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Neitza Anniela225
Highschool student,musician and writer.
Mohammed Taha Khamed khamedtaha
Python Developer | Junior Backend Developer with Django & FastAPI


CDOT Samara University cdot-ssau
Центр дистанционных образовательных технологий Самарский университет им. С.П. Королёва
Dang Pham dangphdh
Data Analyst

Hanoi, Vietnam

Vincent delwwwinc
remote-friendly designer and developer digging into resources management and distributed systems, asynchronous agency and adhocracy 🧱 🌐 🌿

@argil-data Spaceship Earth

Momen Qudaih momenqudaih
Front End Web Developer | Passionate about creating user-centric interfaces | React.js | Next.js (specialist) | TypeScript | Node.js | Open to collaborations 🤝


Md shadab Imran ShadabImran07
Computer Science Student
Adeyemi Paul Damilola adepauldami
I am a skilled Flutter developer with expertise in utilizing Dart and Appwrite for robust backend development application solutions.

Abuja, Nigeria

丁工 kingchary

ecovacs suzhou

Santiago Suarez SantiagoSuHe
Product Manager


Junaid Hussnain Junaid-PK
🐱‍🏍Committing to a bug-free existence. Life is short; code hard.🐱‍👤

Self Phalia, Punjab, Pakistan

Qais Rasool byte-pod
yet another Web Dev


Vishal Parkar vishalparkar

Hexatic Pune, Maharashtra

Christian Harley Cooper, CFA FRM HarleyCoops
Trader and risk expert working on langchain, python and AI tools.

New York

BuildUmmah BuildUmmah
Dedicated to identifying market trends, opportunities, and jumpstarting projects.

Build Ummah New York, NY

Pratinha pratadaniel94
👨🏿‍💻 Founder | CEO | Python | API Rest | Devops | Cloud | RPA | OCR | Full Stack

T4G Solutions São Paulo, SP

Khenjy Johnelson khenjyjohnelson
I make clean codes. I'm interested in web development and data science. My love in learning and coding has helped my soft and hard skill to do better.

Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia

yaz ashsteel97
Memento Mori


Sound Spinning SoundSpinning
Consulting Engineer in numerical simulations (FEA, MBD, CFD, etc) trying to learn up to date web & Python coding and open source.

Brighton, UK

Ahmad Asaad iahmadgad
Drinking ☕, coding nothing. xD

Cairo, Egypt - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Max Sokolski cmltaWt0

Raccoon Gang Ukraine, Kharkiv

이준헌 leejoonhun

@qraft-technologies Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jeet Majumdar JeetMajumdar2003
Chemical Engineer by 🧑‍🎓 || Software Engineer By ❤️ Web Dev || DSA || LLM


bragamat bragamat
Open source enthusiast!
Nguyễn Thuận Thành thanhntmany
IT: ERP-Fullstack Developer - Marketing: Account Planer

@astraierscom Vietnam

Mohamed Samir mohamedsamiromar
Software Developer

@techrar-co Cairo, Egypt

Muhammed Ahmed Ismail Muhammed-Ahmed-Ismail
Software Engineer

Alexandira Egypt

zaibe_.x shahzaib512
The Magic You are looking for is in the work that you are avoiding

Upwork Mars