import type QUnit from 'qunit' import * as env from './env.js' import { KEYS } from './fixtures.js' import type * as jose from '../src/index.js' export default (QUnit: QUnit, lib: typeof jose) => { const { module, test } = QUnit module('jwk.ts') type Vector = [string, JsonWebKey, boolean] | [string, JsonWebKey, boolean, boolean] const algorithms: Vector[] = [ ['ECDH-ES', KEYS.P256.jwk, true], ['ECDH-ES', KEYS.P384.jwk, true], ['ECDH-ES', KEYS.P521.jwk, !env.isDeno], [ 'ECDH-ES', KEYS.X25519.jwk, env.isDeno || env.isNode || env.isElectron || env.isWorkerd || env.isEdgeRuntime, env.isDeno, ], ['ECDH-ES', KEYS.X448.jwk, env.isNode || env.isEdgeRuntime], ['EdDSA', KEYS.Ed25519.jwk, (env.isWebKit && env.isWebKitAbove17) || !env.isBrowser], ['EdDSA', KEYS.Ed448.jwk, env.isNode || env.isEdgeRuntime], ['ES256', KEYS.P256.jwk, true], ['ES256K', KEYS.secp256k1.jwk, env.isNodeCrypto], ['ES384', KEYS.P384.jwk, true], ['ES512', KEYS.P521.jwk, !env.isDeno], ['PS256', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ['PS384', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ['PS512', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ['RS256', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ['RS384', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ['RS512', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ['RSA-OAEP-256', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ['RSA-OAEP-384', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ['RSA-OAEP-512', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ['RSA-OAEP', KEYS.RSA.jwk, true], ] function publicJwk(jwk: JsonWebKey) { const { d, p, q, dp, dq, qi, k, ...result } = jwk return result } for (const vector of algorithms.slice()) { algorithms.push([vector[0], publicJwk(vector[1]), vector[2]]) } function title(alg: string, jwk: JsonWebKey, works: boolean) { let result = '' if (!works) { result = '[not supported] ' } result += `${alg} ` if (alg === 'EdDSA' || alg === 'ECDH-ES') { result += `${jwk.crv} ` } result += jwk.d ? 'Private' : 'Public' result += ' JWK Import' return result } for (const vector of algorithms) { const [alg, jwk] = vector let [, , works, exportNotImplemented] = vector const execute = async (t: typeof QUnit.assert) => { const key = await lib.importJWK({ ...jwk, ext: true }, alg) if (exportNotImplemented) { try { await lib.exportJWK(key) throw new Error() } catch (err) { t.strictEqual((err).name, 'NotSupportedError') } } else { const exported = await lib.exportJWK(key) for (const prop of [ Set([...Object.keys(jwk), ...Object.keys(exported)])]) { t.strictEqual(exported[prop], jwk[prop], `${prop} mismatch`) } } t.ok(1) } if (works) { test(title(alg, jwk, works), execute) } else { test(title(alg, jwk, works), async (t) => { await t.rejects(execute(t)) }) } } if (env.isNodeCrypto || env.isElectron) { test('alg argument and jwk.alg is ignored', async (t) => { const oct = { k: 'FyCq1CKBflh3I5gikEjpYrdOXllzxB_yc02za8ERknI', kty: 'oct', } await lib.importJWK(oct) t.ok(1) }) } else { test('alg argument must be present if jwk does not have alg', async (t) => { const oct = { k: 'FyCq1CKBflh3I5gikEjpYrdOXllzxB_yc02za8ERknI', kty: 'oct', } await t.rejects( lib.importJWK(oct), '"alg" argument is required when "jwk.alg" is not present', ) await lib.importJWK(oct, 'HS256') await lib.importJWK({ ...oct, alg: 'HS256' }) }) } }