# VidJot Vidjot is an an application that allows you to add ideas to help create your videos, by inputting ideas, kind of like a Notes app, but online. It uses proper authentication, so you don't have to worry about your ideas being stolen by someone else. ### Built on : * Node.js : https://nodejs.org/en/ * Express.js : http://expressjs.com/ * Bootstrap 4 : https://getbootstrap.com/ * jQuery : https://jquery.com/ * Handlebars template engine : https://handlebarsjs.com/ * Passport.js : http://www.passportjs.org/ * MongoDB : https://www.mongodb.com/ Can now be found deployed on Heroku at : ### LocalHost deployment instructions : * Download or git clone the repository * Make sure you have installed Nodejs, npm and MongoDB on your machine * Install dependencies using `npm install` * Run application using `node app.js` or using `nodemon` (if you have it installed) in the root directory! * Add users, add ideas, test and bend the project as much as you can, and report any issues you face.