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Laravel Homestead customizations

An file for a Homestead installation.

You'll need to put this in your ~/.homestead directory (C:\Users\Lore\Homestead\ in windows)

The official Homestead documentation is located here.

The script install these software and perfoms these actions:

  • set timezone
  • make iptables persistent
  • customize nano (for coloring)
  • install htop
  • install atop
  • install multitail
  • install goaccess
  • install apachetop
  • install mytop
  • install ncdu
  • install mc
  • install whois
  • install checkinstall
  • install apache2-utils
  • install gdb
  • install iptraf
  • install iotop
  • install dnsutils
  • install locate
  • updatedb (for locate command)
  • install python-pip
  • install gcc make git libpcap0.8-dev
  • install httpry
  • install mydumper
  • install build-essential
  • install software-properties-common
  • install and upgrade pip
  • ngxtop
  • percona Xtrabackup
  • percona toolkit
  • install php-redis
  • install php7.1-bz2
  • install php-imagick
  • install zsh and Oh my zsh with these plugins (git colored-man colorize command-not-found compleat cp history sublime urltools web-search autojump fasd jump redis-cli repo symfony symfony2 debian copydir copyfile laravel laravel4 laravel5 rsync)
  • make tab complete case insensitive
  • install poppler-utils (pdf2text)
  • Install ruby version manager (rvm)
  • Install ruby
  • Install go
  • install mailcatcher
  • Install MailHog
  • elasticsearch