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Sebastian Tamon Hascilowicz Maselko
MEng. Ship Science student using Fortran, some shell and Python for work automation and scientific usage.

University of Southampton United Kingdom

Can Altineller altineller

ACADA Robotics Istanbul

David Cruz Lopez dcruz24
UIUC Engineering Physics

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chicago, IL

Vinod Thale vinodthale
Vinod 乐辉 PhD student, XJTU, school of aerospace, Xian, China.


Yi Zhou ZHOUYI1023
Interested in radar perception.
Mathieu Bouchard BouchardMath
Research engineer with a focus on aircraft performance, alternative propulsion, and design optimization.

@createkaero Montréal, Québec, Canada

Rafael Bailo rafaelbailo
Assistant Professor in Mathematics at TU/e. PDEs, numerical analysis, mathematical modelling.

TU/e – Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Timoteo Dinelli tdinelli
Ph.D. candidate at @CRECKMODELING, visiting PhD at @IhmeGroup.

Politecnico di Milano Palo Alto, CA

Alfredo González-Espinoza spiralizing
Research Data Services @cmu-lib PhD in Science. Open Science, Complex Systems and Data-oriented Research.

co-founder of @loopulos, working at CMU Libraries CMU Libraries

Foad S. Farimani Foadsf

NTS D&E Norma Hengelo Hengelo

Peter Falkingham pfalkingham
Reader in Vertebrate Biology

Liverpool, UK

Pierre Navaro pnavaro
Scientific Software Engineer, Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes, France.

IRMAR, CNRS. Rennes, France.

Damian damian-666
Powered Ragdoll Art Game, Multi-physiks. McGill Phys-> NLP /AI->Autodesk CAD 9 ys->Audio DSP->Quantum Gravity Modeling tooling, AI & comms UI

Los Angeles based, but often as possible near warm seas with surfable waves

Qian Bao houkensjtu
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Gabriel Weymouth weymouth
Marine hydrodynamics & biomimetics, physics-based machine learning

Delft University of Technology Delft, NL

Tzu-Yao Huang TzuYaoHuang

TU Delft Delft, the Netherlands

Bernat Font b-fg
Computational Fluid Dynamics, PhD

TU Delft Delft, Netherlands

Marin Lauber marinlauber
PhD in Next Generation Computational Modelling
