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Aria ariavelasquez
Freelance labor journalist


Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

Lane Goodman LanesGood
UI/UX Designer at @developmentseed.

@developmentseed Washington DC

Alex Rigler alexrigler

@HockeyStack San Francisco

Matthias Stahl higsch
Designer 🟣 developer πŸ”΅ scientist

DER SPIEGEL Hamburg, Germany

Michael AMetznger
Just one day at a time.

TΓΌbingen Germany

Chris Boston bostonc
Software engineer. Science advocate. Rationalist. Podcast junkie. UMich alum.

April NY, NY

Mark Ponce marrkponce
I'm Mark, a web developer passionate about building applications, creating transformative technologies, and fostering community.

Los Angeles, CA

writing heavy, performance-ignorant code

Penn State University

Garrett Sward CozyFrog
UConn CSE '23. I'm passionate about animals, pedestrians, and sustainability.

Winston-Salem, NC

Jason Brown ZeroProtagonist
I've played with computers and I've worked with computers. I'm studying programming to maximize my enjoyment of both of those activities.

Eugene, OR

Kunal Patel kunalp

Jacksonville, FL

Tracy Tran bacitracin
Whooooole lotta JavaScript... ; )
Kate Grumke kgrumke
fledgling data journalist | education reporter at St. Louis Public Radio
wolfi3 usmanakram232
Cloud Native Finance

@ginmon Frankfurt

Cam cam-rodriguez
journalist, cartographer, rom-com nerd; chicago fanatic and midwest defender. data at @bettergov currently, other places in the past

@bettergov Chicago, IL

Nora nogully
data journalism / investigative / data visualization
Esteban estebaneliza
AAA game veteran looking to do more good in the world. Formerly @ Rockstar Games

Narrowsburg, NY

Wendy M otherwmm

CBC/Radio Canada Toronto, ON

Seth Vincent sethvincent

Olympia, WA

Alejandra Arevalo ale22arevalo
Multimedia Journalist and Visual Designer with a passion for interactive storytelling
Max Kohler awesomephant
Ex graphic design student at the Royal College of Art, London

@Peace-Research-Institute-Frankfurt London, United Kingdom

Toby Baratta tobybaratta
PhD Student at UC-Irvine. For fun, I write broadcast graphics for @Level1-TV / @CatalystWorkshop / EndGameTV / GameSetMatch / etc. Futzing with lots.

Bothell, WA

Shelly Cheng shellyscheng
Software Engineer

San Francisco, CA

Deblina Mukherjee deblnia
throwing code into the wind


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Brian Mackey bemackey
I host the public radio program "The 21st Show," which can be heard on seven NPR stations across Illinois.

@willpublicmedia Springfield, Illinois


Jersey City, NJ

Keon Monroe kdmonroe
GIS Developer at @American-Water

Philadelphia, PA

Patrick Kastner kastnerp
Assistant Professor @ GeorgiaTech

Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA