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Eva nikelborm
There is a limit of symbols, so I can't list all the technologies, libraries and instruments I use anymore

@melmedia @DataRubrik

Camille Demers CamilleDemers
École de Bibliothéconomie et des Sciences de l'information (EBSI)

Université de Montréal Montreal

Zihao GAO kinue00
M2 Kanagawa University

Yokohama, JP

Christoph Sander ch-sander
Post-Doc in the History of Science and Digital Humanities

German Historical Institute Rome


United States of America



KGerring KGerring
Code for fun; mostly in Python for about 4 years now. My main interests are static/dynamic analysis tools and refactoring. Most projects are private


Tyler T. Procko PR0CK0
Software engineer turned ontologist turned GAI researcher

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University