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Simone Silvestroni simonesilvestroni
Using a mix of instinct and learning, I juggle between creativity and technology. I work in IT and music production.

Cambridge, UK

Gurden gurdenbatra


Jack jones58

London, UK

Daniel danthedeckie
36 year old husband, daddy, and not terribly good follower of Jesus. Software developer, coach, and general nerd.

@developersociety UK

Alex Worrad-Andrews conatus

Common Knowledge United Kingdom

Joda Stößer SimJoSt
Motivated by weird problems & sleek solutions Working on, learning with and bootstrapping #BuildInPublic

@codersfail Hannover, Germany

Marios Mariosyian
Yeap, that's a giant inflatable flamingo :D!

MarioStore Manchester, UK

nikhil agrawal nikagrawal
Software developer or graphic designer
Iona Meadows ionajosephine
Open source contributor using Ruby on Rails and Javascript. Nice to meet you 😊