/* Additonal configuration for the Bovine TB pipeline, using docker defined in the profile This configuration will be appended to main config: nextflow.config , when use as following: nextflow run btb-docker.nf -c nextflow-docker.config --kraken2db krakendb/minikraken2_v1_8GB -profile docker -resume */ process.scratch = true process.echo = true profiles { standard { singularity { enabled = true } process{ withLabel: btb { container = '/data/images/apha-btb-v0.5.4.img' } errorStrategy = 'ignore' } env { TOOLS_PATH = "/biotools" FASTUNIQ = "$TOOLS_PATH/FastUniq-1.1" TRIM = "$TOOLS_PATH/Trimmomatic-0.38" BWA = "$TOOLS_PATH/bwa-0.7.17" SAMTOOLS = "$TOOLS_PATH/samtools-1.9" BCFTOOLS = "$TOOLS_PATH/bcftools-1.9" BLAST = "$TOOLS_PATH/ncbi-blast-2.9.0+/bin" KRAKEN2 = "$TOOLS_PATH/Kraken2" } } docker { docker { enabled = true } process{ withLabel: btb { container = 'apha-btb:latest' } } env { TOOLS_PATH = "/biotools" FASTUNIQ = "$TOOLS_PATH/FastUniq-1.1" TRIM = "$TOOLS_PATH/Trimmomatic-0.38" BWA = "$TOOLS_PATH/bwa-0.7.17" SAMTOOLS = "$TOOLS_PATH/samtools-1.9" BCFTOOLS = "$TOOLS_PATH/bcftools-1.9" BLAST = "$TOOLS_PATH/ncbi-blast-2.9.0+/bin" KRAKEN2 = "$TOOLS_PATH/Kraken2" } } }