#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) PLUMgrid, Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") from bcc import BPF from pyroute2 import IPRoute, NetNS, IPDB, NSPopen from simulation import Simulation import sys from time import sleep from builtins import input ipr = IPRoute() ipdb = IPDB(nl=ipr) b = BPF(src_file="tc_neighbor_sharing.c", debug=0) wan_fn = b.load_func("classify_wan", BPF.SCHED_CLS) pass_fn = b.load_func("pass", BPF.SCHED_CLS) neighbor_fn = b.load_func("classify_neighbor", BPF.SCHED_CLS) num_neighbors = 3 num_locals = 2 # class to build the simulation network class SharedNetSimulation(Simulation): def __init__(self, ipdb): super(SharedNetSimulation, self).__init__(ipdb) # Create the wan namespace, and attach an ingress filter for throttling # inbound (download) traffic wan_if = self._create_ns("wan0", ipaddr="")[1] ipr.tc("add", "ingress", wan_if["index"], "ffff:") ipr.tc("add-filter", "bpf", wan_if["index"], ":1", fd=wan_fn.fd, prio=1, name=wan_fn.name, parent="ffff:", action="drop", classid=1, rate="128kbit", burst=1024 * 32, mtu=16 * 1024) ipr.tc("add-filter", "bpf", wan_if["index"], ":2", fd=pass_fn.fd, prio=2, name=pass_fn.name, parent="ffff:", action="drop", classid=2, rate="1024kbit", burst=1024 * 32, mtu=16 * 1024) self.wan_if = wan_if # start the namespaces that compose the network, interconnect them with the # bridge, and attach the tc filters def start(self): neighbor_list = [] local_list = [] cmd = ["netserver", "-D"] for i in range(0, num_neighbors): ipaddr = "172.16.1.%d/24" % (i + 100) ret = self._create_ns("neighbor%d" % i, ipaddr=ipaddr, fn=neighbor_fn, cmd=cmd) neighbor_list.append(ret) for i in range(0, num_locals): ipaddr = "172.16.1.%d/24" % (i + 150) ret = self._create_ns("local%d" % i, ipaddr=ipaddr, fn=pass_fn, cmd=cmd) local_list.append(ret) with ipdb.create(ifname="br100", kind="bridge") as br100: for x in neighbor_list: br100.add_port(x[1]) for x in local_list: br100.add_port(x[1]) br100.add_port(self.wan_if) br100.up() try: sim = SharedNetSimulation(ipdb) sim.start() print("Network ready. Create a shell in the wan0 namespace and test with netperf") print(" (Neighbors are, and LAN clients are" % (100 + num_neighbors - 1, 150 + num_locals - 1)) print(" e.g.: ip netns exec wan0 netperf -H -l 2") input("Press enter when finished: ") finally: if "sim" in locals(): sim.release() if "br100" in ipdb.interfaces: ipdb.interfaces.br100.remove().commit() ipdb.release()