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Pete Warnock pwarnock

Irvine, California, USA

Ayrton WERCK replme63

@michelin Clermont-Ferrand


Agaetis CFE

Thomas Gavaix ThomasGavaix

Michelin Clermont-Ferrand

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Sam Morozov sammorozov
CyberSec / Web3 dev / ex-DS 🇷🇺


Chris McKelt chrismckelt

@chris_mckelt Perth

Lino Mediavilla linomp
Far beyond all light

SEW-Eurodrive Italy

Anthony Dumas AdamasFR
Programmeur de les Internets

Sopra Steria Group Clermont-Ferrand

DevOps at Michelin


Franklin Ferreira de Lima SORRYNEARS
corrente contínua

@michelin Rio de Janeiro

Simon PETIT sipetit
Apache Kafka Developer at Michelin (DOTI/BS/SC - OOM)

Sopra Steria Clermont-Ferrand, France

Dorian HODIN hodindorian
University Bachelor of Technology in Clermont-Ferrand.
Pedro Henrique pedrocorrea2002
Desenvolvedor em processo de aprendizagem

Resende, RJ

Gaspard adrgaspard
Interested in .NET ecosystem

Michelin Clermont-Ferrand, France

Quentin BERTRAND QuentinBtd
Cloud Infrastructure Engineer at @Tyredating

Tyredating Lyon, France

Kyriakos Mandalas kmandalas
I am into Java and Spring :) Have used them a lot, I try to use them better. Lately highly interested in Microservices architectures and their ecosystem.

Cognity S.A. Athens, Greece

康智冬 KangZhiDong
空谈误国,实干兴邦。 生命不息,奋斗不止。 业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。 战场里面出将军,代码改变着商业。 勿在浮沙筑高台。力量与你同在。 实用发明家!

@woshidaniuGroup Made in China

王福强 fujohnwang
A thinker & A solopreneur who keeps writing code and words and creating valuable content.

杭州福强科技有限公司 上海

MyeongGun Kim x1hy9

Homelessness Pyongyang

Evangelos Papakirykou vpapakir

Legal & General London, UK

EvilChen gh0stkey

凌驭空间安全团队 China

Julien BRUNET julienbrunet
Java / Web dev in Clermont-Ferrand, France

@michelin Clermont-Ferrand

David Rodriguez davidsaulrodriguez
Currently the CEO of @enyutech and the CTO of @124ScaleLife... Previously a Software Engineer for @ingrammicro

@enyutech 29654

Badr-Eddine Marani badrmarani
Student at CentraleSupélec.
