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272 lines (202 loc) · 13.2 KB

File metadata and controls

272 lines (202 loc) · 13.2 KB

about and geo/block.{???} files

Setting up a multi-block simulation involves two input files:

  1., which sets up the governing parameters that are common to all blocks, global parameters.
  2. block.???, files located in the geo/ folder, which set up block-specific parameters.

Let us start with block-independent parameters in Consider the following input file as example:

 .95 1.0e5                   ! cfl, dtmin
 1. 1. 100.                  ! uref, lref, rey
 100    100. 0.1             ! nstep,time_max,tw_max
 T F F                       ! stop_type(1:3)
 F T                         ! restart,is_overwrite_save
 10 10 20 5000 10000 2000    ! icheck, iout0d, iout1d, iout2d, iout3d, isave
 0. 0. 0.                    ! bforce(1:3)
 4                           ! nthreadsmax

.95 1.0e5                ! cfl, dtmin

This line controls the simulation time step.

The time step is set to be equal to min(cfl*dtmax,dtmin), i.e. the minimum value between dtmin and cfl times the maximum allowable time step dtmax (computed every ickeck time steps; see below). dtmin is therefore used when a constant time step, smaller than cfl*dtmax, is required. If not, it should be set to a high value so that the time step is dynamically adjusted to cfl*dtmax.

1. 1. 100.              ! uref, lref, rey

This line defines the flow governing parameters.

uref, lref and rey are a reference velocity scale, length scale, and Reynolds number defining the problem. The fluid kinematic viscosity is computed form these quantities.

100000 100. 0.1          ! nstep, time_max, tw_max
T F F                    ! stop_type(1:3)
F T                      ! restart,is_overwrite_save

These lines set the simulation termination criteria and whether the simulation should be restarted from a checkpoint file.

nstep is the total number of time steps.

time_max is the maximum physical time.

tw_max is the maximum total simulation wall-clock time.

stop_type sets which criteria for terminating the simulation are to be used (more than one can be selected, and at least one of them must be T)

  • stop_type(1), if true (T), the simulation will terminate after nstep time steps have been simulated;
  • stop_type(2), if true (T), the simulation will terminate after time_max physical time units have been reached;
  • stop_type(3), if true (T), the simulation will terminate after tw_max simulation wall-clock time (in hours) has been reached;

a checkpoint file fld.bin will be saved before the simulation is terminated.

restart, if true, restarts the simulation from a previously saved checkpoint file, named fld.bin.

is_overwrite_save, if true, overwrites the checkpoint file fld.bin at every save; if false, a symbolic link is created which makes fld.bin point to the last checkpoint file with name fld_???????.bin. In the latter case, to restart a run from a different checkpoint one just has to point the file fld.bin to the right file, e.g.: ln -sf fld_0000100.bin fld.bin.

nsaves_max limits the number of saved checkpoint files, if is_over_write_save is false; a value of 0 or any negative integer corresponds to no limit, and the code uses the file format described above; otherwise, only nsaves_max checkpoint files are saved, with the oldest save being overwritten when the number of saved checkpoints exceeds this threshold; in this case, files with a format fld_????.bin are saved (with ???? denoting the saved file number), with fld.bin pointing to the last checkpoint file as described above; moreover, a file log_saves.out records information about the time step number and physical time corresponding to each saved file number.

10 10 20 5000 10000 2000 ! icheck, iout0d, iout1d, iout2d, iout3d, isave

These lines set the frequency of time step checking and output:

  • every icheck time steps the new time step size is computed according to the new stability criterion and cfl (above);
  • every iout0d time steps history files with global scalar variables are appended; currently the forcing pressure gradient and time step history are reported;
  • every iout1d time steps 1d profiles are written (e.g. velocity and its moments) to a file;
  • every iout2d time steps 2d slices of a 3d scalar field are written to a file;
  • every iout3d time steps 3d scalar fields are written to a file;
  • every isave time steps a checkpoint file is written (fld_???????.bin), and a symbolic link for the restart file, fld.bin, will point to this last save so that, by default, the last saved checkpoint file is used to restart the simulation.

1d, 2d and 3d outputs can be tweaked modifying files out?d.h90, and re-compiling the source. See also output.f90 for more details.

0. 0. 0.                 ! bforce(1:3)

bforce, is a constant body force density term in the direction in question (e.g. the negative of a constant pressure gradient) that can be added to the right-hand side of the momentum equation. The three values correspond to three domain directions. NOTE: in a pressure-driven wall-bounded flow, only one type of flow forcing should be selected (bulk velocity or pressure gradient). If the streamwise bulk velocity is forced (by setting the is_forced parameter below T), bforce should be zero, and vice-versa.

4                        ! nthreadsmax

These lines set the grid of computational subdomains and maximum number of threads.

nthreadsmax is the maximum number OpenMP threads.

The geometry, boundary and initial conditions, domain decompositions is set in a series of block files located in the geo/ folder. Listed below for the case of a L channel:


1 1 1                    ! dims(1:3)
32 32 64                 ! ng(1:3)
0. 0. 0.                 ! lmin(1:3)
.5 .5 1.                 ! lmax(1:3)
0 0 0                    ! gt(1:3)
0. 0. 0.                 ! gr(1:3)
D D  D F  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,1) [u BC type]
D D  D F  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,2) [v BC type]
D D  D F  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,3) [w BC type]
N N  N F  N N            ! cbcpre(0:1,1:3  ) [p BC type]
0. 0.  0. 2.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,1) [u BC value]
0. 0.  1. 2.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,2) [v BC value]
0. 0.  0. 2.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,3) [w BC value]
0. 0.  0. 2.  0. 0.      !  bcpre(0:1,1:3  ) [p BC value]
0 0  0 0  0 0            !  is_inflow(0:1,1:3)
zer                      ! inivel
1                        ! id


1 1 1                    ! dims(1:3)
32 32 64                 ! ng(1:3)
0. .5 0.                 ! lmin(1:3)
.5 1. 1.                 ! lmax(1:3)
0 0 0                    ! gt(1:3)
0. 0. 0.                 ! gr(1:3)
D F  F D  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,1) [u BC type]
D F  F D  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,2) [v BC type]
D F  F D  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,3) [w BC type]
N F  F N  N N            ! cbcpre(0:1,1:3  ) [p BC type]
0. 3.  1. 0.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,1) [u BC value]
0. 3.  1. 0.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,2) [v BC value]
0. 3.  1. 0.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,3) [w BC value]
0. 3.  1. 0.  0. 0.      !  bcpre(0:1,1:3  ) [p BC value]
0 0  0 0  0 0            !  is_inflow(0:1,1:3)
zer                      ! inivel
2                        ! id


2 1 1                    ! dims(1:3)
96 32 64                 ! ng(1:3)
.5 .5 0.                 ! lmin(1:3)
2.0 1. 1.                ! lmax(1:3)
0 0 0                    ! gt(1:3)
0. 0. 0.                 ! gr(1:3)
F N  D D  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,1) [u BC type]
F N  D D  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,2) [v BC type]
F N  D D  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,3) [w BC type]
F D  N N  N N            ! cbcpre(0:1,1:3  ) [p BC type]
2. 0.  0. 0.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,1) [u BC value]
2. 0.  0. 0.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,2) [v BC value]
2. 0.  0. 0.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,3) [w BC value]
2. 0.  0. 0.  0. 0.      !  bcpre(0:1,1:3  ) [p BC value]
0 0  0 0  0 0            !  is_inflow(0:1,1:3)
zer                      ! inivel
3                        ! id

1 1 1                    ! dims(1:3)
32 32 64                 ! ng(1:3)
0. 0. 0.                 ! lmin(1:3)
.5 .5 1.                 ! lmax(1:3)
0 0 0                    ! gt(1:3)
0. 0. 0.                 ! gr(1:3)

These lines set the domain decomposition and computational grid for each block.

dims is the number of computational subdomains in each direction.

ng(1:3) is the number of grid points along each direction of the block in question.

lmin(1:3) and lmax(1:3) are the physical coordinates of the lower and upper corners of the block in question.

gt sets the type of grid stretching in each direction for this block; it can take three values:

  • 0 grid cells clustered in both ends of the domain (default for any value different than 1 and 2)
  • 1 grid cells clustered in the middle of the domain
  • 2 grid cells clustered in the upper end of the domain

gr is the grid stretching parameter that tweaks the non-uniform grid in the third direction; zero gr implies a uniform grid. See initgrid.f90 for more details.

D D  D F  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,1) [u BC type]
D D  D F  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,2) [v BC type]
D D  D F  D D            ! cbcvel(0:1,1:3,3) [w BC type]
N N  N F  N N            ! cbcpre(0:1,1:3  ) [p BC type]
0. 0.  0. 2.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,1) [u BC value]
0. 0.  1. 2.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,2) [v BC value]
0. 0.  0. 2.  0. 0.      !  bcvel(0:1,1:3,3) [w BC value]
0. 0.  0. 2.  0. 0.      !  bcpre(0:1,1:3  ) [p BC value]

These lines set the boundary conditions (BC) for the block in question.

The type (BC) for each field variable is set by a row of six characters, X0 X1 Y0 Y1 Z0 Z1 where,

  • X0 X1 set the type of BC the field variable for the lower and upper boundaries in x;
  • Y0 Y1 set the type of BC the field variable for the lower and upper boundaries in y;
  • Z0 Z1 set the type of BC the field variable for the lower and upper boundaries in z.

The four rows correspond to the three velocity components, and pressure, i.e. u, v, w, and p.

The following options are available:

  • F connectivity BC (friend of another block);
  • D Dirichlet;
  • N Neumann.

The last four rows follow the same logic, but now for the BC values. For a F BC, the BC value corresponds to the friend block this block is connected to, in the direction in question. A periodicity boundary condition is naturally set if the blocks are cyclically connected with F boundary conditions.

0 0  0 0  0 0            !  is_inflow(0:1,1:3)

These lines set an inflow boundary condition for the block in question. Right now, if is_inflow > 0 and a Dirichlet BC for the velocity is employed in that direction, a Poiseuille-type inflow of the kind vel(x1,x2) = velref*(vel1(x1)**p1)*(vel2(x2)**p2), where vel1 and vel2 are Poiseuille profiles with unit mean, velref the Dirichlet BC set for the velocity above, and the exponent p1 (p2) is set to 0 if the direction of coordinate x1 (x2) is periodic, and 1 otherwise. Finally, is_inflow <= 0 and a Dirichlet BC for the velocity is employed in that direction, SNaC will simply prescribe that BC, i.e. enforce a constant inflow velocity.

zer                      ! inivel

This line sets the initial velocity field for the block in question.

initvel chooses the initial velocity field. The following options are available:

  • zer: zero velocity field
  • uni: uniform velocity field equal to uref ; streamwise direction in x
  • cou: plane Couette flow profile with symmetric wall velocities equal to uref/2; streamwise direction in x
  • poi: plane Poiseuille flow profile with mean velocity uref ; streamwise direction in x
  • log: logarithmic profile with mean velocity uref ; streamwise direction in x
  • hcp: half channel with plane Poiseuille profile and mean velocity uref ; streamwise direction in x
  • hcl: half channel with logarithmic profile and mean velocity uref ; streamwise direction in x
  • tgv: Taylor-Green vortex

See initflow.f90 for more details.

1                        ! id

Finally, this line defines the ID of the block. However, the line is currently not used. Instead, the ID of the block is determined from the extension of the block file. For the example shown here, block #1 is recognized as the block defined in file geo/block.001, and ditto for blocks #2 and #3.

A note on the connectivity between blocks

It is required that connected blocks are congruent at the boundary. This requirement holds not only for the definition of the geometry, but also for the domain decomposition and computational grid: neighboring subdomains must share the same boundary, and the computational setup correspond to a regular rectilinear structured grid. Hence, the value of dims, and parameters gr and gt must be set with this in mind. If these conditions are not met, the code will return a runtime error.