found in the payload
    • jti: <string> Token ID, "jti" claim value, if provided it will replace "jti" found in the payload
    • kid: <string> Key ID, "kid" claim value, if provided it will replace "kid" found in the payload
    • notBefore: <string> PASETO Not Before, "nbf" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Not Before found in the payload
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> PASETO subject, "sub" claim value, if provided it will replace "sub" found in the payload
  • Returns: Promise<string>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createPrivateKey } = require('crypto')
const { V2 } = require('paseto')

const key = createPrivateKey(privateKey)

const payload = {
  'urn:example:claim': 'foo'

(async () => {
  const token = await V2.sign(payload, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    expiresIn: '2 hours'
  // v2.public.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6ImZvbyIsImlhdCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTM6MzY6MTIuMzgwWiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTU6MzY6MTIuMzgwWiIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpleGFtcGxlOmNsaWVudCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb3AuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20ifZfV2b1K3xbn8Az3aL24aPtqGRQ3dOf7DP3_GijBekGC2038REYwcyo1rv5o7OOjPuQ7-SqKhPKx0fn6hwm4nAw

V2.verify(token, key[, options])

Verifies the claims and signature of a PASETO

  • token: <String> PASETO to verify
  • key: <KeyObject> The key to verify with. Alternatively a 'k2.public.[data]' PASERK string, any input that works for crypto.createPublicKey() or V2.bytesToKeyObject().
  • options: <Object>
    • audience: <string> Expected audience value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • clockTolerance: <string> Clock Tolerance for comparing timestamps, provided as timespan string e.g. 120s, 2 minutes, etc. Default: no clock tolerance
    • complete: <Boolean> When false only the parsed payload is returned, otherwise an object with a parsed payload and footer (as a Buffer) will be returned. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreExp: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "exp" claim value to be in the future from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreIat: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "iat" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreNbf: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "nbf" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • issuer: <string> Expected issuer value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • maxTokenAge: <string> When provided the payload is checked to have the "iat" claim and its value is validated not to be older than the provided timespan string e.g. 30m, 24 hours.
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> Expected subject value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
  • Returns: Promise<Object>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createPublicKey } = require('crypto')
const { V2 } = require('paseto')

const key = createPrivateKey(publicKey)

const token = 'v2.public.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6ImZvbyIsImlhdCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTM6MzY6MTIuMzgwWiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTU6MzY6MTIuMzgwWiIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpleGFtcGxlOmNsaWVudCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb3AuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20ifZfV2b1K3xbn8Az3aL24aPtqGRQ3dOf7DP3_GijBekGC2038REYwcyo1rv5o7OOjPuQ7-SqKhPKx0fn6hwm4nAw'

(async () => {
  await V2.verify(token, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    clockTolerance: '1 min'
  // {
  //   'urn:example:claim': 'foo',
  //   iat: '2019-07-02T13:36:12.380Z',
  //   exp: '2019-07-02T15:36:12.380Z',
  //   aud: 'urn:example:client',
  //   iss: ''
  // }

V2.generateKey(purpose[, options])

Generates a new secret or private key for a given purpose.

  • purpose: <string> PASETO purpose, only 'public' is supported.
  • options: <Object>
    • format: 'keyobject' (default) | 'paserk'.
  • Returns: Promise<KeyObject> (when format is 'keyobject')
  • Returns: Promise<{ publicKey: string, secretKey: string }> (when format is 'paserk')


This function aids in conversion between raw keying material used by the PASETO specification, which is inspired by Libsodium, and the native Node.js KeyObject class used to represent keys.

Imports a sequence of bytes as a KeyObject for use with the V2.sign and V2.verify functions. bytes must be of either 32 bytes (public key) or 64 bytes (private key) in the format used by Libsodium (NaCl).

The result will be either "private", or "public" KeyObject depending on the "bytes" argument.

  • bytes: <Buffer>
  • Returns: <KeyObject>


This function aids in conversion between the native Node.js KeyObject class used to represent keys and the raw keying material used by the PASETO specification, which is inspired by Libsodium.

Exports a sequence of bytes from a KeyObject for use with other PASETO implementations.

When keyObject.type is "private" the resulting Buffer will be the private key. When keyObject.type is "public" the resulting Buffer will be the public key. Use crypto.createPublicKey(keyObject) to turn a private KeyObject to a public one.

  • keyObject: <KeyObject>
  • Returns: <Buffer>

V1 (PASETO Protocol Version v1)

const { V1 } = require('paseto')
// {
//   sign: [AsyncFunction: v1Sign],
//   verify: [AsyncFunction: v1Verify],
//   encrypt: [AsyncFunction: v1Encrypt],
//   decrypt: [AsyncFunction: v1Decrypt],
//   generateKey: [AsyncFunction: generateKey]
// }

V1.sign(payload, key[, options])

Serializes and signs the payload as a PASETO using the provided private key.

  • payload: <Object> PASETO Payload claims
  • key: <KeyObject> The key to sign with. Alternatively a 'k1.secret.[data]' PASERK string or any input that works for crypto.createPrivateKey().
  • options: <Object>
    • audience: <string> PASETO Audience, "aud" claim value, if provided it will replace "aud" found in the payload
    • expiresIn: <string> PASETO Expiration Time, "exp" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Expiration Time found in the payload
    • footer: <Object> | <string> | <Buffer> PASETO footer
    • iat: <Boolean> When true it pushes the "iat" to the PASETO payload. Default: 'true'
    • issuer: <string> PASETO Issuer, "iss" claim value, if provided it will replace "iss" found in the payload
    • jti: <string> Token ID, "jti" claim value, if provided it will replace "jti" found in the payload
    • kid: <string> Key ID, "kid" claim value, if provided it will replace "kid" found in the payload
    • notBefore: <string> PASETO Not Before, "nbf" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Not Before found in the payload
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> PASETO subject, "sub" claim value, if provided it will replace "sub" found in the payload
  • Returns: Promise<string>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createPrivateKey } = require('crypto')
const { V1 } = require('paseto')

const key = createPrivateKey(privateKey)

const payload = {
  'urn:example:claim': 'foo'

(async () => {
  const token = await V1.sign(payload, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    expiresIn: '2 hours'
  // v1.public.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6ImZvbyIsImlhdCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTQ6MDI6MjIuNDg5WiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTY6MDI6MjIuNDg5WiIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpleGFtcGxlOmNsaWVudCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb3AuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20ifbCaLu19MdLxjrexKh4WTyKr6UoeXzDly_Po1ZNv4wD5CglfY84QqQYTGXLlcLAqZagM3cWJn6xge-lBlT63km6OtOsiWTaKOnYg4MBtQTKmLsjpehpPtDSl_39h2BenB-r911qjYwNNuaRukjrtSVKQtfxdoAoFKEz_eulsDTclEBV7bJrL9Bo0epkJhFShZ6-K8qNd6rTg6Q3YOZCheW1FqNjqfoUYJ9nqPZl2OVbcPdAW3HBeLJefmlL_QGVSRClE2MXOVDrcyf7vGZ0SIj3ylnr6jmEJpzG8o0ap7FblQZI3xp91e-gmw30o6njhSq1ZVWpLqp7FYzq0pknJzGE

V1.verify(token, key[, options])

Verifies the claims and signature of a PASETO

  • token: <String> PASETO to verify
  • key: <KeyObject> The key to verify with. Alternatively a 'k1.public.[data]' PASERK string or any input that works for crypto.createPublicKey().
  • options: <Object>
    • audience: <string> Expected audience value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • clockTolerance: <string> Clock Tolerance for comparing timestamps, provided as timespan string e.g. 120s, 2 minutes, etc. Default: no clock tolerance
    • complete: <Boolean> When false only the parsed payload is returned, otherwise an object with a parsed payload and footer (as a Buffer) will be returned. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreExp: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "exp" claim value to be in the future from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreIat: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "iat" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreNbf: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "nbf" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • issuer: <string> Expected issuer value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • maxTokenAge: <string> When provided the payload is checked to have the "iat" claim and its value is validated not to be older than the provided timespan string e.g. 30m, 24 hours.
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> Expected subject value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
  • Returns: Promise<Object>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createPublicKey } = require('crypto')
const { V1 } = require('paseto')

const key = createPrivateKey(publicKey)

const token = 'v1.public.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6ImZvbyIsImlhdCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTQ6MDI6MjIuNDg5WiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTY6MDI6MjIuNDg5WiIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpleGFtcGxlOmNsaWVudCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb3AuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20ifbCaLu19MdLxjrexKh4WTyKr6UoeXzDly_Po1ZNv4wD5CglfY84QqQYTGXLlcLAqZagM3cWJn6xge-lBlT63km6OtOsiWTaKOnYg4MBtQTKmLsjpehpPtDSl_39h2BenB-r911qjYwNNuaRukjrtSVKQtfxdoAoFKEz_eulsDTclEBV7bJrL9Bo0epkJhFShZ6-K8qNd6rTg6Q3YOZCheW1FqNjqfoUYJ9nqPZl2OVbcPdAW3HBeLJefmlL_QGVSRClE2MXOVDrcyf7vGZ0SIj3ylnr6jmEJpzG8o0ap7FblQZI3xp91e-gmw30o6njhSq1ZVWpLqp7FYzq0pknJzGE'

(async () => {
  await V1.verify(token, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    clockTolerance: '1 min'
  // {
  //   'urn:example:claim': 'foo',
  //   iat: '2019-07-02T14:02:22.489Z',
  //   exp: '2019-07-02T16:02:22.489Z',
  //   aud: 'urn:example:client',
  //   iss: ''
  // }

V1.encrypt(payload, key[, options])

Serializes and encrypts the payload as a PASETO using the provided secret key.

  • payload: <Object> PASETO Payload claims
  • key: <KeyObject> The secret key to encrypt with. Alternatively a 'k1.local.[data]' PASERK string or any input that works for crypto.createSecretKey().
  • options: <Object>
    • audience: <string> PASETO Audience, "aud" claim value, if provided it will replace "aud" found in the payload
    • expiresIn: <string> PASETO Expiration Time, "exp" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Expiration Time found in the payload
    • footer: <Object> | <string> | <Buffer> PASETO footer
    • iat: <Boolean> When true it pushes the "iat" to the PASETO payload. Default: 'true'
    • issuer: <string> PASETO Issuer, "iss" claim value, if provided it will replace "iss" found in the payload
    • jti: <string> Token ID, "jti" claim value, if provided it will replace "jti" found in the payload
    • kid: <string> Key ID, "kid" claim value, if provided it will replace "kid" found in the payload
    • notBefore: <string> PASETO Not Before, "nbf" claim value, specified as string which is added to the current unix epoch timestamp e.g. 24 hours, 20 m, 60s, etc., if provided it will replace Not Before found in the payload
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> PASETO subject, "sub" claim value, if provided it will replace "sub" found in the payload
  • Returns: Promise<string>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createSecretKey } = require('crypto')
const { V1 } = require('paseto')

const key = createSecretKey(secret)

const payload = {
  'urn:example:claim': 'foo'

(async () => {
  const token = await V1.encrypt(payload, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    expiresIn: '2 hours'
  // v1.local.1X8AshBYnBXTevpH6s21lTZzPL8k-pVaRBsfU5uFfpDWAoG8NZAB5LwQgUpcsgAbZj-wpDMix1Mzw_viBbntWjqEZAVOe-BTMhVKSe43u3fUM2EfRcNFHzPVY_2I_CqGjhW2qs6twNvgv5kEhOiUnTSgZMtCn9h6L_KlKz8YrWcGdGypBYcs5ooMClKvOhb2_M8wHqG_PCgAkgO5PBbHk1g6UnTgGgztuEMrcchLd7UJqNDU2I7TyQ9x7ofvndE35ODYaf-SefrJb72tuXaUqFbkAwKPs77EwvnWE5dgo6bbsp5KMdxq

V1.decrypt(token, key[, options])

Decrypts and validates the claims of a PASETO

  • token: <String> PASETO to decrypt and validate
  • key: <KeyObject> The secret key to decrypt with. Alternatively a 'k1.local.[data]' PASERK string or any input that works for crypto.createSecretKey().
  • options: <Object>
    • audience: <string> Expected audience value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • clockTolerance: <string> Clock Tolerance for comparing timestamps, provided as timespan string e.g. 120s, 2 minutes, etc. Default: no clock tolerance
    • complete: <Boolean> When false only the parsed payload is returned, otherwise an object with a parsed payload and footer (as a Buffer) will be returned. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreExp: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "exp" claim value to be in the future from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreIat: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "iat" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreNbf: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "nbf" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • issuer: <string> Expected issuer value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • maxTokenAge: <string> When provided the payload is checked to have the "iat" claim and its value is validated not to be older than the provided timespan string e.g. 30m, 24 hours.
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> Expected subject value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
  • Returns: Promise<Object>
Example (Click to expand)
const { createSecretKey } = require('crypto')
const { V1 } = require('paseto')

const key = createSecretKey(secret)

const token = 'v1.local.1X8AshBYnBXTevpH6s21lTZzPL8k-pVaRBsfU5uFfpDWAoG8NZAB5LwQgUpcsgAbZj-wpDMix1Mzw_viBbntWjqEZAVOe-BTMhVKSe43u3fUM2EfRcNFHzPVY_2I_CqGjhW2qs6twNvgv5kEhOiUnTSgZMtCn9h6L_KlKz8YrWcGdGypBYcs5ooMClKvOhb2_M8wHqG_PCgAkgO5PBbHk1g6UnTgGgztuEMrcchLd7UJqNDU2I7TyQ9x7ofvndE35ODYaf-SefrJb72tuXaUqFbkAwKPs77EwvnWE5dgo6bbsp5KMdxq'

(async () => {
  await V1.decrypt(token, key, {
    audience: 'urn:example:client',
    issuer: '',
    clockTolerance: '1 min'
  // {
  //   'urn:example:claim': 'foo',
  //   iat: '2019-07-02T14:03:39.631Z',
  //   exp: '2019-07-02T16:03:39.631Z',
  //   aud: 'urn:example:client',
  //   iss: ''
  // }

V1.generateKey(purpose[, options])

Generates a new secret or private key for a given purpose.

  • purpose: <string> PASETO purpose, either 'local' or 'public'
  • options: <Object>
    • format: 'keyobject' (default) | 'paserk'.
  • Returns: Promise<KeyObject> (when format is 'keyobject')
  • Returns: Promise<{ publicKey: string, secretKey: string }> (when format is 'paserk' and purpose is 'public')
  • Returns: Promise<string> (when format is 'paserk' and purpose is 'local')



Decodes a PASETO, does not perform any payload validations.

  • token: <String> PASETO to decrypt and validate
  • Returns: <Object>
Example (Click to expand)
const { decode } = require('paseto')

const token = 'v2.public.eyJ1cm46ZXhhbXBsZTpjbGFpbSI6ImZvbyIsImlhdCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTY6MzQ6NDMuMjA0WiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMTktMDctMDJUMTg6MzQ6NDMuMjA0WiIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpleGFtcGxlOmNsaWVudCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb3AuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20ifcEgHmn3JIHqfZgZC_jF-GT7QY-hoUnCbNPRP0Mnf_j_jjchA4OGkyv74sN1z7Yj6KQMe6sXly5jX6QHn0mD6As.eyJraWQiOiJmb28ifQ'

// {
//   footer: <Buffer 7b 22 6b 69 64 22 3a 22 66 6f 6f 22 7d>,
//   payload: {
//     'urn:example:claim': 'foo',
//     iat: '2019-07-02T16:34:43.204Z',
//     exp: '2019-07-02T18:34:43.204Z',
//     aud: 'urn:example:client',
//     iss: ''
//   },
//   version: 'v2',
//   purpose: 'public'
// }


The following errors are expected to be thrown by paseto runtime and have their prototypes exported in paseto.errors. If you encounter an Error other then TypeError or one that's instanceof paseto.errors.PasetoError please report it, it is not intended.

Class: TypeError

Thrown when unexpected argument types or their format is encountered. This is the standard built-in TypeError.

Class: PasetoError

Base Error the others inherit from.

Class: PasetoInvalid

Thrown when PASETO is not in a valid format

if (err.code === 'ERR_PASETO_INVALID') {
  // ...

Class: PasetoNotSupported

Thrown when a particular feature, e.g. version, purpose or anything else is not supported.

if (err.code === 'ERR_PASETO_NOT_SUPPORTED') {
  // ...

Class: PasetoDecryptionFailed

Thrown when a PASETO decrypt operations are started but fail to decrypt. Only generic error message is provided.

if (err.code === 'ERR_PASETO_DECRYPTION_FAILED') {
  // ...

Class: PasetoVerificationFailed

Thrown when a PASETO verify operations are started but fail to verify. Only generic error message is provided.

  // ...

Class: PasetoClaimInvalid

Thrown when PASETO Claim is either of incorrect type or fails to validate by the provided options.

if (err.code === 'ERR_PASETO_CLAIM_INVALID') {
  // ...