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Chloe Lim chloe608
CS @ Rice University
Nick niclinn

Rice University Houston, Texas

Nomin Ganzorig nemokyu
Rice CS'26

Rice University Houston, TX

Ananya Mondal AnanyaPolymer
Postdoctoral Fellow at Rice University

Rice University Houston, TX, USA.

would be making more projects if the Euros weren't on
Micah Kepe micahkepe
Student at Rice University | Bachelors in Computer Science with a Minor in Data Science 🚀

Rice University Los Angeles, CA ⇄ Houston, TX

Joy Yu joyjyu

Houston, Texas

Keshav Shah Keshav-Shah

Rice University Houston, Texas

Adrián Valdés Díaz sidecontrolpapi
Founder and CEO of @Diaz-Combat-Software. Rising junior at Rice University studying Computer Science and Entrepreneurship. SWE Intern at Oracle

@Diaz-Combat-Software Houston