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astrochemx astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Mara Lampert marabuuu
Biologist enthusiastic about Bio-image Analysis and Science Communication.

Data Science Center ScaDS.AI, Uni Leipzig Dresden, Germany

Riccardo Massei rmassei
In two weeks, I can automate a task that takes you 30 minutes to complete manually.

UFZ Leipzig, Germany

Iisominea Amos iclassicdesign
Currently a student of bioinformatics at Covenant university

Covenant University Student KM 10 Idiroko Rd, Ota 112104, Ogun State

Marco Dalla Vecchia marcodallavecchia
Image analyst, microscopist and biochemist

ISTA Vienna, Austria

Thomas Phung thomasphung
Aspiring software developer

CDC/OAMD Interwebs

Retno Kusuma Ningrum retnoningrrum

University of Hawaii, Manoa hawaii, USA

Alain Marois amarois
Data librarian and open science trainer

École Normale Supérieure de lyon (ENS de Lyon) Lyon

Marek Chadim marek-chadim

Stockholm School of Economics & IIES Stockholm University Stockholm

Andrew andrewwxy
Crawling w/ Python.        Visualizing with R.         Dreaming of Go.          

Hong Kong

Abdulrahman Dallak Dallak
PhD candidate working on the laryngeal specifications of obstruents in Arabic. Department of Language and Speech Sciences Newcastle University

Lecturer at Jazan University - Saudi Arabia Newcastle upon Tyne

Jawad Khawaja jawkha

A mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam

Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
Ph.D. student at Arizona State University

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Sam Morozov sammorozov
CyberSec / Web3 dev / ex-DS 🇷🇺


Raffaele Repoli raffaelerepoli
Student of Science and Management of Nature - University of Bologna
Anmol Arora AnmolArora15
👨‍💻 ML| Deep Learning |NN| Data Science Enthusiast | 📜 Globally Certified in Data Science & AI. 🔍 Certified Data Analyst 🐍 Python

Freelancer London,UK

Varun Sahdev solitudevedhas
"I know that I know nothing". I am working on to change it .
Elizabeth Brooks ElizabethBrooks
Check out my website:


Eduarda Valério de Jesus eduardavalerio
I'm an undergraduate student at Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo, working with molecular ecology and bioinformatics.

Oceanographic Institute - USP São Paulo

Christian Bermúdez-Rivas ChrisBermudezR
#Biólogo M. Sc. Esp. SIG, 🇨🇴. Interesado en geografía, ecología espacial, biología de la conservación y el estudio de los océanos. #GIS #R #Python #Linux

Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas - Dirección General Marítima Tumaco - Colombia

Pınar ThecoderPinar
Data Scientist | Machine Learning 👾 Code Every Day 👩🏻‍💻

Turkey/ Samsun

Quinn McHugh quinn-p-mchugh

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

DENG Ziqi dengzq1234
I develop tools and snippets for phylogenetic analysis and structural biology

CBGP madrid

Andrzej Romaniuk AndrzejRomaniuk
Workshops cooridnator at EPCC, UoE. Likes old bones, coding and retro stuff

The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh (UK)/Bielawa (Poland)

Stephen "Christian" Kocsis stephenkocsis14
Research technologist at Mayo Clinic, FL in Dr. Fairweather's Cardio-Immunology laboratory. Bioinformatics master's student at Johns Hopkins university.

Mayo Clinic

Marc Guirand Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

RAGHAVENDRA KN Raghavendra0827
🌟 Data wizard passionate about decoding insights and driving innovation through the power of data.