//- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AskSin++ // 2016-10-31 papa Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de/ //- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __DEVICE_H__ #define __DEVICE_H__ #include "AskSinPP.h" #include "Sign.h" #include "HMID.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "ChannelList.h" #include "Message.h" #include "Radio.h" #include "Led.h" #include "Buzzer.h" #include "Activity.h" #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040 #include "pico/unique_id.h" #endif #ifdef USE_HW_SERIAL #if defined(__AVR_ATmega644__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644PA__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega328PB__) #include #elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32F1) #elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32) && defined (STM32L1xx) #elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) #elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040) #elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_EFM32) #else #error Using Hardware serial is not supported on MCU type currently used #endif #endif #if defined(__AVR_ATmega644__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644PA__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__) #define OTA_CONFIG_START 0xffe0 // start address of 16 byte config data in bootloader #define OTA_MODEL_START 0xfff0 // start address of 2 byte model id in bootloader #define OTA_SERIAL_START 0xfff2 // start address of 10 byte serial number in bootloader #define OTA_HMID_START 0xfffc // start address of 3 byte device id in bootloader #else #define OTA_CONFIG_START 0x7fe0 // start address of 16 byte config data in bootloader #define OTA_MODEL_START 0x7ff0 // start address of 2 byte model id in bootloader #define OTA_SERIAL_START 0x7ff2 // start address of 10 byte serial number in bootloader #define OTA_HMID_START 0x7ffc // start address of 3 byte device id in bootloader #endif namespace as { class DeviceType { public: enum Types { AlarmControl = 0x01, Switch = 0x10, OutputUnit = 0x12, Dimmer = 0x20, BlindActuator = 0x30, ClimateControl = 0x39, Remote = 0x40, Sensor = 0x41, Swi = 0x42, PushButton = 0x43, SingleButton = 0x44, PowerMeter = 0x51, Thermostat = 0x58, KFM100 = 0x60, THSensor = 0x70, ThreeStateSensor = 0x80, MotionDetector = 0x81, KeyMatic = 0xC0, WinMatic = 0xC1, TipTronic = 0xC3, SmokeDetector = 0xCD, }; }; struct DeviceInfo { uint8_t DeviceID[3]; char Serial[11]; uint8_t DeviceModel[2]; uint8_t Firmware; uint8_t DeviceType; uint8_t DeviceInfo[2]; }; template class Device { public: typedef typename HalType::LedType LedType; typedef typename HalType::BatteryType BatteryType; typedef typename HalType::RadioType RadioType; typedef typename HalType::BuzzerType BuzzerType; typedef List0Type List0; private: HalType* hal; List0Type& list0; uint8_t msgcount; HMID lastdev; uint8_t lastmsg; #ifdef USE_HW_SERIAL uint8_t device_id[3]; #endif protected: Message msg; KeyStore kstore; const DeviceInfo& info; bool cfgChanged; // :1; take ~60byte more flash uint8_t numChannels; // :7; public: Device (const DeviceInfo& i,uint16_t addr,List0Type& l,uint8_t ch) : hal(0), list0(l), msgcount(0), lastmsg(0), kstore(addr), info(i), cfgChanged(false), numChannels(ch) { #ifdef USE_HW_SERIAL device_id[0]=0x00; #endif } virtual ~Device () {} LedType& led () { return hal->led; } BatteryType& battery () { return hal->battery; } const BatteryType& battery () const { return hal->battery; } RadioType& radio () { return hal->radio; } BuzzerType& buzzer () { return hal->buzzer; } KeyStore& keystore () { return this->kstore; } Activity& activity () { return hal->activity; } Message& message () { return msg; } bool hasConfigChanged () { bool value = cfgChanged; cfgChanged = false; return value; } void hasConfigChanged(bool c) { cfgChanged = c; } void channels (uint8_t num) { numChannels = num; } uint8_t channels () const { return numChannels; } bool hasChannel (uint8_t number) const { return number != 0 && number <= channels(); } bool isRepeat(const Message& m) { if( m.isRepeated() && lastdev == m.from() && lastmsg == m.count() ) { return true; } // store last message data lastdev = m.from(); lastmsg = m.count(); return false; } void setHal (HalType& h) { hal = &h; } HalType& getHal () { return *hal; } StorageConfig getConfigArea () { return StorageConfig(kstore.address()-STORAGE_CFG_START); } uint8_t getConfigByte (uint8_t offset) { uint8_t data=0; #ifdef USE_OTA_BOOTLOADER if( offset < 16 ) { HalType::pgm_read(&data,OTA_CONFIG_START+offset,1); } #elif defined(DEVICE_CONFIG) uint8_t tmp[] = {DEVICE_CONFIG}; if( offset < sizeof(tmp) ) { data = tmp[offset]; } #endif return data; } void getDeviceID (HMID& id) { #ifdef USE_OTA_BOOTLOADER HalType::pgm_read((uint8_t*)&id,OTA_HMID_START,sizeof(id)); #elif defined(USE_HW_SERIAL) if (device_id[0] == 0x00) { #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32F1 uint32_t crc = AskSinBase::crc24((uint8_t*)0x1FFFF7E8,12); device_id[0] = (uint8_t)(crc & 0x000000ff); device_id[1] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 8 & 0x000000ff); device_id[2] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 16 & 0x000000ff); #elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32) && (defined STM32L1xx) uint32_t crc = AskSinBase::crc24((uint8_t*)0x1FF80050, 12); device_id[0] = (uint8_t)(crc & 0x000000ff); device_id[1] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 8 & 0x000000ff); device_id[2] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 16 & 0x000000ff); #elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_EFM32) || defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) || defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040) #if defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_EFM32) uint64_t chipId = SYSTEM_GetUnique(); #elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) uint64_t chipId = ESP.getEfuseMac(); #elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040) pico_unique_board_id_t chipId; pico_get_unique_board_id(&chipId); #endif uint8_t *chipIdArray = *reinterpret_cast(&chipId); uint32_t crc = AskSinBase::crc24(chipIdArray, 8); device_id[0] = (uint8_t)(crc & 0x000000ff); device_id[1] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 8 & 0x000000ff); device_id[2] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 16 & 0x000000ff); #else device_id[0] = boot_signature_byte_get(21); device_id[1] = boot_signature_byte_get(22); device_id[2] = boot_signature_byte_get(23); #endif } id = HMID(device_id); #else uint8_t ids[3]; memcpy_P(ids,info.DeviceID,3); id = HMID(ids); #endif } void getDeviceSerial (uint8_t* serial) { #ifdef USE_OTA_BOOTLOADER HalType::pgm_read((uint8_t*)serial,OTA_SERIAL_START,10); #elif defined (USE_HW_SERIAL) #if defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32F1) || defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_EFM32) || defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) || defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040) || (defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32) && (defined STM32L1xx)) memcpy_P(serial,info.Serial,4); uint8_t* s = serial+4; for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { uint8_t d = device_id[i]; *s++ = AskSinBase::toChar(d >> 4); *s++ = AskSinBase::toChar(d & 0x0f); } #else for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { serial[i] = (boot_signature_byte_get(i + 14) % 26) + 65; // Char A-Z } for (uint8_t i = 3; i < 10; i++) { serial[i] = (boot_signature_byte_get(i + 14) % 10) + 48; // Char 0-9 } #endif #else memcpy_P(serial,info.Serial,10); #endif } bool isDeviceSerial (const uint8_t* serial) { uint8_t tmp[10]; getDeviceSerial(tmp); return memcmp(serial,tmp,10) == 0; } bool isDeviceID(const HMID& id) { HMID me; getDeviceID(me); return id == me; } void getDeviceModel (uint8_t* model) { #ifdef USE_OTA_BOOTLOADER HalType::pgm_read(model,OTA_MODEL_START,2); #else memcpy_P(model,info.DeviceModel,sizeof(info.DeviceModel)); #endif } void getDeviceInfo (uint8_t* di) { // first byte is number of channels #ifdef DEVICE_CHANNEL_COUNT *di = DEVICE_CHANNEL_COUNT; #else *di = this->channels(); #endif memcpy_P(di+1,info.DeviceInfo,sizeof(info.DeviceInfo)); } HMID getMasterID () { return list0.masterid(); } const List0Type& getList0 () { return list0; } bool pollRadio () { uint8_t num = radio().read(msg); // minimal msg is 10 byte // ignore own messages from radio if( num >= 10 && isDeviceID(msg.from()) == false ) { return process(msg); } return false; } uint8_t nextcount () { return ++msgcount; } virtual void configChanged () {} virtual bool process(__attribute__((unused)) Message& msg) { return false; } bool isBroadcastMsg(Message msg) { return (msg.to() == HMID::broadcast && msg.isPairSerial()) || ( msg.isBroadcast() && (msg.isRemoteEvent() || msg.isSensorEvent()) ); } bool send(Message& msg,const HMID& to) { msg.to(to); getDeviceID(msg.from()); msg.setRpten(); // has to be set always return send(msg); } bool send(Message& msg) { hal->prepareSend(msg); bool result = false; uint8_t maxsend = list0.transmitDevTryMax(); bool ledmode = list0.ledMode(); if( ledmode == 1 ) { led().set(LedStates::send); } while( result == false && maxsend > 0 ) { result = radio().write(msg,msg.burstRequired()); DPRINT(F("<- ")); msg.dump(); maxsend--; if( result == true && msg.ackRequired() == true && msg.to().valid() == true ) { Message response; if( (result=waitResponse(msg,response,60)) ) { // 600ms #ifdef USE_AES if( response.isChallengeAes() == true ) { AesChallengeMsg& cm = response.aesChallenge(); result = processChallenge(msg,cm.challenge(),cm.keyindex()); } else #endif { result = response.isAck(); // if we got a Nack - we stop trying to send again if( response.isNack() ) { maxsend = 0; } // we request wakeup // we got the flag to stay awake if( msg.isWakeMeUp() || response.isKeepAwake() ) { activity().stayAwake(millis2ticks(500)); } } } DPRINT(F("waitAck: ")); DHEX((uint8_t)result); DPRINTLN(F("")); } } if( ledmode == 1 ) { led().set( result == true ? LedStates::ack : LedStates::nack); } return result; } void sendAck (Message& msg,uint8_t flag=0x00) { msg.ack().init(flag); kstore.addAuth(msg); send(msg,msg.from()); } void sendAck2 (Message& msg,uint8_t flag=0x00) { msg.ack2().init(flag); kstore.addAuth(msg); send(msg,msg.from()); } void sendNack (Message& msg) { msg.nack().init(); send(msg,msg.from()); } template void sendAck (Message& msg,ChannelType& ch) { msg.ackStatus().init(ch,radio().rssi()); ch.patchStatus(msg); kstore.addAuth(msg); send(msg,msg.from()); ch.changed(false); } void sendDeviceInfo () { sendDeviceInfo(getMasterID(),nextcount()); } void sendDeviceInfo (const HMID& to,uint8_t count) { DeviceInfoMsg& pm = msg.deviceInfo(); pm.init(to,count); pm.fill(pgm_read_byte(&info.Firmware),pgm_read_byte(&info.DeviceType)); getDeviceModel(pm.model()); getDeviceSerial(pm.serial()); getDeviceInfo(pm.info()); send(msg,to); } void sendSerialInfo (const HMID& to,uint8_t count) { SerialInfoMsg& pm = msg.serialInfo(); pm.init(to,count); getDeviceSerial(pm.serial()); send(msg,to); } template void sendInfoActuatorStatus (const HMID& to,uint8_t count,ChannelType& ch,bool ack=true) { InfoActuatorStatusMsg& pm = msg.infoActuatorStatus(); pm.init(count,ch,radio().rssi()); if( ack == false ) { pm.clearAck(); } ch.patchStatus(msg); send(msg,to); ch.changed(false); } void sendInfoParamResponsePairs(HMID to,uint8_t count,const GenericList& list) { InfoParamResponsePairsMsg& pm = msg.infoParamResponsePairs(); // setup message for maximal size pm.init(count); uint8_t current=0; uint8_t* buf=pm.data(); for( int i=0; i void sendInfoPeerList (HMID to,uint8_t count,const ChannelType& channel) { InfoPeerListMsg& pm = msg.infoPeerList(); // setup message for maximal size pm.init(count); uint8_t current=0; uint8_t* buf=pm.data(); for( uint8_t i=0; isendPeer(); } template void sendPeerEvent (Message& msg,const ChannelType& ch,bool forceMessageToMaster=false) { bool sendtopeer=false; for( int i=0; iprocess(msg); msg.setAck(); } else { this->process(msg); } } else { // check if burst needed for peer typename ChannelType::List4 l4 = ch.getList4(p); msg.burstRequired( l4.burst() ); send(msg,p); sendtopeer = true; } } } // if we have no peer - send to master/broadcast if( sendtopeer == false || forceMessageToMaster == true ) { send(msg,getMasterID()); } // signal that we have sent to peer hal->sendPeer(); } template void broadcastPeerEvent (Message& msg,const ChannelType& ch) { getDeviceID(msg.from()); msg.clearAck(); // check if we are peered to ourself if( ch.peerfor(msg.from()) < ch.peers() ) { msg.to(msg.from()); // simply process this->process(msg); } HMID todev; bool burst=false; // go over all peers, get first external device // check if one of the peers needs a burst to wakeup for( uint8_t i=0; isendPeer(); } template void broadcastEvent (Message& msg,const ChannelType& ch) { broadcastEvent(msg); } void broadcastEvent (Message& msg) { msg.clearAck(); msg.burstRequired(false); msg.setBroadcast(); send(msg,HMID::broadcast); hal->sendPeer(); } void writeList (const GenericList& list,const uint8_t* data,uint8_t length) { for( uint8_t i=0; i 0 ); return false; } */ bool waitResponse(const Message& msg,Message& response,uint8_t timeout) { do { uint8_t num = radio().read(response); if( num > 0 ) { DPRINT(F("-> ")); response.dump(); if( msg.count() == response.count() && msg.to() == response.from() ) { return true; } } _delay_ms(10); // wait 10ms timeout--; } while( timeout > 0 ); return false; } #ifdef USE_AES void sendAckAes (Message& msg,const uint8_t* data) { msg.ackAes().init(data); send(msg,msg.from()); } bool requestSignature(const Message& msg) { // no signature for internal message processing needed if( isDeviceID(msg.from()) == true ) { return true; } // signing only possible if sender requests ACK if( msg.ackRequired() == true ) { AesChallengeMsg signmsg; aes128_ctx_t ctx; signmsg.init(msg,kstore.getIndex()); kstore.challengeKey(signmsg.challenge(),kstore.getIndex(),ctx); // TODO re-send message handling DPRINT(F("<- ")); signmsg.dump(); radio().write(signmsg,signmsg.burstRequired()); // read answer if( waitForAesResponse(msg.from(),signmsg,60) == true ) { AesResponseMsg& response = signmsg.aesResponse(); uint8_t initvector[16]; // DPRINT("AES ");DHEX(response.data(),16); // fill initial vector with message to sign kstore.fillInitVector(msg,initvector); // DPRINT("IV ");DHEX(iv,16); // decrypt response uint8_t* data = response.data(); aes128_dec(data,&ctx); // xor encrypted data with initial vector kstore.applyVector(data,initvector); // store data for sending ack kstore.storeAuth(response.count(),data); // decrypt response aes128_dec(data,&ctx); // DPRINT("r "); DHEX(response.data()+6,10); // DPRINT("s "); DHEX(msg.buffer(),10); // compare decrypted message with original message if( memcmp(data+6,msg.buffer(),10) == 0 ) { DPRINTLN(F("Signature OK")); return true; } else { DPRINTLN(F("Signature FAILED")); } } else { DPRINTLN(F("waitForAesResponse failed")); } } return false; } bool processChallenge(const Message& msg,const uint8_t* challenge,uint8_t keyidx) { aes128_ctx_t ctx; if( kstore.challengeKey(challenge,keyidx,ctx) == true ) { DPRINT(F("Process Challenge - Key: "));DHEXLN(keyidx); AesResponseMsg answer; answer.init(msg); uint8_t* data = answer.data(); { uint8_t initvector[16]; // fill initial vector with message to sign kstore.fillInitVector(msg,initvector); for( uint8_t i=0; i<6; ++i ) { data[i] = (uint8_t)rand(); } memcpy(data+6,msg.buffer(),10); // TODO - check message to short possible aes128_enc(data,&ctx); kstore.applyVector(data,initvector); aes128_enc(data,&ctx); } return send(answer,msg.to()); } return false; } bool waitForAesResponse(const HMID& from,Message& answer,uint8_t timeout) { do { uint8_t num = radio().read(answer); if( num > 0 ) { DPRINT(F("-> ")); answer.dump(); if( answer.isResponseAes() && from == answer.from() ) { return true; } } _delay_ms(10); // wait 10ms timeout--; } while( timeout > 0 ); return false; } #endif }; } #endif